Tower CLI is available as a package on PyPI.
The preferred way to install is through pip:
$ pip install ansible-tower-cli
ansible-tower-cli may also be consumed and built directly from
$ git clone
Then, inside tower_cli directory, run
and follow the instructions.
If you are not familiar with ansible-tower-cli’s dependency
tree, we suggested building source in a fresh virtual environment to
prevent any dependency conflict.
This chapter walks you through the general process of setting up
and using Tower CLI. It starts with CLI usage and ends with API usage. For
futher details, please see api_ref and cli_ref.
It is assumed you have a Tower backend available to talk to and
Tower CLI installed. Please see the installation chapter for instructions on
installing Tower CLI.
First of all, make sure you know the name of the Tower backend,
like, as well as the username/password set of a
user in that Tower backend, like user/pass. These are connection
details necessary for Tower CLI to communicate to Tower. With these
prerequisites, run
$ tower-cli config host
$ tower-cli login username
The first Tower CLI command, tower-cli config, writes the
connection information to a configuration file (~/.tower-cli.cfg, by
default), and subsequent commands and API calls will read this file, extract
connection information and interact with Tower. See details of Tower CLI
configuration in api_ref and tower-cli config --help.
The second command, tower-cli login, will prompt you for
your password and will acquire an OAuth2 token (which will also be saved to
a configuration file) with write scope. You can also request read scope for
read-only access:
$ tower-cli login username --scope read
Older versions of Tower (prior to 3.3) do not support
OAuth2 token authentication, and instead utilize per-request basic HTTP
$ tower-cli config host
$ tower-cli config username user
$ tower-cli config username pass
Next, use Tower CLI to actually control your Tower backend. The
CRUD operations against almost every Tower resource can be done using Tower
CLI. Suppose we want to see the available job templates to choose for
$ tower-cli job_template list
A command-line-formatted table would show up, giving general
summary of (maybe part of) the available job templates. Note the actual
HTTP(S) response is in JSON format, you can choose to see the JSON response
itself instead using --format flag.
$ tower-cli job_template list --format json
Other than normal resource CRUD operations, Tower CLI can be used
to launch and monitor executable resources like job templates and projects.
Suppose we have had the ID of the job template we want to execute from the
previous list call, we can launch the job template by:
$ tower-cli job launch -J <ID of the job template> --monitor
This command will POST to Tower backend to launch the job template
to be executed, and monitor the triggered job run by dumping job stdout in
real-time, just as what Tower UI does.
The best CLI help you can get is from --help option. Each
Tower CLI command is guaranteed to have a --help option instructing
the command hierarchy and detailed usage like command format the meaning of
each available command option. Use --help whenever you have questions
about a Tower CLI command.
Under the hood, Tower CLI is composed of an API engine and a
wrapper layer around it to make it a CLI. Using API of Tower CLI gives you
finer-grained control and makes it easy to integrate Tower CLI into your
python scripts.
The usage of Tower CLI’s API is two-phased: get resource
and call its API. First you get the type of resource you want to interact
import tower_cli
res = tower_cli.get_resource('job_template')
Due to legacy reasons, we use a non-traditional way of importing
resource class, tower_cli.get_resource. Alternatively, you can use
the old way by using import alias:
from tower_cli.resources.job_template import Resource as JobTemplate
res = JobTemplate()
Then, interaction with Tower would be as easy as straight-forward
resource public method calls, like
jt_list = res.list()
tower_cli.get_resource('job').launch(job_template=1, monitor=True)
More API usage can be found in API reference.
CLI invocation generally follows this format:
$ tower-cli {resource} {action} ...
The “resource” is a type of object within Tower (a
noun), such as user, organization, job_template, etc.;
resource names are always singular in Tower CLI (so it is tower-cli
user, never tower-cli users).
The “action” is the thing you want to do (a verb).
Most Tower CLI resources have the following actions–get,
list, create, modify, and delete–and have
options corresponding to fields on the object in Tower.
Some examples:
# List all users.
$ tower-cli user list
# List all non-superusers
$ tower-cli user list --is-superuser=false
# Get the user with the ID of 42.
$ tower-cli user get 42
# Get the user with the given username.
$ tower-cli user get --username=guido
# Create a new user.
$ tower-cli user create --username=guido --first-name=Guido \
--last-name="Van Rossum" \
# Modify an existing user.
# This would modify the first name of the user with the ID of "42" to "Guido".
$ tower-cli user modify 42 --first-name=Guido
# Modify an existing user, lookup by username.
# This would use "username" as the lookup, and modify the first name.
# Which fields are used as lookups vary by resource, but are generally
# the resource's name.
$ tower-cli user modify --username=guido --first-name=Guido
# Delete a user.
$ tower-cli user delete 42
# List all jobs
$ tower-cli job list
# List specific page of job list
$ tower-cli job list --page=1
# Launch a job.
$ tower-cli job launch --job-template=144
# Monitor a job.
$ tower-cli job monitor 95
# Filter job list for currently running jobs
$ tower-cli job list --status=running
# Export all objects
$ tower-cli receive --all
# Export all credentials
$ tower-cli receive --credential all
# Export a credential named "My Credential"
$ tower-cli receive --credential "My Credential"
# Import from a JSON file named assets.json
$ tower-cli send assets.json
# Import anything except an organization defined in a JSON file named assets.json
$ tower-cli send --prevent organization assets.json
# Copy all assets from one instance to another
$ tower-cli receive --tower-host --all | tower-cli send --tower-host
When in doubt, help is available!
$ tower-cli --help # help
$ tower-cli user --help # resource specific help
$ tower-cli user create --help # command specific help
In specific, tower-cli --help lists all available resources
in the current version of Tower CLI:
$ tower-cli --help
Usage: tower-cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--version Display tower-cli version.
--help Show this message and exit.
ad_hoc Launch commands based on playbook given at...
config Read or write tower-cli configuration.
credential Manage credentials within Ansible Tower.
credential_type Manage credential types within Ansible Tower.
empty Empties assets from Tower.
group Manage groups belonging to an inventory.
host Manage hosts belonging to a group within an...
instance Check instances within Ansible Tower.
instance_group Check instance groups within Ansible Tower.
inventory Manage inventory within Ansible Tower.
inventory_script Manage inventory scripts within Ansible...
inventory_source Manage inventory sources within Ansible...
job Launch or monitor jobs.
job_template Manage job templates.
label Manage labels within Ansible Tower.
node Manage nodes inside of a workflow job...
notification_template Manage notification templates within Ansible...
organization Manage organizations within Ansible Tower.
project Manage projects within Ansible Tower.
receive Export assets from Tower.
role Add and remove users/teams from roles.
schedule Manage schedules within Ansible Tower.
send Import assets into Tower.
setting Manage settings within Ansible Tower.
team Manage teams within Ansible Tower.
user Manage users within Ansible Tower.
version Display version information.
workflow Manage workflow job templates.
workflow_job Launch or monitor workflow jobs.
and tower-cli {resource} --help lists all available
$ tower-cli user --help
Usage: tower-cli user [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Manage users within Ansible Tower.
--help Show this message and exit.
copy Copy a user.
create Create a user.
delete Remove the given user.
get Return one and exactly one user.
list Return a list of users.
modify Modify an already existing user.
and tower-cli {resource} {action} --help shows details of
the usage of this action:
$ tower-cli user create --help
Usage: tower-cli user create [OPTIONS]
Create a user.
Fields in the resource's --identity tuple are used for a lookup; if a
match is found, then no-op (unless --force-on-exists is set) but do not
fail (unless --fail-on-found is set).
Field Options:
--username TEXT [REQUIRED] The username field.
--password TEXT The password field.
--email TEXT [REQUIRED] The email field.
--first-name TEXT The first_name field.
--last-name TEXT The last_name field.
--is-superuser BOOLEAN The is_superuser field.
--is-system-auditor BOOLEAN The is_system_auditor field.
Local Options:
--fail-on-found If used, return an error if a matching record already
exists. [default: False]
--force-on-exists If used, if a match is found on unique fields, other
fields will be updated to the provided values. If False,
a match causes the request to be a no-op. [default:
Global Options:
--certificate TEXT Path to a custom certificate file that will
be used throughout the command. Overwritten
by --insecure flag if set.
--insecure Turn off insecure connection warnings. Set
config verify_ssl to make this permanent.
--description-on Show description in human-formatted output.
-v, --verbose Show information about requests being made.
-f, --format [human|json|yaml|id]
Output format. The "human" format is
intended for humans reading output on the
CLI; the "json" and "yaml" formats provide
more data, and "id" echos the object id
-p, --tower-password TEXT Password to use to authenticate to Ansible
Tower. This will take precedence over a
password provided to `tower config`, if any.
-u, --tower-username TEXT Username to use to authenticate to Ansible
Tower. This will take precedence over a
username provided to `tower config`, if any.
-h, --tower-host TEXT The location of the Ansible Tower host.
HTTPS is assumed as the protocol unless
"http://" is explicitly provided. This will
take precedence over a host provided to
`tower config`, if any.
--use-token Turn on Tower's token-based authentication.
No longer supported in Tower 3.3 and above
Other Options:
--help Show this message and exit.
There are generally 3 categories of options for each action to
take: field options, local options and global options. Field options can be
seen as wrappers around actual resource fields exposed by Tower REST API.
They are generally used to create and modify resources and filter when
searching for specific resources; local options are action-specific options,
they provide fine-grained modification of the behavior of a resource action.
for example, --fail-on-found option of a create action will
fail the command if a matching record already exists in Tower backend;
global options are used to set runtime configuration settings, functioning
the same way as context manager
tower_cli.conf.Settings.runtime_values in api-ref-conf.
Key |
Value Type/Default |
Description |
col or |
Boolean/’true’ |
Whether to use colored output for
highlighting or not. |
for mat |
String with options
(‘human’, ‘json’,
‘yaml’)/’human’ |
Output format. The
“human” format is intended for humans reading output on the
CLI; the “json” and “yaml” formats provide
more data. |
hos t |
‘ |
The location of the Ansible Tower
host. HTTPS is assumed as the protocol unless
“http://” is explicitly provided. |
`` pas sword `` |
String/’‘ |
Password to use to authenticate to
Ansible Tower. |
`` use rname `` |
String/’‘ |
Username to use to authenticate to
Ansible Tower. |
ver ify_s sl |
Boolean/’true’ |
Whether to force verified SSL
connections. |
`` ver bose` ` |
Boolean/’false’ |
Whether to show information about
requests being made. |
des cript ion_o n |
Boolean/’false’ |
Whether to show description in
human-formatted output. |
cer tific ate |
String/’‘ |
Path to a custom certificate file
that will be used throughout the command. Ignored if --insecure
flag if set in command or verify_ssl is set to false |
use _toke n |
Boolean/’false’ |
Whether to use token-based
authentication. |
All of the above options can also be set using environment
variables. The default behavior is to allow environment variables to
override your tower-cli.cfg settings, but they will not override config
values that are passed in on the command line at runtime. Below is a table
of the available environment variables.
Environment Variable |
Tower Config Key |
color |
format |
host |
password |
username |
verify_ssl |
verbose |
description_on |
certificate |
use_token |
- •
- Under the hood we use the SSL functionality of requests, however the
current requests version has checkings on a deprecated SSL certificate
field commonName (deprecated by RFC 2818). In order to prevent any
related usage issues, please make sure to add subjectAltName field
to your own certificate in use. We will update help docs as soon as
changes are made on the requests side.
Tower-CLI is a command-line interface and python library to
interact with Ansible Tower and AWX. Only versions of tower-cli can
successfully interact with only a certain subset of versions of Ansible
Tower or AWX, and this document is meant to outline the policy.
Ansible Tower and AWX communicate with clients through a
particular API version, so that each version forms a stable API for Ansible
Tower. Each version of tower-cli also has a corresponding API version.
The following table summarizes the policy of supported
tower-cli |
API version |
Tower version |
3.1.x |
v1 |
3.2.x and earlier |
current |
v2 |
3.2.x and later |
This means that the release series 3.1.x is still open for fixes
in order to support communication with the v1 API and all Tower versions
that support that. Many elements of functionality are removed in the
transition to v2, so they are no longer carried with the current tower-cli
Compatibility between tower-cli and the AWX project is only
considered for the most recent development version of tower-cli and most
recent version of AWX.
If you upgrade tower-cli across an API version change, existing
scripts will be broken.
This section highlights the most major backward-incompatible
changes that need to be taken into account in order to migrate your
In API v2, credentials have a new related model
“credential_type”. This enables custom credential types, and
that old types now need to reference the build-in credential types instead
of the old flat-text kind field.
Additionally, to allow fully arbitrary credential types, the
fields used by the credential in creating the necessary runtime environment
are now nested inside of a dictionary called inputs.
$ tower-cli credential create --name="AWS creds" --team=Ops --kind=aws --username=your_username --password=password
$ tower-cli credential create --name="AWS creds" --team=Ops --credential-type="Amazon Web Services" --inputs='{"username": "your_username", "password": "password"}'
When attaching credentials to job templates, the related link
structure has changed.
- API v1 options:
- –machine-credential
- –cloud-credential
- –network-credential
- API v2
- –credential
- –vault-credential
- Related many-to-many extra_credentials
In order to add “extra” credentials (what used to be
cloud credential), use the association method, tower-cli job_template
associate_credential ….
In API v2, only “manual” groups can be created
directly. The parameters that used to be provided to a group to sync to a
cloud source now must be directly given to its inventory source.
$ tower-cli group create --name=EC2 --credential="AWS creds" --source=ec2 --description="EC2 hosts" --inventory=Production
$ tower-cli inventory_source create --name=EC2 --credential="AWS creds" --source=ec2 --description="EC2 hosts" --inventory=Production
To run an inventory update, use the tower-cli inventory_source
update command.
In order to use different versions of tower-cli simultaneously in
order to interact with different servers hosting different API versions, you
can use this tool packaged in the source code.
For example:
This will install a new CLI entry point, tower-cli-v1,
which will behave the same as tower-cli. However, this installation
will persist even after upgrading the main program. This also provides the
python package tower_cli_v1.
Important note: the configuration file is also separate from the
secondary install, so you must re-enter your URL and credentials.
If you want to be sure that you re-install
tower-cli-v1, you can do:
The v1 install is only possible with the v1 branch in the
source tree. The master branch currently tracks API v2, and the prior
instructions will work for a v2 secondary install, replacing v1 with v2.
