DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / bs1770gain / bs1770gain.1.en
BS1770GAIN(1) BS1770GAIN(1)

bs1770gain - lundness scanner and normalizer based on ITU-R BS.1770

bs1770gain [options] <file/dir> [<file/dir> ...]

BS1770GAIN is a loudness scanner compliant with ITU-R BS.1770 and its flavors EBU R128, ATSC A/85, and ReplayGain 2.0. It helps normalizing the loudness of audio and video files to the same level.

Command line arguments can appear in any order.

print this message and exit
calculate integrated loudness
calculate maximum shortterm loudness
calculate maximum momentary loudness
calculate loudness range
calculate maximum sample peak
calculate maximum true peak
begin decoding at timestamp (in microseconds, format: hh:mm:ss.mus)
let decoding last duration (in microseconds, format: hh:mm:ss.mus)
base replay gain calculation on method (with respect to the -a/--apply and -o/--output options), methods: "integrated" (default), "shortterm", or "momentary" experimental methods: "momentary-mean" (same as "integrated"), "momentary-maximum" (same as "momentary"), "shortterm-mean", or "shortterm-maximum" (same as "shortterm")
apply the EBU/ATSC/RG album gain to the output (in conjunction with the -o/--output option)
write RG tags or apply the EBU/ATSC/RG gain, respectively, and output to folder -f <file>,--file <file> write analysis to file
enable following extensions/defaults:
rename files according to TITLE tag
read metadata from per-folder CSV file "folder.csv"
copy file "folder.jpg" from source to destination folder
automatically add the TRACK and DISC tags
calculate maximum true peak
convert to stereo
print FFmpeg format/stream information
calculate replay gain according to EBU R128 (-23.0 LUFS, default)
calculate replay gain according to ATSC A/85 (-24.0 LUFS)
calculate replay gain according to ReplayGain 2.0 (-18.0 LUFS)
write track tags
write album tags
write tags with <unit>
apply the EBU/ATSC/RG gain to the output (in conjunction with the -o/--output option), q=0.0 (album gain) ... 1.0 (track gain), default 0.0 (album gain)
select audio index (corresponds to [0:<index>] in FFmpeg listing, cf. -l/--list option)
select video index (corresponds to [0:<index>] in FFmpeg listing, cf. -l/--list option)
convert to stereo
set AC3 dynamic range compression (DRC)
enable extension out of
rename files according to TITLE tag
read metadata from per-folder CSV file "folder.csv"
copy file "folder.jpg" from source to destination folder
automatically add the TRACK and DISC tags
convert to format
set loglevel,
"quiet", "panic", "fatal", "error", "warning", "info", "verbose", "debug"
print results in xml format
print out duration of program invocation
norm loudness to float.

The authors can be contacted via .

This manual page for bs1770gain was written by Petter Reinholdtsen and is licensed using the same terms as the bs1770gain source.

23 January 2019