autotrash — program to automatically purge old files from
the trash
autotrash [-d purge_n_days_old]
autotrash [--delete
autotrash [--keep-free
autotrash is a program that looks in a
Trash folder for information on it's contents and then purges a part of the
trash depending on the options.
The most common option is -d, which will purge files that
have been in the trash for more then a given number of days.
The option --delete will remove at least the given number
of megabytes from the trash, removing the oldest trash first.
Using --keep-free will make sure at least the given number
of megabytes of free space is available, by automatically setting
--delete to the right value. For example, to keep at least a 1GB of
free space, removing files from the trash if needed, use autotrash
--keep-free 1024 .
This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long
options starting with two dashes (`-').
- -h --help
- Show a summary of options.
- -d DAYS
--days DAYS
- Purge files older than DAYS number of days.
--trash-path PATH
- Use the given path as the location of the Trash directory, instead of the
default: ~/.local/share/Trash .
- --max-free
- Only purge files if there is less than M megabytes of free space
left at the trash location. As an example, if you set this to 1024, then
autotrash will only start to work if there is less than 1GB of free space
in the trash. Till that time, autotrash will just exit normally without
scanning the Trash directory. If unsure, try running autotrash with
--dry-run and --verbose to see the effect.
- --delete
- Purge at least M megabytes, deleting oldest trash addition first.
It uses trash entries, NOT individual files. This means that if your
oldest trashed item is a 1GB directory, and you request at least 10MB to
be removed (M=10), autotrash will remove 1GB. If unsure, try running
autotrash with both --dry-run and --stat to see the
- --min-free
M --keep-free M
- Make sure there is a minimum of M megabytes of free space. If there
is less free space, set --delete to the difference between M
and the amount of free space. If unsure, try running autotrash with
--dry-run and --verbose to see the effect.
--delete-first REGEX
- Purge any file which matches REGEX first, regardless of it's time-stamp.
REGEX must be a valid regular expression. If this option is used multiple
times, the files matching the first regular expression are deleted first,
then the second etc. Example, delete any *.avi files first, then by age:
--delete-first '.*\.avi'
- -v --verbose
- Output information on what is happening and why.
- -q --quiet
- Only output warnings.
- --check
- Report .trashinfo files that point to a non-existing file. This will only
happen with a broken Trashcan. It is left up to the user to actually do
something with this information. These files will be removed as soon as
the mentioned file would be removed by autotrash.
- --dry-run
- Only list what would be done, but actually do nothing.
- --stat
- Show the number, and total size of files involved.
- -V --version
- Show the version of program.
Examples of program use.
- autotrash -d
- Purge any file that has been in the trash for more then 30 days.
- autotrash
--max-free 1024 -d 30
- Only purge files from the trash if there is less than 1GB of space left on
the trash filesystem. If so, only trash files that are older than 30
- autotrash
--min-free 2048
- Purge files from trash, oldest first, till there is at least 2GB of space
on the trash filesystem. There is no restriction on how old trashed files
- autotrash
--min-free 2048 -D '.*\.bak' -D '.*\.avi'
- Purge files from trash till there is at least 2GB of space on the trash
filesystem. If we need to remove files, make sure we remove *.bak files
first, then all *.avi files and after that the oldest to the newest. There
is no restriction on how old trashed files can get. Please note that
'.*\.bak' and '.*\.avi' are regular expressions and not glob patterns.
Given that they are regular expressions, using -D '.*\.(png|gif|jpg|jpeg)'
will match images with any of the given extensions.
- autotrash
--max-free 4000 --min-free 2048 -d 30
- Start reading the trash if there is less than 4000MB of free space, then
start keeping an eye on. At that point, remove files older than 30 days
and if there is less than 2GB of free space after that remove even newer
- @hourly /usr/bin/autotrash --max-free 4000 --min-free 2048 -d 30
- Experienced users should consider adding autotrash as a crontab entry,
using crontab -e and adding the line above.
This manual page was written by A. Bram Neijt for
the Debian system (and may be used by others). Permission is granted
to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU
General Public License, Version 3 or any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation.
On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public
License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.