Introduction - What Notification Templates Are
Starting with Ansible Tower 3.0, users can create and associate
notification templates to job templates. Whenever a job template undergoes a
successful/unsuccessful job run, all its related notification templates will
send out notifications to corresponding notification receiver, indicating
the status of job run.
To see the commands available for notification templates, see
tower-cli notification_template --help. Within a specific command,
get the help text with tower-cli notification_template <command>
Notification templates suppport all typical CRUD operations that
control other resources through tower-cli: get, list,
create, modify and delete. On the other hand, uses can
use new command tower-cli job_template associate_notification and
tower-cli job_tempate disassociate_notification to (dis)associate an
existing notification to/from a job template.
Basic Operations
CRUD operations on notification templates are basically the same
as that of typicall existing resources, e.g. inventory. There are,
however, some points due to the nature of notification templates that needs
to be careful with:
- There are two options in create, --job-template and
--status, which controls the create mode: providing these options
will create a new notification template and associate it with the
specified job template. Notification templates will be created isolatedly
if these options are not provided. You can find more information in
Tower’s official documentation.
- When looking at the help text of certain notification template commands,
note a large portion of the available options are prefixed by a label like
[slack]. These are special configuration-related options which are
composing elements of a notification template’s destination
configuration. You can find more information about those options in
Tower’s official documentations. These options plus
--notification-configuration option form configuration-related
- Configuration-related options are not functioning options in
get, list and delete, meaning they will be ignored
under these commands even provided.
- The label prefixing configuration-related options indicate the type of
notification destination this option is used for. When creating a new
notification template with certain destination type (controlled by
--notification-type option), all non-default related
configuration-related options must be provided.
- When modifying an existing notification template, not every
configuration-related option has to be provided(but encryped fields must,
even you are not changing it!). But if this modification modifies
destination type, all non-default related configuration-related
options must be provided.
- --notification-configuration option provides a json file specifying
the configuration details. All other configuration-related options will be
ignored if `–notification-configuration`` is provided.
Detailed Example
# Create a notification template in isolation.
tower-cli notification_template create --name foo --description bar --notification-type slack --channels a --channels b --token hey --organization Default
# Create a notification template under an existing job template.
tower-cli notification_template create --name foo --description bar --notification-type slack --channels a --channels b --token hey --job-template 5 --organization Default
# Get exactly one notification template.
tower-cli notification_template get --name foo
# Get a list of notification templates under certain criteria.
tower-cli notification_template list --notification-type irc
# Modify an existing notification.
tower-cli notification_template modify --description foo --token hi 17
# Delete an existing notification template.
tower-cli notification_template delete --name foo
# Associate a job template with an existing notification template.
tower-cli job_template associate_notification_template --job-template 5 --notification-template 3
# Disassociate a job template with an existing notification template.
tower-cli job_template disassociate_notification_template --job-template 5 --notification-template 3
Introduction - What Roles Are
Starting with Ansible Tower 3.0, roles are the objects used to
manage permissions to various resources within Tower. Each role
- A type of permission like “use”, “update”, or
- A resource that this permission applies to, like an inventory or
This is “Role Based Access Control” or RBAC. Each
role may have several users associated with it, where each of the users
gains the specified type of permission. Teams may also be associated with a
role, in which case all users who are members of the team receive the
specified type of permission.
To see the commands available for roles, see tower-cli
roles. Within a specific command, get the help text with tower-cli
roles list --help.
The arguments for all role commands follow the same pattern,
although not all arguments are mandatory for all commands. The structure
follows the following pattern:
tower-cli role <action> --type <choice> --user/team <name/pk> --resource <name/pk>
Roles do not have the typical CRUD operations that control other
resources through tower-cli. Roles can not be deleted or created on their
own, because they are tied to the resource that they reference. The next
section covers what the possible actions are.
Basic Operations
The primary use case for roles is adding or removing users and
teams from roles. In the following example, a user is added to the project
“use” role.
tower-cli role grant --type use --user test_user --project test_project
In the above command “test_user” is the username of
a user to receive the new permission, “test_project” is the
name of the project they are receiving permission for, and
“use” is the type of permission they are receiving.
Specifically, this allows test_user to use test_project in a job
In a similar fashion, to remove the user from that role:
tower-cli role revoke --type use --user test_user --project test_project
To list the roles on that project:
tower-cli role list --project test_project
Detailed Example
The following commands will create an inventory and user and
demonstrate the different role commands on them.
# Create the inventory and list its roles
tower-cli inventory create --name 'test_inventory' --organization 'Default'
tower-cli role list --inventory 'test_inventory'
tower-cli role get --type 'use' --inventory 'test_inventory'
# Create a user, give access to the inventory and take it away
tower-cli user create --username 'test_user' --password 'pa$$' --email ''
tower-cli role grant --type 'use' --user 'test_user' --inventory 'test_inventory'
tower-cli role list --user 'test_user' --type 'use'
tower-cli role revoke --type 'use' --user 'test_user' --inventory 'test_inventory'
# Create a team, give access to the inventory and take it away
tower-cli team create --name 'test_team' --organization 'Default'
tower-cli role grant --type 'use' --team 'test_team' --inventory 'test_inventory'
tower-cli role list --team 'test_team' --type 'use'
tower-cli role revoke --type 'use' --team 'test_team' --inventory 'test_inventory'
For assigning users to teams and organizations, include the team
or organization flag, and it will be acted on as the resource. Note that
teams can be either the resource or the role grantee, depending of whether
the --team or the --target-team flag is used.
The following example appoints test_user to the member role
of a team and of an organization.
tower-cli role grant --user 'test_user' ---target-team 'test_team' --type 'member'
tower-cli role grant --organization 'Default' --user 'test_user' --type 'member'
These commands are redundant with the tower-cli organization and
team associate and disassociate commands.
This feature is added in v3.1.0, and v3.1.3 or higher, at least,
is recommended.
get help: tower-cli job_template survey --help
The name of the job template is known (“survey jt”
in this example), and the survey definition is desired.
tower-cli job_template survey --name="survey
Example output, this is the survey spec:
"description": "",
"spec": [
"required": true,
"min": null,
"default": "v3.1.3",
"max": null,
"question_description": "enter a version of tower-cli to install",
"choices": "v3.0.0\nv3.0.1\nv3.0.2\nv3.1.0\nv3.1.1\nv3.1.2\nv3.1.3",
"new_question": true,
"variable": "version",
"question_name": "Tower-cli version",
"type": "multiplechoice"
"required": true,
"min": null,
"default": "click\ncolorama\nrequests\nsix\nPyYAML",
"max": null,
"question_description": "which package requirements would you like to install/check",
"choices": "click\ncolorama\nrequests\nsix\nPyYAML",
"new_question": true,
"variable": "packages",
"question_name": "Package requirements",
"type": "multiselect"
"name": ""
Use the job template modify command to do this. In order to
create a functional survey you must do two things:
- Save the survey spec - use the --survey-spec option
- Enable the survey - use the --survey-enabled option
Example of enabling the survey on a job template:
tower-cli job_template modify --name="hello world
infinity" --survey-enabled=true
The --survey-spec option can get the spec from a file by
prepending the @ character. If this character is not used, it is
assumed that you are giving the JSON data in-line.
The following example saves a survey spec to a file, and then
uploads that survey spec to another job template.
# Save the survey spec to file in local directory
tower-cli job_template survey --name="survey jt" > s.json
# Upload that survey to another job template
tower-cli job_template modify --name="another jt" --survey-spec=@s.json --survey-enabled=true
The next example using one line to do the same thing on the
command line.
tower-cli job_template modify --name="another jt" --survey-spec="$(tower-cli job_template survey --name='survey jt')" --survey-enabled=true
Workflows can also have surveys and follow the same pattern.
tower-cli workflow survey --name="workflow with
These docs show how to populate an example workflow in Tower and
how to automate the creation or copying of workflows.
Workflows and workflow nodes can be managed as normal tower-cli
Create an empty workflow:
tower-cli workflow create --name="workflow1" --organization="Default" --description="example description"
Check the existing workflows with the standard list or get
tower-cli workflow list --description-on
Create nodes inside the workflow These all become
“root” nodes and will spawn jobs on workflow launch without
any dependencies on other nodes. These commands create 2 root nodes.
tower-cli node create -W workflow1 --job-template="Hello World"
tower-cli node create -W workflow1 --job-template="Hello World"
List the nodes inside of the workflow
tower-cli node list -W workflow1
From the list command, you can find the ids of nodes you want to
link assocate_success_node will cause the 2nd node to run on success
of the first node. The following command causes node 2 to run on the event
of successful completion of node 1.
tower-cli node assocate_success_node 1 2
This operation is only possible when node 2 is a root node. See
the Tower documentation for the limitations on the types of node connections
Auto-creation of the success node, only knowing the parent node
tower-cli node assocate_success_node 8 --job-template="Hello world"
Corresponding disassociate commands are also available.
Disassociating a node from another node will make it a root node.
To print out a YAML representation of the nodes of a workflow, you
can use the following command. JSON format is also allowed.
tower-cli workflow schema workflow1
Here, “workflow1” is the name of the workflow.
To bulk-create or buld-update a workflow node network, use the
workflow schema command. The schema is JSON or YAML content, and can be
passed in the CLI argument, or pointed to a file. The schema is passed as a
second positional argument, where the first argument references the
tower-cli workflow schema workflow2 @schema.yml
The schema can be provided without using a file:
tower-cli workflow schema workflow2 '[{"job_template": "Hello world"}]'
The Schema definition defines the hierarchy structure that
connects the nodes. Names, as well as other valid parameters for node
creation, are acceptable inside of the node’s entry inside the schema
Links must be declared as a list under a key that starts with
“success”, “failure”, or “always”.
The following is an example of a valid schema definition.
Example schema.yml file:
- job_template: Hello world
- inventory_source: AWS servers (AWS servers - 42)
- project: Ansible Examples
- job_template: Echo variable
- job_template: Scan localhost
This style may be useful to apply in a script to create a workflow
network with a tower-cli command after the constituent resources like the
job templates and projects were created by preceding tower-cli commands.
After writing a workflow schema, you may notice differences in how
tower-cli subsequently echos the schema definition back to you. The
following is what tower-cli might return after writing the above
- failure_nodes:
- inventory_source: 42
job_template: 45
- always_nodes:
- job_template: 55
- job_template: 44
project: 40
Note that the root node data starts with
“failure_nodes”, instead of the name of the job template. This
will not impact functionality, and manually changing the order will not
impact functionality either.
Although this format is harder to read, it does the same thing as
the previous schema. The ability to both echo and create schemas can be used
to copy the contents of one workflow to another.
As an example, consider 2 workflows. The first has a name
“workflow1”, and has its node network populated. The second is
named “workflow2” and is empty. The following commands will
copy the structure from the first to the second.
tower-cli workflow schema workflow1 > schema.yml
tower-cli workflow schema workflow2 @schema.yml
The workflow schema feature populates the workflow node network
based on the hierarchy structure. Before creating each node, it attempts to
find an existing node with the specified properties in that location in the
tree, and will not create a new node if it exists. Also, if an existing node
has no correspondence in the schema, the entire sub-tree based on that node
will be deleted.
Thus, after running the schema command, the resulting workflow
topology will always be exactly the same as what is specified in the given
schema file. To continue with the previous example, subsequent invocations
tower-cli workflow schema workflow2 @schema.yml
tower-cli workflow schema workflow2 @schema.yml
should not change the network of workflow2, since
schema.yml file itself remains unchanged. However
tower-cli workflow schema workflow2 @new_schema.yml
will modify topology of workflow2 to exactly the same as what is
specified in new_schema.yml.
Use the workflow_job resource to launch workflow jobs. This
supports the use of extra_vars, which can contain answers to survey
questions. The --monitor and --wait flag are available to poll
the server until workflow job reaches a completed status. The
--monitor option will print rolling updates of the jobs that ran as
part of the workflow. Here is an example of using those features:
tower-cli workflow_job launch -W "echo Hello World" -e a=1 --monitor
Examples here are intended to give concrete examples of how the
CLI can be used in an automated way. It can also help with testing or the
defining of feature requests.
Expect the setup script to take up to 2 minutes to run. Most of
this time is waiting for the project source control to sync the examples
from github to the tower server.
You should have a version of tower running and configured in the
CLI in order to run any scripts or commands here. With your specific data,
that can done by the following commands:
$ tower-cli config host
$ tower-cli config username leeroyjenkins
$ tower-cli config password myPassw0rd
Jobs demonstrated in the script do not connect to another machine,
and do not require valid machine credentials, so tower-cli config
information should be all the unique information necessary.
You may want to reference the fake data creator for
examples on how to create different types of resources.
If you want to run the script, which auto-populates your Tower
server with a small set of fake data, run the following:
# Populate the server with fake data and run test jobs
$ cd docs/source/cli_ref/examples/
$ source
The teardown script removes all of the objects that the CLI can
easily remove. This is not a perfect cleanup, but it performs well enough to
get the system ready to run the fake data creator script again.
# Delete the data that was created (with some exceptions)
$ source
It is strongly suggested that you only run these scripts on
testing versions of an Ansible Tower host in order to avoid unintended
naming conflicts.
This bash script example borrows fake data elements from the
tower populator script. The tower_populator script provides an
example of how to use the tower-cli python modules.
NOTE: This API documentation assumes you are using 3.2.0
and higher versions of ansible-tower-cli. If you are using a lower version
than 3.2.0, there is no guarantee API usages in this documentation would
work as expected.
Like Tower UI, Tower CLI is a client talking to multiple REST
services of Tower backend, but via Python script or UNIX command line. Thus
the usage of Tower CLI’s APIs are pretty straight-forward: get a
resource corresponding to its counterpart in Tower backend, and call public
methods of that resource, which in term requests specific REST endpoint and
fetch/render response JSON. Here is a simple example of creating a new
organization using Tower CLI in Python:
from tower_cli import get_resource
from tower_cli.exceptions import Found
from tower_cli.conf import settings
with settings.runtime_values(username='user', password='pass'):
res = get_resource('organization')
new_org = res.create(name='foo', description='bar', fail_on_found=True)
except Found:
print('This organization already exists.')
assert isinstance(new_org, dict)
The above example shows the pattern for most Tower CLI API use
cases, which is composed of 3 parts: runtime configuration, fetch resource
and invoke its public methods, and exception handling.
