anytun-controld - anycast tunneling control daemon
[ -h|--help ]
[ -D|--nodaemonize ]
[ -u|--username <username> ]
[ -g|--groupname <groupname> ]
[ -C|--chroot <path> ]
[ -P|--write-pid <filename> ]
[ -L|--log <target>:<level>[,<param1>[,<param2>[..]]] ]
[ -U|--debug ]
[ -f|--file <path> ]
[ -X|--control-host < <host>[:port>] | :<port> > ]
anytun-controld configures the multi-connection support for Anytun. It reads a connection/routing table and outputs it via a tcp socket to all connected Anytun servers. When the control daemon is restarted with a new connection/routing table all Anytun servers automatically load the new configuration. Please make sure to protect that information as it contains the connection keys.
-D, --nodaemonize
-u, --username <username>
-g, --groupname <groupname>
-C, --chroot <path>
-P, --write-pid <filename>
-L, --log <target>:<level>[,<param1>[,<param2>[..]]]
The file target can be used more the once with different levels. If no target is provided at the command line a single target with the config syslog:3,anytun-controld,daemon is added.
The following targets are supported:
-U, --debug
-f, --file <path>
-X, --control-host <hostname|ip>[:<port>]
Most likely there are some bugs in Anytun. If you find a bug, please let the developers know at Of course, patches are preferred.
Othmar Gsenger <> Erwin Nindl <> Christian Pointner <>
Main web site:
Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Markus Grüneis, Othmar Gsenger, Erwin Nindl and Christian Pointner. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
06/09/2018 |