DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / backblaze-b2 / backblaze-b2.1.en
Backblaze-B2(1) User Commands Backblaze-B2(1)

backblaze-b2 - B2 Command Line Tool

This program provides command-line access to the B2 service.


backblaze-b2 authorize-account [<accountId>] [<applicationKey>]
backblaze-b2 cancel-all-unfinished-large-files <bucketName>
backblaze-b2 cancel-large-file <fileId>
backblaze-b2 clear-account
backblaze-b2 create-bucket [--bucketInfo <json>] [--corsRules <json>] [--lifecycleRules <json>] \

<bucketName> [allPublic | allPrivate]

backblaze-b2 delete-bucket <bucketName>
backblaze-b2 delete-file-version [<fileName>] <fileId>
backblaze-b2 download-file-by-id [--noProgress] <fileId> <localFileName>
backblaze-b2 download-file-by-name [--noProgress] <bucketName> <fileName> <localFileName>
backblaze-b2 get-account-info
backblaze-b2 get-bucket <bucketName>
backblaze-b2 get-download-auth [--prefix <fileNamePrefix>] [--duration <durationInSeconds>] <bucketName>
backblaze-b2 get-file-info <fileId>
backblaze-b2 help [commandName]
backblaze-b2 hide-file <bucketName> <fileName>
backblaze-b2 list-buckets
backblaze-b2 list-file-names <bucketName> [<startFileName>] [<maxToShow>]
backblaze-b2 list-file-versions <bucketName> [<startFileName>] [<startFileId>] [<maxToShow>]
backblaze-b2 list-parts <largeFileId>
backblaze-b2 list-unfinished-large-files <bucketName>
backblaze-b2 ls [--long] [--versions] <bucketName> [<folderName>]
backblaze-b2 make-url <fileId>
backblaze-b2 sync [--delete] [--keepDays N] [--skipNewer] [--replaceNewer] \

[--compareVersions <option>] [--threads N] [--noProgress] \
[--excludeRegex <regex> [--includeRegex <regex>]] [--dryRun] \
<source> <destination>

backblaze-b2 update-bucket [--bucketInfo <json>] [--corsRules <json>] [--lifecycleRules <json>] \

<bucketName> [allPublic | allPrivate]

backblaze-b2 upload-file [--sha1 <sha1sum>] [--contentType <contentType>] \

[--info <key>=<value>]* [--minPartSize N] \
[--noProgress] [--threads N] <bucketName> <localFilePath> <b2FileName>
backblaze-b2 version

For more details on one command: b2 help <command>

The full documentation for backblaze-b2 is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and backblaze-b2 programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info backblaze-b2

should give you access to the complete manual.

Copyright 2015 - 2017, Backblaze, Inc. <>

This manual page was generated by help2man 1.47.4 and amended by Ondrej Koblizek <>.

December 2017 backblaze-b2