Tower CLI needs a set of configurations to function properly, all
configuration settings are stored in singleton object
tower_cli.conf.settings, which provides a public context manager
runtime_values to temporary override settings on file with temporary
runtime values. see more about Tower CLI configurations in
‘Configuration’ section.
Most of the resources listed at Tower’s endpoint
/api/v2/ have client-side proxy classes in Tower CLI. The two main
ways of getting resource proxies in Tower CLI are:
from tower_cli import get_resource
res = get_resource('<resource name>')
import tower_cli.resources.<resource module name>.Resource as <alias>
res = <alias>()
A typical resource in Tower CLI has 2 components: fields and
public methods. Resource fields can be seen as wrappers around actual
resource fields exposed by Tower REST API. They are generally used by public
methods to create and modify resources and filter when searching for
specific resources; Public methods are the actual wrappers around querying
Tower REST APIs, they can be used both for general CRUD operations against
Tower resources, like delete a user, and for specific tasks like launching
an ad hoc command, monitoring a job run or constructing a workflow graph
from script.
In the table of contents below, all available Tower CLI resources
are listed, the documentation for each of them all follow the same
structure: a ‘Description’ section which gives an introduction
to the resource; a ‘Fields Table’ section which lists all
available fields of that resource; and a ‘API Specification’
section, which expands the usage detail of every available public
Note most public methods have a keyword argument **kwargs.
This argument basically contains and only contains resource fields, unless
Any usage errors or connection exceptions are thrown as subclasses
of tower_cli.exceptions.TowerCLIError, see ‘Exceptions’
section below for details.
In Tower CLI, there are a number of configuration settings
available to users. These settings are mostly used to set up connection
details to Tower backend, like hostname of Tower backend and user
name/password used for authentication; some are also used for other
purposes, like toggle on/off colored stdout. Here is a list of all available
Tower CLI settings:
Key |
Value Type / Value
Default |
Description |
color |
Boolean/’true’ |
Whether to use colored output for
highlighting or not. |
format |
String with options
(‘human’, ‘json’,
‘yaml’)/’human’ |
Output format. The
“human” format is intended for humans reading output on the
CLI; the “json” and “yaml” formats provide
more data. [CLI use only] |
host |
String/‘’ |
The location of the Ansible Tower
host. HTTPS is assumed as the protocol unless
“http://” is explicitly provided. |
password |
String/’‘ |
Password to use to authenticate to
Ansible Tower. |
username |
String/’‘ |
Username to use to authenticate to
Ansible Tower. |
verify_ssl |
Boolean/’true’ |
Whether to force verified SSL
connections. |
verbose |
Boolean/’false’ |
Whether to show information about
requests being made. |
description_on |
Boolean/’false’ |
Whether to show description in
human-formatted output. [CLI use only] |
certificate |
String/’‘ |
Path to a custom certificate file
that will be used throughout the command. Ignored if
–insecure flag if set in command or verify_ssl is set
to false |
use_token |
Boolean/’false’ |
Whether to use token-based
authentication. No longer supported in Tower 3.3 and above |
Note: Some settings are marked as ‘CLI use
only’, this means although users are free to set values to those
settings, those settings only affect CLI but not API usage.
- class
- A class that understands configurations provided to tower-cli through
configuration files or runtime parameters. A signleton object
tower_cli.conf.settings will be instantiated and used.
The 5 levels of precedence for settings, listing from least to
greatest, are:
- defaults: Default values provided
- global: Contents parsed from .ini-formatted file
/etc/tower/tower_cli.cfg if exists.
- user: Contents parsed from .ini-formatted file ~/.tower_cli.cfg if
- local: Contents parsed from .ini-formatted file .tower_cli.cfg if
exists in the present working directory or any parent directories.
- environment: Values from magic environment variables.
- runtime: keyworded arguments provided by settings.runtime_values
context manager.
Note that .ini configuration file should follow the specified
format in order to be correctly parsed:
<configuration name 1> = <value 1>
<configuration name 2> = <value 2>
- runtime_values(**kwargs)
- Context manager that temporarily override runtime level
- Parameters
- kwargs (arbitrary keyword arguments) – Keyword
arguments specifying runtime configuration settings.
- Returns
- N/A
- Example
>>> import tower_cli
>>> from tower_cli.conf import settings
>>> with settings.runtime_values(username='user', password='pass'):
>>> print(tower_cli.get_resource('credential').list())
APIs of tower_cli raise exceptions defined in
tower_cli.exceptions module. Check raise list of resource public
method documentation for possible exceptions.
This resource is used for managing and executing ad hoc commands
via Tower. While the rest CRUD operations follow the common usage pattern,
an ad hoc command resource cannot be created via the normal way of calling
create, but only be created on-the-fly via launch.
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
job_explanation |
String |
The job_explanation field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
created |
String |
The created field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
status |
String |
The status field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
elapsed |
String |
The elapsed field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
job_type |
Choices: run,check |
The job_type field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
inventory |
Resource inventory |
The inventory field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
limit |
String |
The limit field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
credential |
Resource credential |
The credential field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
module_name |
String |
The module_name field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
module_args |
String |
The module_args field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
forks |
int |
The forks field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
verbosity |
mapped_choice |
The verbosity field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
become_enabled |
bool |
The become_enabled field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
diff_mode |
bool |
The diff_mode field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
tower_cli.resources.ad_hoc.Resource(*args, **kwargs)
- A resource for ad hoc commands.
- cancel(pk=None,
fail_if_not_running=False, **kwargs)
- Cancel a currently running job.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource to
- fail_if_not_running (bool) – Flag that if set, raise
exception if the job resource cannot be canceled.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to restart if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary of two keys: “status”, which is
“canceled”, and “changed”, which indicates if
the job resource has been successfully canceled.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.TowerCLIError – When the job resource
cannot be canceled and fail_if_not_running flag is on.
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- launch(monitor=False,
wait=False, timeout=None, **kwargs)
- Launch a new ad-hoc command.
- Parameters
- monitor (bool) – Flag that if set, immediately calls
monitor on the newly launched command rather than exiting with a
- wait (bool) – Flag that if set, monitor the status of
the job, but do not print while job is in progress.
- timeout (int) – If provided with monitor flag
set, this attempt will time out after the given number of seconds.
- **kwargs – Fields needed to create and launch an ad hoc
- Returns
- Result of subsequent monitor call if monitor flag is on;
Result of subsequent wait call if wait flag is on;
dictionary of “id” and “changed” if none of
the two flags are on.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.TowerCLIError – When ad hoc commands
are not available in Tower backend.
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- monitor(pk,
parent_pk=None, timeout=None, interval=0.5, outfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper
name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='ANSI_X3.4-1968'>,
- Stream the standard output from a job run to stdout.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource object to
be monitored.
- parent_pk (int) – Primary key of the unified job
template resource object whose latest job run will be monitored if
pk is not set.
- timeout (float) – Number in seconds after which this
method will time out.
- interval (float) – Polling interval to refresh
content from Tower.
- outfile (file) – Alternative file than stdout to
write job stdout to.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to monitor if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the finished job resource
object, as well as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag
indicating if the job resource object is finished as expected;
“id”, an integer which is the primary key of the job
resource object being monitored.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.Timeout – When monitor time reaches
time out.
- tower_cli.exceptions.JobFailure – When the job being
monitored runs into failure.
- relaunch(pk=None,
- Relaunch a stopped job resource.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource to
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to relaunch if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the relaunched job resource
object, as well as an extra field “changed”, a flag
indicating if the job resource object is status-changed as expected.
- Return
- dict
- status(pk=None,
detail=False, **kwargs)
- Retrieve the current job status.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to retrieve
status from.
- detail (bool) – Flag that if set, return the full
JSON of the job resource rather than a status summary.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve status from if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- full loaded JSON of the specified unified job if detail flag is on;
trimed JSON containing only “elapsed”,
“failed” and “status” fields of the unified
job if detail flag is off.
- Return
- dict
- wait(pk,
parent_pk=None, min_interval=1, max_interval=30, timeout=None,
outfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w'
encoding='ANSI_X3.4-1968'>, exit_on=['successful'],
- Wait for a job resource object to enter certain status.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource object to
- parent_pk (int) – Primary key of the unified job
template resource object whose latest job run will be waited if pk
is not set.
- timeout (float) – Number in seconds after which this
method will time out.
- min_interval (float) – Minimum polling interval to
request an update from Tower.
- max_interval (float) – Maximum polling interval to
request an update from Tower.
- outfile (file) – Alternative file than stdout to
write job status updates on.
- exit_on (array) – Job resource object statuses to
wait on.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to wait if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the status-changed job resource
object, as well as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag
indicating if the job resource object is status-changed as expected;
“id”, an integer which is the primary key of the job
resource object being status-changed.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.Timeout – When wait time reaches time
- tower_cli.exceptions.JobFailure – When the job being waited
on runs into failure.
This resource is used for managing credential type resources in
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
name |
String |
The name field. |
False |
True |
True |
True |
description |
String |
The description field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
kind |
ssh,vault,net,scm,cloud,insights |
The type of credential type being
added. Valid options are: ssh, vault, net, scm, cloud and insights. Note
only cloud and net can be used for creating credential types. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
managed_by_tower |
bool |
Indicating if the credential type is
a tower built-in type. |
True |
False |
True |
False |
inputs |
structured_input |
The inputs field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
injectors |
structured_input |
The injectors field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
- A resource for credential types.
- copy(pk=None,
new_name=None, **kwargs)
- Copy an object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource object to be
- new_name – The new name to give the resource if deep copying
via the API
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments of fields whose given value
will override the original value.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the copied new resource object.
- Return
- dict
- create(**kwargs)
- Create an object.
- Parameters
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if an object matching the unique criteria already
- force_on_exists (bool) – Flag that if set, then if a
match is found on unique fields, other fields will be updated to the
provided values.; If unset, a match causes the request to be a no-op.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as POST body to create the resource object.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the created resource, as well as
two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is created successfully; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the created object.
- Return
- dict
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- modify(pk=None,
create_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Modify an already existing object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- create_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, a new
object is created if pk is not set and objects matching the
appropriate unique criteria is not found.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as PATCH body to modify the resource object. if pk is not set,
key-value pairs of **kwargs which are also in resource’s
identity will be used to lookup existing reosource.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well
as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is successfully updated; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the updated object.
- Return
- dict
This resource is used for managing credential resources in
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
name |
String |
The name field. |
False |
True |
True |
True |
description |
String |
The description field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
user |
Resource user |
The user field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
team |
Resource team |
The team field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
organization |
Resource organization |
The organization field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
credential_type |
Resource credential_type |
The credential_type field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
inputs |
structured_input |
The inputs field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
- A resource for credentials.
- copy(pk=None,
new_name=None, **kwargs)
- Copy an object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource object to be
- new_name – The new name to give the resource if deep copying
via the API
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments of fields whose given value
will override the original value.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the copied new resource object.
- Return
- dict
- create(**kwargs)
- Create an object.
- Parameters
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if an object matching the unique criteria already
- force_on_exists (bool) – Flag that if set, then if a
match is found on unique fields, other fields will be updated to the
provided values.; If unset, a match causes the request to be a no-op.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as POST body to create the resource object.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the created resource, as well as
two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is created successfully; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the created object.
- Return
- dict
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- modify(pk=None,
create_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Modify an already existing object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- create_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, a new
object is created if pk is not set and objects matching the
appropriate unique criteria is not found.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as PATCH body to modify the resource object. if pk is not set,
key-value pairs of **kwargs which are also in resource’s
identity will be used to lookup existing reosource.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well
as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is successfully updated; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the updated object.
- Return
- dict
This resource is used for managing group resources in Tower. It
can also associate/disassociate one group to/from another group.
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
name |
String |
The name field. |
False |
True |
True |
True |
description |
String |
The description field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
inventory |
Resource inventory |
The inventory field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
variables |
variables |
Group variables, use
“@” to get from file. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
- A resource for groups.
- associate(group,
parent, **kwargs)
- Associate this group with the specified group.
- Parameters
- group (str) – Primary key or name of the child group
to associate.
- parent (str) – Primary key or name of the parent
group to associate to.
- inventory (str) – Primary key or name of the
inventory the association should happen in.
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the association succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- copy(pk=None,
new_name=None, **kwargs)
- Copy an object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource object to be
- new_name – The new name to give the resource if deep copying
via the API
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments of fields whose given value
will override the original value.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the copied new resource object.
- Return
- dict
- create(fail_on_found=False,
force_on_exists=False, **kwargs)
- Create a group.
- Parameters
- parent (str) – Primary key or name of the group which
will be the parent of created group.
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if an object matching the unique criteria already
- force_on_exists (bool) – Flag that if set, then if a
match is found on unique fields, other fields will be updated to the
provided values.; If unset, a match causes the request to be a no-op.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as POST body to create the resource object.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the created resource, as well as
two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is created successfully; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the created object.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.UsageError – When inventory is not
provided in **kwargs and parent is not provided.
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- disassociate(group,
parent, **kwargs)
- Disassociate this group with the specified group.
- Parameters
- group (str) – Primary key or name of the child group
to disassociate.
- parent (str) – Primary key or name of the parent
group to disassociate from.
- inventory (str) – Primary key or name of the
inventory the disassociation should happen in.
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the disassociation succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(root=False,
- Retrieve a list of groups.
- Parameters
- root (bool) – Flag that if set, only root groups of a
specific inventory will be listed.
- parent (str) – Primary key or name of the group whose
child groups will be listed.
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.UsageError – When root flag is
on and inventory is not present in **kwargs.
- modify(pk=None,
create_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Modify an already existing object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- create_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, a new
object is created if pk is not set and objects matching the
appropriate unique criteria is not found.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as PATCH body to modify the resource object. if pk is not set,
key-value pairs of **kwargs which are also in resource’s
identity will be used to lookup existing reosource.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well
as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is successfully updated; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the updated object.
- Return
- dict
This resource is used for managing host resources in Tower. It can
also associate/disassociate a group to/from a host.
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
name |
String |
The name field. |
False |
True |
True |
True |
description |
String |
The description field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
inventory |
Resource inventory |
The inventory field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
enabled |
bool |
The enabled field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
variables |
variables |
Host variables, use “@”
to get from file. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
insights_system_id |
String |
The insights_system_id field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
- A resource for credentials.
- associate(**kwargs)
- Associate a group with this host.
- Parameters
- host (str) – Primary key or name of the host to
associate to.
- group (str) – Primary key or name of the group to be
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the associate succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- copy(pk=None,
new_name=None, **kwargs)
- Copy an object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource object to be
- new_name – The new name to give the resource if deep copying
via the API
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments of fields whose given value
will override the original value.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the copied new resource object.
- Return
- dict
- create(**kwargs)
- Create an object.
- Parameters
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if an object matching the unique criteria already
- force_on_exists (bool) – Flag that if set, then if a
match is found on unique fields, other fields will be updated to the
provided values.; If unset, a match causes the request to be a no-op.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as POST body to create the resource object.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the created resource, as well as
two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is created successfully; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the created object.
- Return
- dict
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- disassociate(**kwargs)
- Disassociate a group with this host.
- Parameters
- host (str) – Primary key or name of the host to
disassociate to.
- group (str) – Primary key or name of the group to be
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the disassociate succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(group=None,
host_filter=None, **kwargs)
- Retrieve a list of hosts.
- Parameters
- group (str) – Primary key or name of the group whose
hosts will be listed.
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- list_facts(pk=None,
- List all available facts of the given host.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the target host.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object of all available facts of the given host.
- Return
- dict
- modify(pk=None,
create_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Modify an already existing object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- create_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, a new
object is created if pk is not set and objects matching the
appropriate unique criteria is not found.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as PATCH body to modify the resource object. if pk is not set,
key-value pairs of **kwargs which are also in resource’s
identity will be used to lookup existing reosource.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well
as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is successfully updated; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the updated object.
- Return
- dict
This resource is used for managing instance group resources in
Tower. Note since instance groups are read-only in Tower, only get
and list methods are available for this resource.
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
name |
String |
The name field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
capacity |
int |
The capacity field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
consumed_capacity |
int |
The consumed_capacity field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
- A resource for instance groups.
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
This resource is used for managing instance resources in Tower.
Note since instances are read-only in Tower, only get and list
methods are available for this resource.
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
uuid |
String |
The uuid field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
hostname |
String |
The hostname field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
version |
String |
The version field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
capacity |
int |
The capacity field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
consumed_capacity |
int |
The consumed_capacity field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
- A resource for instances.
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
This resource is used for managing inventory script resources in
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
name |
String |
The name field. |
False |
True |
True |
True |
description |
String |
The description field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
script |
variables |
Script code to fetch inventory,
prefix with “@” to use contents of file for this field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
organization |
Resource organization |
The organization field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
API Specification
- class
- A resource for inventory scripts.
- copy(pk=None,
new_name=None, **kwargs)
- Copy an object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource object to be
- new_name – The new name to give the resource if deep copying
via the API
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments of fields whose given value
will override the original value.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the copied new resource object.
- Return
- dict
- create(**kwargs)
- Create an object.
- Parameters
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if an object matching the unique criteria already
- force_on_exists (bool) – Flag that if set, then if a
match is found on unique fields, other fields will be updated to the
provided values.; If unset, a match causes the request to be a no-op.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as POST body to create the resource object.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the created resource, as well as
two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is created successfully; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the created object.
- Return
- dict
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- modify(pk=None,
create_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Modify an already existing object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- create_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, a new
object is created if pk is not set and objects matching the
appropriate unique criteria is not found.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as PATCH body to modify the resource object. if pk is not set,
key-value pairs of **kwargs which are also in resource’s
identity will be used to lookup existing reosource.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well
as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is successfully updated; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the updated object.
- Return
- dict
This resource is used for managing and executing inventory sources
via Tower. Note inventory updates are triggered via update
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
name |
String |
The name field. |
False |
True |
True |
True |
description |
String |
The description field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
inventory |
Resource inventory |
The inventory field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
source |
,file,scm,ec2,vmware,gce,azure,azure_rm,openstack,satellite6,cloudforms,custom |
The type of inventory source in
use. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
credential |
Resource credential |
The credential field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
source_vars |
String |
The source_vars field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
timeout |
int |
The timeout field (in seconds). |
False |
False |
True |
False |
source_project |
Resource project |
Use project files as source for
inventory. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
source_path |
String |
File in SCM Project to use as
source. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
update_on_project_update |
bool |
The update_on_project_update
field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
source_regions |
String |
The source_regions field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
instance_filters |
String |
The instance_filters field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
group_by |
String |
The group_by field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
source_script |
Resource inventory_script |
The source_script field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
overwrite |
bool |
The overwrite field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
overwrite_vars |
bool |
The overwrite_vars field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
update_on_launch |
bool |
The update_on_launch field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
update_cache_timeout |
int |
The update_cache_timeout field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
tower_cli.resources.inventory_source.Resource(*args, **kwargs)
- A resource for inventory sources.
- copy(pk=None,
new_name=None, **kwargs)
- Copy an object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource object to be
- new_name – The new name to give the resource if deep copying
via the API
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments of fields whose given value
will override the original value.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the copied new resource object.
- Return
- dict
- create(**kwargs)
- Create an object.
- Parameters
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if an object matching the unique criteria already
- force_on_exists (bool) – Flag that if set, then if a
match is found on unique fields, other fields will be updated to the
provided values.; If unset, a match causes the request to be a no-op.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as POST body to create the resource object.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the created resource, as well as
two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is created successfully; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the created object.
- Return
- dict
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- modify(pk=None,
create_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Modify an already existing object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- create_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, a new
object is created if pk is not set and objects matching the
appropriate unique criteria is not found.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as PATCH body to modify the resource object. if pk is not set,
key-value pairs of **kwargs which are also in resource’s
identity will be used to lookup existing reosource.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well
as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is successfully updated; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the updated object.
- Return
- dict
- monitor(pk,
parent_pk=None, timeout=None, interval=0.5, outfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper
name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='ANSI_X3.4-1968'>,
- Stream the standard output from a job run to stdout.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource object to
be monitored.
- parent_pk (int) – Primary key of the unified job
template resource object whose latest job run will be monitored if
pk is not set.
- timeout (float) – Number in seconds after which this
method will time out.
- interval (float) – Polling interval to refresh
content from Tower.
- outfile (file) – Alternative file than stdout to
write job stdout to.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to monitor if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the finished job resource
object, as well as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag
indicating if the job resource object is finished as expected;
“id”, an integer which is the primary key of the job
resource object being monitored.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.Timeout – When monitor time reaches
time out.
- tower_cli.exceptions.JobFailure – When the job being
monitored runs into failure.
- status(pk,
detail=False, **kwargs)
- Retrieve the current inventory update status.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to retrieve
status from.
- detail (bool) – Flag that if set, return the full
JSON of the job resource rather than a status summary.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve status from if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- full loaded JSON of the specified unified job if detail flag is on;
trimed JSON containing only “elapsed”,
“failed” and “status” fields of the unified
job if detail flag is off.
- Return
- dict
- update(inventory_source,
monitor=False, wait=False, timeout=None, **kwargs)
- Update the given inventory source.
- Parameters
- inventory_source (str) – Primary key or name of the
inventory source to be updated.
- monitor (bool) – Flag that if set, immediately calls
monitor on the newly launched inventory update rather than exiting
with a success.
- wait (bool) – Flag that if set, monitor the status of
the inventory update, but do not print while it is in progress.
- timeout (int) – If provided with monitor flag
set, this attempt will time out after the given number of seconds.
- **kwargs – Fields used to override underlyingl inventory
source fields when creating and launching an inventory update.
- Returns
- Result of subsequent monitor call if monitor flag is on;
Result of subsequent wait call if wait flag is on;
dictionary of “status” if none of the two flags are on.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.BadRequest – When the inventory source
cannot be updated.
- wait(pk,
parent_pk=None, min_interval=1, max_interval=30, timeout=None,
outfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w'
encoding='ANSI_X3.4-1968'>, exit_on=['successful'],
- Wait for a job resource object to enter certain status.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource object to
- parent_pk (int) – Primary key of the unified job
template resource object whose latest job run will be waited if pk
is not set.
- timeout (float) – Number in seconds after which this
method will time out.
- min_interval (float) – Minimum polling interval to
request an update from Tower.
- max_interval (float) – Maximum polling interval to
request an update from Tower.
- outfile (file) – Alternative file than stdout to
write job status updates on.
- exit_on (array) – Job resource object statuses to
wait on.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to wait if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the status-changed job resource
object, as well as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag
indicating if the job resource object is status-changed as expected;
“id”, an integer which is the primary key of the job
resource object being status-changed.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.Timeout – When wait time reaches time
- tower_cli.exceptions.JobFailure – When the job being waited
on runs into failure.
This resource is used for managing and executing inventory updates
via Tower.
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
inventory_source |
Resource inventory_source |
The inventory_source field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
name |
String |
The name field. |
True |
False |
True |
False |
launch_type |
manual,relaunch,relaunch,callback,scheduled,dependency,workflow,sync,scm |
The launch_type field. |
True |
False |
True |
True |
status |
new,pending,waiting,running,successful,failed,error,canceled |
The status field. |
True |
False |
True |
True |
job_explanation |
String |
The job_explanation field. |
True |
False |
True |
False |
created |
String |
The created field. |
True |
False |
True |
False |
elapsed |
String |
The elapsed field. |
True |
False |
True |
False |
source |
,file,scm,ec2,vmware,gce,azure,azure_rm,openstack,satellite6,cloudforms,custom |
The source field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
API Specification
- class
tower_cli.resources.inventory_update.Resource(*args, **kwargs)
- A resource for inventory source updates.
- cancel(pk=None,
fail_if_not_running=False, **kwargs)
- Cancel a currently running job.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource to
- fail_if_not_running (bool) – Flag that if set, raise
exception if the job resource cannot be canceled.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to restart if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary of two keys: “status”, which is
“canceled”, and “changed”, which indicates if
the job resource has been successfully canceled.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.TowerCLIError – When the job resource
cannot be canceled and fail_if_not_running flag is on.
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- monitor(pk,
parent_pk=None, timeout=None, interval=0.5, outfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper
name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='ANSI_X3.4-1968'>,
- Stream the standard output from a job run to stdout.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource object to
be monitored.
- parent_pk (int) – Primary key of the unified job
template resource object whose latest job run will be monitored if
pk is not set.
- timeout (float) – Number in seconds after which this
method will time out.
- interval (float) – Polling interval to refresh
content from Tower.
- outfile (file) – Alternative file than stdout to
write job stdout to.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to monitor if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the finished job resource
object, as well as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag
indicating if the job resource object is finished as expected;
“id”, an integer which is the primary key of the job
resource object being monitored.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.Timeout – When monitor time reaches
time out.
- tower_cli.exceptions.JobFailure – When the job being
monitored runs into failure.
- relaunch(pk=None,
- Relaunch a stopped job resource.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource to
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to relaunch if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the relaunched job resource
object, as well as an extra field “changed”, a flag
indicating if the job resource object is status-changed as expected.
- Return
- dict
- status(pk=None,
detail=False, **kwargs)
- Retrieve the current job status.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to retrieve
status from.
- detail (bool) – Flag that if set, return the full
JSON of the job resource rather than a status summary.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve status from if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- full loaded JSON of the specified unified job if detail flag is on;
trimed JSON containing only “elapsed”,
“failed” and “status” fields of the unified
job if detail flag is off.
- Return
- dict
- wait(pk,
parent_pk=None, min_interval=1, max_interval=30, timeout=None,
outfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w'
encoding='ANSI_X3.4-1968'>, exit_on=['successful'],
- Wait for a job resource object to enter certain status.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource object to
- parent_pk (int) – Primary key of the unified job
template resource object whose latest job run will be waited if pk
is not set.
- timeout (float) – Number in seconds after which this
method will time out.
- min_interval (float) – Minimum polling interval to
request an update from Tower.
- max_interval (float) – Maximum polling interval to
request an update from Tower.
- outfile (file) – Alternative file than stdout to
write job status updates on.
- exit_on (array) – Job resource object statuses to
wait on.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to wait if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the status-changed job resource
object, as well as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag
indicating if the job resource object is status-changed as expected;
“id”, an integer which is the primary key of the job
resource object being status-changed.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.Timeout – When wait time reaches time
- tower_cli.exceptions.JobFailure – When the job being waited
on runs into failure.
This resource is used for managing inventory resources in
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
name |
String |
The name field. |
False |
True |
True |
True |
description |
String |
The description field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
organization |
Resource organization |
The organization field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
variables |
variables |
Inventory variables, use
“@” to get from file. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
kind |
Choices: ,smart |
The kind field. Cannot be modified
after created. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
host_filter |
String |
The host_filter field. Only useful
when kind=smart. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
insights_credential |
Resource credential |
The insights_credential field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
- A resource for inventories.
- associate_ig(**kwargs)
- Associate an ig with this inventory.
- Parameters
- inventory (str) – Primary key or name of the
inventory to associate to.
- instance_group (str) – Primary key or name of the
instance_group to be associated.
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the associate succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- batch_update(pk=None,
- Update all related inventory sources of the given inventory.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the given inventory.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object of update status of the given inventory.
- Return
- dict
- copy(pk=None,
new_name=None, **kwargs)
- Copy an object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource object to be
- new_name – The new name to give the resource if deep copying
via the API
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments of fields whose given value
will override the original value.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the copied new resource object.
- Return
- dict
- create(**kwargs)
- Create an object.
- Parameters
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if an object matching the unique criteria already
- force_on_exists (bool) – Flag that if set, then if a
match is found on unique fields, other fields will be updated to the
provided values.; If unset, a match causes the request to be a no-op.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as POST body to create the resource object.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the created resource, as well as
two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is created successfully; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the created object.
- Return
- dict
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- disassociate_ig(**kwargs)
- Disassociate an ig with this inventory.
- Parameters
- inventory (str) – Primary key or name of the
inventory to disassociate to.
- instance_group (str) – Primary key or name of the
instance_group to be disassociated.
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the disassociate succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- modify(pk=None,
create_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Modify an already existing object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- create_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, a new
object is created if pk is not set and objects matching the
appropriate unique criteria is not found.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as PATCH body to modify the resource object. if pk is not set,
key-value pairs of **kwargs which are also in resource’s
identity will be used to lookup existing reosource.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well
as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is successfully updated; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the updated object.
- Return
- dict
This resource is used for managing job template resources in
Tower. It is also responsible to associate/disassociate labels and
notification templates to/from an existing job template. There is yet
another custom command, survey, used for getting survey specification
of a job template.
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
name |
String |
The name field. |
False |
True |
True |
True |
description |
String |
The description field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
job_type |
Choices: run,check |
The job_type field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
inventory |
Resource inventory |
The inventory field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
project |
Resource project |
The project field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
playbook |
String |
The playbook field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
credential |
Resource credential |
The credential field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
vault_credential |
Resource credential |
The vault_credential field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
forks |
int |
The forks field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
limit |
String |
The limit field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
verbosity |
mapped_choice |
The verbosity field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
extra_vars |
variables |
Extra variables used by Ansible in
YAML or key=value format. Use @ to get YAML from a file. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
job_tags |
String |
The job_tags field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
force_handlers |
bool |
The force_handlers field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
skip_tags |
String |
The skip_tags field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
start_at_task |
String |
The start_at_task field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
timeout |
int |
The amount of time (in seconds) to
run before the task is canceled. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
use_fact_cache |
bool |
If enabled, Tower will act as an
Ansible Fact Cache Plugin; persisting facts at the end of a playbook run
to the database and caching facts for use by Ansible. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
host_config_key |
String |
Allow Provisioning Callbacks using
this host config key |
False |
False |
True |
False |
ask_diff_mode_on_launch |
bool |
Ask diff mode on launch. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
ask_variables_on_launch |
bool |
Prompt user for extra_vars on
launch. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
ask_limit_on_launch |
bool |
Prompt user for host limits on
launch. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
ask_tags_on_launch |
bool |
Prompt user for job tags on
launch. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
ask_skip_tags_on_launch |
bool |
Prompt user for tags to skip on
launch. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
ask_job_type_on_launch |
bool |
Prompt user for job type on
launch. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
ask_verbosity_on_launch |
bool |
Prompt user for verbosity on
launch. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
ask_inventory_on_launch |
bool |
Prompt user for inventory on
launch. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
ask_credential_on_launch |
bool |
Prompt user for machine credential on
launch. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
survey_enabled |
bool |
Prompt user for job type on
launch. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
become_enabled |
bool |
The become_enabled field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
diff_mode |
bool |
If enabled, textual changes made to
any templated files on the host are shown in the standard output. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
allow_simultaneous |
bool |
The allow_simultaneous field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
survey_spec |
variables |
On write commands, perform extra POST
to the survey_spec endpoint. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
- A resource for job templates.
- associate_ig(**kwargs)
- Associate an ig with this job_template.
- Parameters
- job_template (str) – Primary key or name of the
job_template to associate to.
- instance_group (str) – Primary key or name of the
instance_group to be associated.
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the associate succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- associate_label(**kwargs)
- Associate a label with this job_template.
- Parameters
- job_template (str) – Primary key or name of the
job_template to associate to.
- label (str) – Primary key or name of the label to be
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the associate succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- callback(pk=None,
host_config_key='', extra_vars=None)
- Contact Tower and request a provisioning callback using this job
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job template to run
provisioning callback against.
- host_config_key (str) – Key string used to
authenticate the callback host.
- extra_vars (array of str) – Extra variables that are
passed to provisioning callback.
- Returns
- A dictionary of a single key “changed”, which indicates
whether the provisioning callback is successful.
- Return
- dict
- copy(pk=None,
new_name=None, **kwargs)
- Copy an object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource object to be
- new_name – The new name to give the resource if deep copying
via the API
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments of fields whose given value
will override the original value.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the copied new resource object.
- Return
- dict
- create(**kwargs)
- Create an object.
- Parameters
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if an object matching the unique criteria already
- force_on_exists (bool) – Flag that if set, then if a
match is found on unique fields, other fields will be updated to the
provided values.; If unset, a match causes the request to be a no-op.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as POST body to create the resource object.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the created resource, as well as
two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is created successfully; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the created object.
- Return
- dict
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- disassociate_ig(**kwargs)
- Disassociate an ig with this job_template.
- Parameters
- job_template (str) – Primary key or name of the
job_template to disassociate to.
- instance_group (str) – Primary key or name of the
instance_group to be disassociated.
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the disassociate succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- disassociate_label(**kwargs)
- Disassociate a label with this job_template.
- Parameters
- job_template (str) – Primary key or name of the
job_template to disassociate to.
- label (str) – Primary key or name of the label to be
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the disassociate succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- modify(pk=None,
create_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Modify an already existing object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- create_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, a new
object is created if pk is not set and objects matching the
appropriate unique criteria is not found.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as PATCH body to modify the resource object. if pk is not set,
key-value pairs of **kwargs which are also in resource’s
identity will be used to lookup existing reosource.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well
as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is successfully updated; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the updated object.
- Return
- dict
- survey(pk=None,
- Get the survey specification of a resource object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to retrieve
survey from. Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if
pk is provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve survey if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved survey specification of the resource
- Return
- dict
This resource is used for managing jobs and launching job
templates via Tower. Note for historical purposes, launching a job template
is linked to job, rather than job template.
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
job_template |
Resource job_template |
The job_template field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
job_explanation |
String |
The job_explanation field. |
True |
False |
True |
False |
created |
String |
The created field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
status |
String |
The status field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
elapsed |
String |
The elapsed field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
tower_cli.resources.job.Resource(*args, **kwargs)
- A resource for jobs.
This resource has ordinary list and get methods, but it does
not have create or modify. Instead of being created, a job is
- cancel(pk=None,
fail_if_not_running=False, **kwargs)
- Cancel a currently running job.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource to
- fail_if_not_running (bool) – Flag that if set, raise
exception if the job resource cannot be canceled.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to restart if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary of two keys: “status”, which is
“canceled”, and “changed”, which indicates if
the job resource has been successfully canceled.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.TowerCLIError – When the job resource
cannot be canceled and fail_if_not_running flag is on.
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- launch(job_template=None,
monitor=False, wait=False, timeout=None, no_input=True, extra_vars=None,
- Launch a new job based on a job template.
- Parameters
- job_template (str) – Primary key or name of the job
template to launch new job.
- monitor (bool) – Flag that if set, immediately calls
monitor on the newly launched job rather than exiting with a
- wait (bool) – Flag that if set, monitor the status of
the job, but do not print while job is in progress.
- timeout (int) – If provided with monitor flag
set, this attempt will time out after the given number of seconds.
- no_input (bool) – Flag that if set, suppress any
requests for input.
- extra_vars (array of strings) – yaml formatted texts
that contains extra variables to pass on.
- diff_mode (bool) – Specify diff mode for job template
to run.
- limit (str) – Specify host limit for job template to
- tags (str) – Specify tagged actions in the playbook
to run.
- skip_tags (str) – Specify tagged actions in the
playbook to omit.
- job_type (str) – Specify job type for job template to
- verbosity (int) – Specify verbosity of the playbook
- inventory (str) – Specify machine credential for job
template to run.
- credential (str) – Specify machine credential for job
template to run.
- Returns
- Result of subsequent monitor call if monitor flag is on;
Result of subsequent wait call if wait flag is on; Result of
subsequent status call if none of the two flags are on.
- Return
- dict
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- monitor(pk,
parent_pk=None, timeout=None, interval=0.5, outfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper
name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='ANSI_X3.4-1968'>,
- Stream the standard output from a job run to stdout.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource object to
be monitored.
- parent_pk (int) – Primary key of the unified job
template resource object whose latest job run will be monitored if
pk is not set.
- timeout (float) – Number in seconds after which this
method will time out.
- interval (float) – Polling interval to refresh
content from Tower.
- outfile (file) – Alternative file than stdout to
write job stdout to.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to monitor if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the finished job resource
object, as well as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag
indicating if the job resource object is finished as expected;
“id”, an integer which is the primary key of the job
resource object being monitored.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.Timeout – When monitor time reaches
time out.
- tower_cli.exceptions.JobFailure – When the job being
monitored runs into failure.
- relaunch(pk=None,
- Relaunch a stopped job resource.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource to
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to relaunch if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the relaunched job resource
object, as well as an extra field “changed”, a flag
indicating if the job resource object is status-changed as expected.
- Return
- dict
- status(pk=None,
detail=False, **kwargs)
- Retrieve the current job status.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to retrieve
status from.
- detail (bool) – Flag that if set, return the full
JSON of the job resource rather than a status summary.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve status from if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- full loaded JSON of the specified unified job if detail flag is on;
trimed JSON containing only “elapsed”,
“failed” and “status” fields of the unified
job if detail flag is off.
- Return
- dict
- wait(pk,
parent_pk=None, min_interval=1, max_interval=30, timeout=None,
outfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w'
encoding='ANSI_X3.4-1968'>, exit_on=['successful'],
- Wait for a job resource object to enter certain status.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource object to
- parent_pk (int) – Primary key of the unified job
template resource object whose latest job run will be waited if pk
is not set.
- timeout (float) – Number in seconds after which this
method will time out.
- min_interval (float) – Minimum polling interval to
request an update from Tower.
- max_interval (float) – Maximum polling interval to
request an update from Tower.
- outfile (file) – Alternative file than stdout to
write job status updates on.
- exit_on (array) – Job resource object statuses to
wait on.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to wait if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the status-changed job resource
object, as well as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag
indicating if the job resource object is status-changed as expected;
“id”, an integer which is the primary key of the job
resource object being status-changed.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.Timeout – When wait time reaches time
- tower_cli.exceptions.JobFailure – When the job being waited
on runs into failure.
This resource is used for managing label resources in Tower.
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
name |
String |
The name field. |
False |
True |
True |
True |
organization |
Resource organization |
The organization field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
API Specification
- class
- A resource for labels.
- copy(pk=None,
new_name=None, **kwargs)
- Copy an object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource object to be
- new_name – The new name to give the resource if deep copying
via the API
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments of fields whose given value
will override the original value.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the copied new resource object.
- Return
- dict
- create(fail_on_found=False,
force_on_exists=False, **kwargs)
- Create a label.
- Parameters
- job_template (str) – Primary key or name of the job
template for the created label to associate to.
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if an object matching the unique criteria already
- force_on_exists (bool) – Flag that if set, then if a
match is found on unique fields, other fields will be updated to the
provided values.; If unset, a match causes the request to be a no-op.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as POST body to create the resource object.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the created resource, as well as
two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is created successfully; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the created object.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.TowerCLIError – When the label already
exists and fail_on_found flag is on.
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- modify(pk=None,
create_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Modify an already existing object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- create_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, a new
object is created if pk is not set and objects matching the
appropriate unique criteria is not found.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as PATCH body to modify the resource object. if pk is not set,
key-value pairs of **kwargs which are also in resource’s
identity will be used to lookup existing reosource.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well
as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is successfully updated; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the updated object.
- Return
- dict
This resource is used for managing workflow job template nodes in
Tower. It can also used for building workflow topology by
associating/disassociating nodes.
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
workflow_job_template |
Resource workflow |
The workflow_job_template field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
unified_job_template |
String |
The unified_job_template field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
inventory |
Resource inventory |
The inventory field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
credential |
Resource credential |
The credential field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
job_type |
String |
The job_type field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
job_tags |
String |
The job_tags field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
skip_tags |
String |
The skip_tags field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
limit |
String |
The limit field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
- A resource for workflow nodes.
- associate_always_node(parent,
child=None, **kwargs)
- Add a node to always run after the parent is finished.
- Parameters
- parent (int) – Primary key of parent node to
associate always node to.
- child (int) – Primary key of child node to be
- **kwargs – Fields used to create child node if child
is not provided.
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the association succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- associate_failure_node(parent,
child=None, **kwargs)
- Add a node to run on failure.
- Parameters
- parent (int) – Primary key of parent node to
associate failure node to.
- child (int) – Primary key of child node to be
- **kwargs – Fields used to create child node if child
is not provided.
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the association succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- associate_success_node(parent,
child=None, **kwargs)
- Add a node to run on success.
- Parameters
- parent (int) – Primary key of parent node to
associate success node to.
- child (int) – Primary key of child node to be
- **kwargs – Fields used to create child node if child
is not provided.
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the association succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- copy(pk=None,
new_name=None, **kwargs)
- Copy an object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource object to be
- new_name – The new name to give the resource if deep copying
via the API
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments of fields whose given value
will override the original value.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the copied new resource object.
- Return
- dict
- create(**kwargs)
- Create an object.
- Parameters
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if an object matching the unique criteria already
- force_on_exists (bool) – Flag that if set, then if a
match is found on unique fields, other fields will be updated to the
provided values.; If unset, a match causes the request to be a no-op.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as POST body to create the resource object.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the created resource, as well as
two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is created successfully; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the created object.
- Return
- dict
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- modify(pk=None,
create_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Modify an already existing object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- create_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, a new
object is created if pk is not set and objects matching the
appropriate unique criteria is not found.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as PATCH body to modify the resource object. if pk is not set,
key-value pairs of **kwargs which are also in resource’s
identity will be used to lookup existing reosource.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well
as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is successfully updated; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the updated object.
- Return
- dict
This resource is used for managing notification templates in
Tower. Note most resource fields, like username and host are
effective based on notification_type. For example, providing
service_key when creating an email notification template is not
effective as it will be discarded.
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
name |
String |
The name field. |
False |
True |
True |
True |
description |
String |
The description field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
organization |
Resource organization |
The organization field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
notification_type |
email,slack,twilio,pagerduty,hipchat,webhook,irc |
The notification_type field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
notification_configuration |
file |
The notification configuration field.
Note providing this field would disable all
notification-configuration-related fields. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
username |
String |
[email]The username. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
sender |
String |
[email]The sender. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
recipients |
String |
[email]The recipients. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
use_tls |
[email]The tls trigger. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
host |
String |
[email]The host. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
use_ssl |
[email/irc]The ssl trigger. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
password |
String |
[email/irc]The password. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
port |
[email/irc]The email port. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
channels |
String |
[slack]The channel. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
token |
String |
token. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
account_token |
String |
[twilio]The account token. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
from_number |
String |
[twilio]The source phone number. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
to_numbers |
String |
[twilio]The destination SMS
numbers. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
account_sid |
String |
[twilioThe account sid. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
subdomain |
String |
[pagerduty]The subdomain. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
service_key |
String |
[pagerduty]The API
service/integration key. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
client_name |
String |
[pagerduty]The client
identifier. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
message_from |
String |
[hipchat]The label to be shown with
notification. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
api_url |
String |
[hipchat]The api url. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
color |
yellow,green,red,purple,gray,random |
[hipchat]The notification color. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
rooms |
String |
[hipchat]Rooms to send notification
to. Use multiple flags to send to multiple rooms, ex –rooms=A
–rooms=B |
False |
False |
True |
False |
notify |
String |
[hipchat]The notify channel
trigger. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
url |
String |
[webhook]The target URL. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
headers |
file |
[webhook]The http headers. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
server |
String |
[irc]Server address. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
nickname |
String |
[irc]The irc nick. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
target |
String |
[irc]The distination channels or
users. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
- A resource for notification templates.
- copy(pk=None,
new_name=None, **kwargs)
- Copy an object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource object to be
- new_name – The new name to give the resource if deep copying
via the API
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments of fields whose given value
will override the original value.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the copied new resource object.
- Return
- dict
- create(fail_on_found=False,
force_on_exists=False, **kwargs)
- Create an object.
- Parameters
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if an object matching the unique criteria already
- force_on_exists (bool) – Flag that if set, then if a
match is found on unique fields, other fields will be updated to the
provided values.; If unset, a match causes the request to be a no-op.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as POST body to create the resource object.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the created resource, as well as
two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is created successfully; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the created object.
- Return
- dict
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- modify(pk=None,
create_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Modify an already existing object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- create_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, a new
object is created if pk is not set and objects matching the
appropriate unique criteria is not found.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as PATCH body to modify the resource object. if pk is not set,
key-value pairs of **kwargs which are also in resource’s
identity will be used to lookup existing reosource.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well
as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is successfully updated; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the updated object.
- Return
- dict
This resource is used for managing organization resources in
Tower. It can also perform some associations/disassociations.
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
name |
String |
The name field. |
False |
True |
True |
True |
description |
String |
The description field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
- associate(**kwargs)
- Associate a user with this organization.
- Parameters
- organization (str) – Primary key or name of the
organization to associate to.
- user (str) – Primary key or name of the user to be
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the associate succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- associate_admin(**kwargs)
- Associate an admin with this organization.
- Parameters
- organization (str) – Primary key or name of the
organization to associate to.
- user (str) – Primary key or name of the user to be
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the associate succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- associate_ig(**kwargs)
- Associate an ig with this organization.
- Parameters
- organization (str) – Primary key or name of the
organization to associate to.
- instance_group (str) – Primary key or name of the
instance_group to be associated.
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the associate succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- copy(pk=None,
new_name=None, **kwargs)
- Copy an object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource object to be
- new_name – The new name to give the resource if deep copying
via the API
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments of fields whose given value
will override the original value.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the copied new resource object.
- Return
- dict
- create(**kwargs)
- Create an object.
- Parameters
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if an object matching the unique criteria already
- force_on_exists (bool) – Flag that if set, then if a
match is found on unique fields, other fields will be updated to the
provided values.; If unset, a match causes the request to be a no-op.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as POST body to create the resource object.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the created resource, as well as
two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is created successfully; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the created object.
- Return
- dict
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- disassociate(**kwargs)
- Disassociate a user with this organization.
- Parameters
- organization (str) – Primary key or name of the
organization to disassociate to.
- user (str) – Primary key or name of the user to be
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the disassociate succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- disassociate_admin(**kwargs)
- Disassociate an admin with this organization.
- Parameters
- organization (str) – Primary key or name of the
organization to disassociate to.
- user (str) – Primary key or name of the user to be
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the disassociate succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- disassociate_ig(**kwargs)
- Disassociate an ig with this organization.
- Parameters
- organization (str) – Primary key or name of the
organization to disassociate to.
- instance_group (str) – Primary key or name of the
instance_group to be disassociated.
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the disassociate succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- modify(pk=None,
create_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Modify an already existing object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- create_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, a new
object is created if pk is not set and objects matching the
appropriate unique criteria is not found.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as PATCH body to modify the resource object. if pk is not set,
key-value pairs of **kwargs which are also in resource’s
identity will be used to lookup existing reosource.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well
as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is successfully updated; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the updated object.
- Return
- dict
This resource is used for managing and executing projects via
Tower. Note project updates are triggered via update method.
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
name |
String |
The name field. |
False |
True |
True |
True |
description |
String |
The description field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
organization |
Resource organization |
The organization field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
scm_type |
mapped_choice |
The scm_type field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
scm_url |
String |
The scm_url field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
local_path |
String |
For manual projects, the server
playbook directory name. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
scm_branch |
String |
The scm_branch field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
scm_credential |
Resource credential |
The scm_credential field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
scm_clean |
bool |
The scm_clean field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
scm_delete_on_update |
bool |
The scm_delete_on_update field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
scm_update_on_launch |
bool |
The scm_update_on_launch field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
scm_update_cache_timeout |
int |
The scm_update_cache_timeout
field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
job_timeout |
int |
The timeout field (in seconds). |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
tower_cli.resources.project.Resource(*args, **kwargs)
- A resource for projects.
- copy(pk=None,
new_name=None, **kwargs)
- Copy an object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource object to be
- new_name – The new name to give the resource if deep copying
via the API
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments of fields whose given value
will override the original value.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the copied new resource object.
- Return
- dict
- create(organization=None,
monitor=False, wait=False, timeout=None, fail_on_found=False,
force_on_exists=False, **kwargs)
- Create a project and, if related flags are set, monitor or wait the
triggered initial project update.
- Parameters
- monitor (bool) – Flag that if set, immediately calls
monitor on the newly triggered project update rather than exiting
with a success.
- wait (bool) – Flag that if set, monitor the status of
the triggered project update, but do not print while it is in
- timeout (bool) – If provided with monitor flag
set, this attempt will time out after the given number of seconds.
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if an object matching the unique criteria already
- force_on_exists (bool) – Flag that if set, then if a
match is found on unique fields, other fields will be updated to the
provided values.; If unset, a match causes the request to be a no-op.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as POST body to create the resource object.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the created resource, as well as
two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is created successfully; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the created object.
- Return
- dict
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- modify(pk=None,
create_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Modify an already existing project.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- create_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, a new
object is created if pk is not set and objects matching the
appropriate unique criteria is not found.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as PATCH body to modify the resource object. if pk is not set,
key-value pairs of **kwargs which are also in resource’s
identity will be used to lookup existing reosource.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well
as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is successfully updated; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the updated object.
- Return
- dict
- monitor(pk,
parent_pk=None, timeout=None, interval=0.5, outfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper
name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='ANSI_X3.4-1968'>,
- Stream the standard output from a job run to stdout.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource object to
be monitored.
- parent_pk (int) – Primary key of the unified job
template resource object whose latest job run will be monitored if
pk is not set.
- timeout (float) – Number in seconds after which this
method will time out.
- interval (float) – Polling interval to refresh
content from Tower.
- outfile (file) – Alternative file than stdout to
write job stdout to.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to monitor if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the finished job resource
object, as well as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag
indicating if the job resource object is finished as expected;
“id”, an integer which is the primary key of the job
resource object being monitored.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.Timeout – When monitor time reaches
time out.
- tower_cli.exceptions.JobFailure – When the job being
monitored runs into failure.
- status(pk=None,
detail=False, **kwargs)
- Print the status of the most recent update.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to retrieve
status from.
- detail (bool) – Flag that if set, return the full
JSON of the job resource rather than a status summary.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve status from if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- full loaded JSON of the specified unified job if detail flag is on;
trimed JSON containing only “elapsed”,
“failed” and “status” fields of the unified
job if detail flag is off.
- Return
- dict
- update(pk=None,
create_on_missing=False, monitor=False, wait=False, timeout=None, name=None,
- Update the given project.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the project to be
- monitor (bool) – Flag that if set, immediately calls
monitor on the newly launched project update rather than exiting
with a success.
- wait (bool) – Flag that if set, monitor the status of
the project update, but do not print while it is in progress.
- timeout (int) – If provided with monitor flag
set, this attempt will time out after the given number of seconds.
- name (str) – Name of the project to be updated if
pk is not set.
- organization (str) – Primary key or name of the
organization the project to be updated belonging to if pk is not
- Returns
- Result of subsequent monitor call if monitor flag is on;
Result of subsequent wait call if wait flag is on;
dictionary of “status” if none of the two flags are on.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.CannotStartJob – When the project
cannot be updated.
- wait(pk,
parent_pk=None, min_interval=1, max_interval=30, timeout=None,
outfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w'
encoding='ANSI_X3.4-1968'>, exit_on=['successful'],
- Wait for a job resource object to enter certain status.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource object to
- parent_pk (int) – Primary key of the unified job
template resource object whose latest job run will be waited if pk
is not set.
- timeout (float) – Number in seconds after which this
method will time out.
- min_interval (float) – Minimum polling interval to
request an update from Tower.
- max_interval (float) – Maximum polling interval to
request an update from Tower.
- outfile (file) – Alternative file than stdout to
write job status updates on.
- exit_on (array) – Job resource object statuses to
wait on.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to wait if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the status-changed job resource
object, as well as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag
indicating if the job resource object is status-changed as expected;
“id”, an integer which is the primary key of the job
resource object being status-changed.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.Timeout – When wait time reaches time
- tower_cli.exceptions.JobFailure – When the job being waited
on runs into failure.
This resource is used for managing and executing project updates
via Tower.
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
project |
Resource project |
The project field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
name |
String |
The name field. |
True |
False |
True |
False |
launch_type |
manual,relaunch,relaunch,callback,scheduled,dependency,workflow,sync,scm |
The launch_type field. |
True |
False |
True |
True |
status |
new,pending,waiting,running,successful,failed,error,canceled |
The status field. |
True |
False |
True |
True |
job_type |
Choices: run,check |
The job_type field. |
True |
False |
True |
True |
job_explanation |
String |
The job_explanation field. |
True |
False |
True |
False |
created |
String |
The created field. |
True |
False |
True |
False |
elapsed |
String |
The elapsed field. |
True |
False |
True |
False |
scm_type |
mapped_choice |
The scm_type field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
API Specification
- class
tower_cli.resources.project_update.Resource(*args, **kwargs)
- A resource for project updates.
- cancel(pk=None,
fail_if_not_running=False, **kwargs)
- Cancel a currently running job.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource to
- fail_if_not_running (bool) – Flag that if set, raise
exception if the job resource cannot be canceled.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to restart if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary of two keys: “status”, which is
“canceled”, and “changed”, which indicates if
the job resource has been successfully canceled.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.TowerCLIError – When the job resource
cannot be canceled and fail_if_not_running flag is on.
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- monitor(pk,
parent_pk=None, timeout=None, interval=0.5, outfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper
name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='ANSI_X3.4-1968'>,
- Stream the standard output from a job run to stdout.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource object to
be monitored.
- parent_pk (int) – Primary key of the unified job
template resource object whose latest job run will be monitored if
pk is not set.
- timeout (float) – Number in seconds after which this
method will time out.
- interval (float) – Polling interval to refresh
content from Tower.
- outfile (file) – Alternative file than stdout to
write job stdout to.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to monitor if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the finished job resource
object, as well as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag
indicating if the job resource object is finished as expected;
“id”, an integer which is the primary key of the job
resource object being monitored.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.Timeout – When monitor time reaches
time out.
- tower_cli.exceptions.JobFailure – When the job being
monitored runs into failure.
- relaunch(pk=None,
- Relaunch a stopped job resource.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource to
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to relaunch if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the relaunched job resource
object, as well as an extra field “changed”, a flag
indicating if the job resource object is status-changed as expected.
- Return
- dict
- status(pk=None,
detail=False, **kwargs)
- Retrieve the current job status.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to retrieve
status from.
- detail (bool) – Flag that if set, return the full
JSON of the job resource rather than a status summary.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve status from if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- full loaded JSON of the specified unified job if detail flag is on;
trimed JSON containing only “elapsed”,
“failed” and “status” fields of the unified
job if detail flag is off.
- Return
- dict
- wait(pk,
parent_pk=None, min_interval=1, max_interval=30, timeout=None,
outfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w'
encoding='ANSI_X3.4-1968'>, exit_on=['successful'],
- Wait for a job resource object to enter certain status.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource object to
- parent_pk (int) – Primary key of the unified job
template resource object whose latest job run will be waited if pk
is not set.
- timeout (float) – Number in seconds after which this
method will time out.
- min_interval (float) – Minimum polling interval to
request an update from Tower.
- max_interval (float) – Maximum polling interval to
request an update from Tower.
- outfile (file) – Alternative file than stdout to
write job status updates on.
- exit_on (array) – Job resource object statuses to
wait on.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to wait if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the status-changed job resource
object, as well as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag
indicating if the job resource object is status-changed as expected;
“id”, an integer which is the primary key of the job
resource object being status-changed.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.Timeout – When wait time reaches time
- tower_cli.exceptions.JobFailure – When the job being waited
on runs into failure.
This resource is used for managing RBAC roles in Tower. More
importantly, it can be used for granting roles to and revoke roles from a
user or team.
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
user |
Resource user |
The user field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
team |
Resource team |
The team that receives the
permissions specified by the role. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
type |
admin,read,member,execute,adhoc,update,use,auditor |
The type of permission that the role
controls. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
resource_name |
String |
The resource_name field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
resource_type |
String |
The resource_type field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
target_team |
Resource team |
The team that the role acts on. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
inventory |
Resource inventory |
The inventory field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
job_template |
Resource job_template |
The job_template field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
credential |
Resource credential |
The credential field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
organization |
Resource organization |
The organization field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
project |
Resource project |
The project field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
workflow |
Resource workflow |
The workflow field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
- A resource for managing roles.
This resource has ordinary list and get methods, but it roles
can not be created or edited, instead, they are automatically generated
along with the connected resource.
- copy(pk=None,
new_name=None, **kwargs)
- Copy an object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource object to be
- new_name – The new name to give the resource if deep copying
via the API
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments of fields whose given value
will override the original value.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the copied new resource object.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- grant(fail_on_found=False,
- Add a user or a team to a role. Required information: * Type of the role.
* Resource of the role, inventory, credential, or any other. * A user or a
team to add to the role.
- Parameters
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if a user/team already has the role.
- **kwargs – The user to be associated and the role to
- Returns
- parsed JSON of role grant.
- Return
- dict
- list(**kwargs)
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- revoke(fail_on_found=False,
- Remove a user or a team from a role. Required information: * Type of the
role. * Resource of the role, inventory, credential, or any other. * A
user or a team to add to the role.
- Parameters
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if a user/team dose not have the role.
- **kwargs – The user to be disassociated and the role to
- Returns
- parsed JSON of role revoke.
- Return
- dict
This resource is used for managing schedule resources in
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
name |
String |
The name field. |
False |
True |
True |
True |
description |
String |
The description field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
job_template |
Resource job_template |
The job_template field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
inventory_source |
Resource inventory_source |
The inventory_source field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
project |
Resource project |
The project field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
unified_job_template |
int |
Integer used to display unified job
template in result, Do not use it for create/modify. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
enabled |
Whether this schedule will be
used. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
rrule |
String |
Schedule rules specifications which
is less than 255 characters. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
extra_data |
variables |
Extra data for schedule rules in the
form of a .json file. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
- A resource for schedules.
- copy(pk=None,
new_name=None, **kwargs)
- Copy an object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource object to be
- new_name – The new name to give the resource if deep copying
via the API
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments of fields whose given value
will override the original value.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the copied new resource object.
- Return
- dict
- create(*args,
- Create an object.
- Parameters
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if an object matching the unique criteria already
- force_on_exists (bool) – Flag that if set, then if a
match is found on unique fields, other fields will be updated to the
provided values.; If unset, a match causes the request to be a no-op.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as POST body to create the resource object.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the created resource, as well as
two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is created successfully; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the created object.
- Return
- dict
- delete(pk=None,
*args, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
*args, **kwargs)
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(*args,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- modify(pk=None,
*args, **kwargs)
- Modify an already existing object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- create_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, a new
object is created if pk is not set and objects matching the
appropriate unique criteria is not found.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as PATCH body to modify the resource object. if pk is not set,
key-value pairs of **kwargs which are also in resource’s
identity will be used to lookup existing reosource.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well
as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is successfully updated; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the updated object.
- Return
- dict
This resource is used for managing tower configurations in
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
value |
variables |
The value field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
API Specification
- class
- A resource for Tower configurations.
- copy(pk=None,
new_name=None, **kwargs)
- Copy an object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource object to be
- new_name – The new name to give the resource if deep copying
via the API
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments of fields whose given value
will override the original value.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the copied new resource object.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk)
- Return one and exactly one Tower setting.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the Tower setting to
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved Tower setting object.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.NotFound – When no specified Tower
setting exists.
- list(**kwargs)
- Retrieve a list of Tower settings.
- Parameters
- category (str) – The category slug in which to look
up indevidual settings.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- modify(setting,
- Modify an already existing Tower setting.
- Parameters
- setting (str) – The name of the Tower setting to be
- value (str) – The new value of the Tower
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well
as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is successfully updated; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the updated object.
- Return
- dict
This resource is used for managing teams and their users in
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
name |
String |
The name field. |
False |
True |
True |
True |
organization |
Resource organization |
The organization field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
description |
String |
The description field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
- A resource for teams.
- associate(**kwargs)
- Associate a user with this team.
- Parameters
- team (str) – Primary key or name of the team to
associate to.
- user (str) – Primary key or name of the user to be
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the associate succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- copy(pk=None,
new_name=None, **kwargs)
- Copy an object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource object to be
- new_name – The new name to give the resource if deep copying
via the API
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments of fields whose given value
will override the original value.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the copied new resource object.
- Return
- dict
- create(**kwargs)
- Create an object.
- Parameters
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if an object matching the unique criteria already
- force_on_exists (bool) – Flag that if set, then if a
match is found on unique fields, other fields will be updated to the
provided values.; If unset, a match causes the request to be a no-op.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as POST body to create the resource object.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the created resource, as well as
two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is created successfully; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the created object.
- Return
- dict
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- disassociate(**kwargs)
- Disassociate a user with this team.
- Parameters
- team (str) – Primary key or name of the team to
disassociate to.
- user (str) – Primary key or name of the user to be
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the disassociate succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- modify(pk=None,
create_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Modify an already existing object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- create_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, a new
object is created if pk is not set and objects matching the
appropriate unique criteria is not found.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as PATCH body to modify the resource object. if pk is not set,
key-value pairs of **kwargs which are also in resource’s
identity will be used to lookup existing reosource.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well
as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is successfully updated; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the updated object.
- Return
- dict
This resource is used for managing users in Tower.
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
username |
String |
The username field. |
False |
True |
True |
True |
password |
String |
The password field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
email |
String |
The email field. |
False |
True |
True |
True |
first_name |
String |
The first_name field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
last_name |
String |
The last_name field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
is_superuser |
bool |
The is_superuser field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
is_system_auditor |
bool |
The is_system_auditor field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
- A resource for users.
- copy(pk=None,
new_name=None, **kwargs)
- Copy an object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource object to be
- new_name – The new name to give the resource if deep copying
via the API
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments of fields whose given value
will override the original value.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the copied new resource object.
- Return
- dict
- create(**kwargs)
- Create an object.
- Parameters
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if an object matching the unique criteria already
- force_on_exists (bool) – Flag that if set, then if a
match is found on unique fields, other fields will be updated to the
provided values.; If unset, a match causes the request to be a no-op.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as POST body to create the resource object.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the created resource, as well as
two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is created successfully; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the created object.
- Return
- dict
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- modify(pk=None,
create_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Modify an already existing object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- create_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, a new
object is created if pk is not set and objects matching the
appropriate unique criteria is not found.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as PATCH body to modify the resource object. if pk is not set,
key-value pairs of **kwargs which are also in resource’s
identity will be used to lookup existing reosource.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well
as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is successfully updated; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the updated object.
- Return
- dict
This resource is used for managing workflow jobs and launching
workflow job templates via Tower.
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
workflow_job_template |
Resource workflow |
The workflow_job_template field. |
False |
False |
True |
True |
extra_vars |
variables |
The extra_vars field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
created |
String |
The created field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
status |
String |
The status field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
tower_cli.resources.workflow_job.Resource(*args, **kwargs)
- A resource for workflow jobs.
- cancel(pk=None,
fail_if_not_running=False, **kwargs)
- Cancel a currently running job.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource to
- fail_if_not_running (bool) – Flag that if set, raise
exception if the job resource cannot be canceled.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to restart if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary of two keys: “status”, which is
“canceled”, and “changed”, which indicates if
the job resource has been successfully canceled.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.TowerCLIError – When the job resource
cannot be canceled and fail_if_not_running flag is on.
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- launch(workflow_job_template=None,
monitor=False, wait=False, timeout=None, extra_vars=None,
- Launch a new workflow job based on a workflow job template.
- Parameters
- workflow_job_template (str) – Primary key or name of
the workflow job template to launch new job.
- monitor (bool) – Flag that if set, immediately calls
monitor on the newly launched workflow job rather than exiting with
a success.
- wait (bool) – Flag that if set, monitor the status of
the workflow job, but do not print while job is in progress.
- timeout (int) – If provided with monitor flag
set, this attempt will time out after the given number of seconds.
- extra_vars (array of strings) – yaml formatted texts
that contains extra variables to pass on.
- **kwargs – Fields needed to create and launch a workflow
- Returns
- Result of subsequent monitor call if monitor flag is on;
Result of subsequent wait call if wait flag is on; loaded
JSON output of the job launch if none of the two flags are on.
- Return
- dict
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- monitor(pk,
parent_pk=None, timeout=None, interval=0.5, outfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper
name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='ANSI_X3.4-1968'>,
- Stream the standard output from a job run to stdout.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource object to
be monitored.
- parent_pk (int) – Primary key of the unified job
template resource object whose latest job run will be monitored if
pk is not set.
- timeout (float) – Number in seconds after which this
method will time out.
- interval (float) – Polling interval to refresh
content from Tower.
- outfile (file) – Alternative file than stdout to
write job stdout to.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to monitor if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the finished job resource
object, as well as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag
indicating if the job resource object is finished as expected;
“id”, an integer which is the primary key of the job
resource object being monitored.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.Timeout – When monitor time reaches
time out.
- tower_cli.exceptions.JobFailure – When the job being
monitored runs into failure.
- relaunch(pk=None,
- Relaunch a stopped job resource.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource to
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to relaunch if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the relaunched job resource
object, as well as an extra field “changed”, a flag
indicating if the job resource object is status-changed as expected.
- Return
- dict
- status(pk=None,
detail=False, **kwargs)
- Retrieve the current job status.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to retrieve
status from.
- detail (bool) – Flag that if set, return the full
JSON of the job resource rather than a status summary.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve status from if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- full loaded JSON of the specified unified job if detail flag is on;
trimed JSON containing only “elapsed”,
“failed” and “status” fields of the unified
job if detail flag is off.
- Return
- dict
- wait(pk,
parent_pk=None, min_interval=1, max_interval=30, timeout=None,
outfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w'
encoding='ANSI_X3.4-1968'>, exit_on=['successful'],
- Wait for a job resource object to enter certain status.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource object to
- parent_pk (int) – Primary key of the unified job
template resource object whose latest job run will be waited if pk
is not set.
- timeout (float) – Number in seconds after which this
method will time out.
- min_interval (float) – Minimum polling interval to
request an update from Tower.
- max_interval (float) – Maximum polling interval to
request an update from Tower.
- outfile (file) – Alternative file than stdout to
write job status updates on.
- exit_on (array) – Job resource object statuses to
wait on.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource
object to wait if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the status-changed job resource
object, as well as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag
indicating if the job resource object is status-changed as expected;
“id”, an integer which is the primary key of the job
resource object being status-changed.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.Timeout – When wait time reaches time
- tower_cli.exceptions.JobFailure – When the job being waited
on runs into failure.
This resource is used for managing workflow job template resources
in Tower. It is also responsible for associating/disassociating labels and
notification templates to/from an existing job template. There is yet
another 2 custom commands, survey, used for getting survey
specification of a workflow job template, and schema, used for build
workflow topology via YAML/JSON content.
Workflow schema is a handy API to bulk-create or
bulk-update a workflow node network. The schema is a JSON- or YAML-formatted
string defining the hierarchy structure that connects the nodes. Names, as
well as other valid parameters for node creation, are acceptable inside of
the node’s entry inside the schema definition.
Links must be declared as a list under a key that starts with
“success”, “failure”, or “always”.
The following is an example of a valid YAML-formatted schema definition.
- job_template: Hello world
- inventory_source: AWS servers (AWS servers - 42)
- project: Ansible Examples
- job_template: Echo variable
- job_template: Scan localhost
The workflow schema feature populates the workflow node network
based on the hierarchy structure. Before creating each node, it attempts to
find an existing node with the specified properties in that location in the
tree, and will not create a new node if it exists. Also, if an existing node
has no correspondence in the schema, the entire sub-tree based on that node
will be deleted.
Thus, after running the schema command, the resulting workflow
node network topology will always be exactly the same as what is specified
in the given schema file. To continue with the previous example, subsequent
invocations of:
wfjt.schema('workflow1', '<schema spec>')
should not change the network of workflow1, since schema
detail is unchanged. However
wfjt.schema('workflow1', '<new schema spec>')
will modify node network topology of workflow1 to exactly
the same as what is specified in the new schema spec.
Fields Table
name |
type |
help_text |
read_only |
unique |
filterable |
required |
name |
String |
The name field. |
False |
True |
True |
True |
description |
String |
The description field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
extra_vars |
variables |
Extra variables used by Ansible in
YAML or key=value format. Use @ to get YAML from a file. Use the option
multiple times to add multiple extra variables. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
organization |
Resource organization |
The organization field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
survey_enabled |
bool |
Prompt user for job type on
launch. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
allow_simultaneous |
bool |
The allow_simultaneous field. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
survey_spec |
variables |
On write commands, perform extra POST
to the survey_spec endpoint. |
False |
False |
True |
False |
API Specification
- class
- A resource for workflow job templates.
- associate_label(**kwargs)
- Associate a label with this workflow_job_template.
- Parameters
- workflow_job_template (str) – Primary key or name of
the workflow_job_template to associate to.
- label (str) – Primary key or name of the label to be
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the associate succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- associate_label(**kwargs)
- Associate a label with this workflow_job_template.
- Parameters
- workflow_job_template (str) – Primary key or name of
the workflow_job_template to associate to.
- label (str) – Primary key or name of the label to be
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the associate succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- copy(pk=None,
new_name=None, **kwargs)
- Copy an object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource object to be
- new_name – The new name to give the resource if deep copying
via the API
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments of fields whose given value
will override the original value.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the copied new resource object.
- Return
- dict
- create(**kwargs)
- Create an object.
- Parameters
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if an object matching the unique criteria already
- force_on_exists (bool) – Flag that if set, then if a
match is found on unique fields, other fields will be updated to the
provided values.; If unset, a match causes the request to be a no-op.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as POST body to create the resource object.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the created resource, as well as
two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is created successfully; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the created object.
- Return
- dict
- delete(pk=None,
fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Remove the given object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the
object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a
success with no change is reported.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to delete if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag
indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.
- Return
- dict
- disassociate_label(**kwargs)
- Disassociate a label with this workflow_job_template.
- Parameters
- workflow_job_template (str) – Primary key or name of
the workflow_job_template to disassociate to.
- label (str) – Primary key or name of the label to be
- Returns
- Dictionary of only one key “changed”, which indicates
whether the disassociate succeeded.
- Return
- dict
- get(pk=None,
- Retrieve one and exactly one object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is
provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.
- Return
- dict
- list(all_pages=False,
- Retrieve a list of objects.
- Parameters
- all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all
pages of content from the API when returning results.
- page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages
is set.
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used
for searching resource objects.
- Returns
- A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower
- Return
- dict
- modify(pk=None,
create_on_missing=False, **kwargs)
- Modify an already existing object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be
- create_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, a new
object is created if pk is not set and objects matching the
appropriate unique criteria is not found.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as PATCH body to modify the resource object. if pk is not set,
key-value pairs of **kwargs which are also in resource’s
identity will be used to lookup existing reosource.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well
as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the
resource is successfully updated; “id”, an integer which is
the primary key of the updated object.
- Return
- dict
- schema(wfjt,
- Convert YAML/JSON content into workflow node objects if
node_network param is given. If not, print a YAML representation of
the node network.
- Parameters
- wfjt (str) – Primary key or name of the workflow job
template to run schema against.
- node_network (str) – JSON- or YAML-formatted string
representing the topology of the workflow job template be updated to.
- Returns
- The latest topology (possibly after modification) of the workflow job
- Return
- dict
- survey(pk=None,
- Get the survey specification of a resource object.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to retrieve
survey from. Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if
pk is provided (not None).
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object
to retrieve survey if pk is not provided.
- Returns
- loaded JSON of the retrieved survey specification of the resource
- Return
- dict
All kinds of contributions are more than welcomed. You can help
make tower CLI better by reporting bugs, come up with feature ideas or, even
further, help maintainers out by making pull requests. Make sure you follow
the rules below when contributing and you are ready to roll ;)
Reporting bugs is highly valuable to us. For flexibility, we do
not provide issue templates, but describe the issue as specific as possible
to make it easier and faster for us to hunt down the issue.
- First check existing issues to see if it has already been created, if it
has, giving issue description a “thumbs up”.
- Mark the issue with ‘bug’ label.
- Be sure to mention Tower backend version, Tower CLI version and python
interpreter version when the bug occurs.
- Copy-paste the detailed usage (code snippet when using as python library
and command when using as CLI) and error message if possible.
We welcome all sorts of feature ideas, but note, it may be
scheduled for a future release rather than the next one, please be patient
while we process your request. We will ping you on github once the feature
is implemented.
- •
- Mark the issue with ‘enhancement’ label.
All available Tower CLI resources descent from abstract class
tower_cli.models.base.BaseResource, which provides two fundamental
methods, read and write. read wraps around a GET method
to the specified resource, while write wraps around a POST or PATCH
on condition. Most public resource APIs, like create or list,
are essentially using a combination of read and write to
communicate with Tower REST APIs.
- class
- Abstract class representing resources within the Ansible Tower system, on
which actions can be taken. Includes standard create, modify, list, get,
and delete methods.
Some of these methods are not created as commands, but will be
implemented as commands inside of non-abstract child classes.
Particularly, create is not a command in this class, but will be for
some (but not all) child classes.
- read(pk=None,
fail_on_no_results=False, fail_on_multiple_results=False,
- Retrieve and return objects from the Ansible Tower API.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is provided
(not None).
- fail_on_no_results (bool) – Flag that if set, zero
results is considered a failure case and raises an exception; otherwise,
empty list is returned. (Note: This is always True if a primary key is
- fail_on_multiple_results (bool) – Flag that if set,
at most one result is expected, and more results constitutes a failure
case. (Note: This is meaningless if a primary key is included, as there
can never be multiple results.)
- query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query
parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as query parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
- Returns
- loaded JSON from Tower backend response body.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.BadRequest – When 2-tuples in
query overlaps key-value pairs in **kwargs.
- tower_cli.exceptions.NotFound – When no objects are found
and fail_on_no_results flag is on.
- tower_cli.exceptions.MultipleResults – When multiple objects
are found and fail_on_multiple_results flag is on.
- write(pk=None,
create_on_missing=False, fail_on_found=False, force_on_exists=True,
- Modify the given object using the Ansible Tower API.
- Parameters
- pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read.
Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is provided
(not None).
- create_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, a new
object is created if pk is not set and objects matching the
appropriate unique criteria is not found.
- fail_on_found (bool) – Flag that if set, the
operation fails if an object matching the unique criteria already
- force_on_exists (bool) – Flag that if set, then if an
object is modified based on matching via unique fields (as opposed to the
primary key), other fields are updated based on data sent; If unset, then
the non-unique values are only written in a creation case.
- **kwargs – Keyword arguments which, all together, will be
used as POST/PATCH body to create/modify the resource object. if pk
is not set, key-value pairs of **kwargs which are also in
resource’s identity will be used to lookup existing reosource.
- Returns
- A dictionary combining the JSON output of the resource, as well as two
extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the resource
is created or successfully updated; “id”, an integer which
is the primary key of the specified object.
- Return
- dict
- Raises
- tower_cli.exceptions.BadRequest – When required fields are
missing in **kwargs when creating a new resource object.
Here is the detailed class hierarchy from
tower_cli.models.base.BaseResource to all specific Tower
Details of each Tower CLI resource module are available under
Some root-level modules under tower_cli/ folder are of
great importance. Specifically, contains details of the API
client Tower CLI used to make HTTP(S) requests using requests, and is used to define and initialize singleton setting object
On the other hand, tower_cli/cli/ folder contains code that
extends tower_cli from a python library into a full- fledged command-line
interface. We use click as the CLI engine.
Setting up development environment and playing around with Tower
CLI is quite straight-forward, here is the usual development procedure:
- 1.
- Branch out a local issue branch from the correct base branch.
- 2.
- Create an empty virtual environment.
- 3.
- Code.
- 4.
- Run make install to install development Tower CLI and all its
dependency to virtual environment.
- 5.
- Manually test on your bug fix/feature and modify until manual tests
- 6.
- Run sudo pip install tox. Then at the root directory of Tower CLI
repository, run sudo tox . to run flake8 verify and unit test
against all supported python versions. Run and modify until all flake8
checks and unit tests pass.
- 7.
- Commit, push to local fork and make pull request targeting the correct
base branch.
- 8.
- Wait for a maintainer to either approve and merge the pull request, or
update pull request according to feedback comment.
Some points to keep in mind when developing:
- Target the correct branch. Currently we use branch ‘v1’ to
track 3.1.x versions and ‘master’ to track 3.2.0 and
- Consider all API versions. Currently 3.1.x versions are exclusively used
for API v1 and 3.2.0 and beyond are exclusively used for API v2, that
means if you fixed a bug for 3.1.8, switch to 3.2.0 and see if the same or
similar bug exists and needs similar fix.
- Consider python 2/3 compatibility, make good use of six and
- Consider docs update. Whenever a new resource, new resource public method
or new resource field is added, inspect the docs folder and make all
necessary updates before committing. Whenever HISTORY.rst at base
directory changes replace docs/source/HISTORY.rst with the latest
- Adhere to the flake8 specifications when developing, the only exception we
allow is the maximum line length, which is 120 characters rather than
- Be pythonic by using meaningful names and clear structures. Make code
self-explanatory rather than adding excessive comments.
- Be test-driven. Although not mandatory, please try keeping test coverage
at least the same as before, we appreciate it if you can increase our test
coverage in your pull requests.
- Added send and receive commands to export and import resources
- Added support for import and export role memberships as well
- Added login command for token-based auth (AWX feature)
- Added options for workflow nodes and schedules (AWX feature)
- Added support for server-side copying (AWX feature)
- Added resource for activity stream
- Added abstract resource for job events
- Bug fixes for label creation, workflow monitor, global config, role
- Added support for using settings from environment vars in normal CLI
- Made many-to-many relations easier to manage with a new field type
- Installed new CLI entry point, awx-cli
- Allowed setup and testing to proceed without root privileges
- Added project and inventory update resources to enable more
- Fixed bug when copying resources that use the variables field type
- Fixed bug that caused debug messages to hang with long line lengths
- Fixed bug with side-by-side install of v1 and v2
- Fixed bug where –all-pages was ignored for roles
- Allowed use of –format=id with multiple results
- Added cleaner handling of Unicode
- Officially support using tower_cli as a python library.
- Major documentation updates. From 3.2.0 docs are hosted on
- Added project_update and inventory_update resources to allow canceling and
Updates from Tower 3.2:
- Migrated to API V2. All API calls will start with /api/v2 instead
of /api/v1.
- Made inventory_source an external resource and remove the old relationship
to its associated group. Remove launching inventory updates from group
- Added credential_type resource and significantly modified credential
resource to reveal user-defined credentials feature of Tower 3.2.
- Added job template extra credential (dis)association to reveal
extra_credential field of 3.2 job templates.
- Removed all source-specific inventory source fields and replaced them with
a credential field.
- Updated inventory resource fields to reveal smart inventory and insights
integration features of Tower 3.2.
- Added list_fact and insights commands to host resource to
reveal smart inventory and insights integration features of Tower
- Added instance and instance_group resources to reveal
instance/instance group feature of Tower 3.2.
- Enabled (dis)associating instance groups to(from) organization,
job_template and inventory resources to reveal instance/instance group
feature of Tower 3.2.
- Added support for Tower 3.2 SCM inventory sources.
- Updated job_template resource fields to reveal changes in Tower 3.2,
including –diff mode feature.
- Updated job resource launch command to reveal changes in Tower 3.2,
including –diff mode feature.
- Updated ad_hoc resource fields to reveal changes in Tower 3.2, including
–diff mode feature. Specifically, changed name of
–become of launch command into
Deprecated features:
- Removed permission resource.
- Disabled launching a job using the jobs endpoint.
- Removed scan jobs in favor of new job fact cache.
- Removed Rackspace options.
- Remove outdated association function for project’s
Reflected from 3.1.8:
- Include method of installing with alias tower-cli-v2
- Fix bug of incomplete role membership lookup, preventing granting of
- Combine click parameters from multiple base classes in metaclass.
- Fix unicode bug in human display format.
- Add new page_size parameter to list view.
- Add scm_update_cache_timeout field to project resource.
- Begin process to deprecate python 2.6.
- •
- Follow up 3.1.6 by duplicating to support import
tower_cli.utils.exceptions syntax.
- •
- Fix a usage compatibility issue for Ansible Tower modules.
- Major code base file structure refactor. Now all click-related logics are
moved to tower_cli/cli/ directory, and as well
as are moved out of utils directory into base
- Categorize help text options for resource action commands (like
update) to increase readability.
- Behavior change of workflow schema command. Now schema will both create
new nodes and delete existing nodes when needed to make the resulting
workflow topology exactly the same as described in schema file.
- Add command job_template callback to enable conducting provisioning
callback via Tower CLI.
- Add new format option to just echo id.
- Expand some resource fields, including hipchat rooms for notification
template and allow_simultaneous for job templates.
- Lookup related inventory sources with “starts with” logic if
its name is not fully qualified.
- Fixed a python 3.5 compatibility issue that causes job monitor
- Minor typo and help text updates.
- Support resource copy subcommand.
- Support auth-token-based authentication for Tower CLI requests.
- Support managing workflow roles, labels and notifications via Tower
- Several fixes on RPM spec file.
- Name change from ‘foreman’ to ‘satellite6’ in
credential kind choices.
- Fixed a bug where creating job templates with –extra-vars did not
work after 3.1.0 upgrade.
- Fixed traceback when launching job with –use-job-endpoint.
- Enhanced json library usage to prevent traceback when using earlier python
2.6 versions.
- Prevent throwing unnecessary warning when reading from global
configuration file.
- •
- Fixed a bug where extra_vars were dropped in some commands.
- •
- Fixed a bug where global flags are not added to some commands.
- Fixed a bug which blocks named resources from using runtime configure
- Fixed a bug in 3.1.0 which sometimes causes traceback when pk value
is given.
- Improved job monitoring functionality to enable standard out streaming,
which displays real-time job output on command line.
- Added workflow, workflow_job and node endpoints to manipulate workflow
graph and manage workflow job resources. Reflecting workflows feature of
Tower 3.1.
- Added settings command to manage Tower settings via Tower CLI. Reflecting
Configure Tower in Tower (CTiT) feature of Tower 3.1.
- Included timeout option to certain unified job template resources.
Reflecting job timeout feature of Tower 3.1.
- Added unicode support to extra_vars and variable types.
- Several minor bug fixes to improve user experience.
- Expose custom inventory script resource to the user
- Include tests and docs in the release tarball
- Added job template skip_tags prompting support
- Added job template callback support
- •
- Enable configuring tower-cli via environment variables
- •
- Added custom SSL certificate support
- Added text indicator for resource change
- Allow hosts, inventory, and groups to use variables from the command line
and denote a file by starting with “@”
- Added resource role for tower3.0 and permission for previous tower
- Added notification templates
- Added labels
- Added description display option
- Added deprecation warnings
- Help text upgrades
- Give indication of “changed” apart from color
- New credential fields to support openstack-v2, networking and azure
- New options for inventory source/group. Add implicit resource inventory
- credential updates (no longer require user/team)
- Added support for system auditors
- projects (do not post to organizations/N/projects)
- prompt-for JT fields + job launch options (allow blank inventory too)
- Update the POST protocol for associate and disassociate actions
- New job launch option for backwards compatibility
- New tower-cli option to display tower-cli version
- Enhanced debug log format (support multi-line debug log)
- Add RPM specfile and Makefile
- Tower compatibility fixes
- Allow scan JTs as an option for “job_type”
- Add ability to create group as subgroup of another group
- Add YAML output format against JSON and humanized output formats
- Add SSL corner case error handling and suggestion
- Allow resource disassociation with “null”
- Fixed bug affecting force-on-exists and fail_on_found options
- Changed extra_vars behavior to be more compliant by re-parsing vars, even
when only one source exists
- Fixed group modify bug, avoid sending unwanted fields in modify
- Fixed an issue where the settings file could be world readable
- Added the ability to associate a project with an organization
- Added setting “verify_ssl” to disallow insecure
- Added support for additional cloud credentials
- Exposed additional options for a cloud inventory source
- Combined ” launch-time extra_vars” with ”
job_template extra_vars” for older Tower versions
- Changed the extra_vars parameters to align with Ansible parameter
- Added the ability to run ad hoc commands
- Included more detail when displaying job information
- Added an example bash script to demonstrate tower-cli usage
- Added tests for Python versions 2.6 through 3.4
- Added shields for github README
- Added job_tags on job launches
- Added option for project local path
- Added the ability to customize the set of fields used as options for a
- Expanded monitoring capability to include projects and inventory
- Added support for new job_template job launch endpoint
- Added ability to set local scope for config file
- Expanded credential resource to allow options for cloud credentials
- •
- Updated README and error text
- •
- Pluggable resource architecture built around click