DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / bubbros / bubbros-client.6.en
bubbros-client(6) Games Manual bubbros-client(6)

bubbros-client - the bub-n-bros client

bubbros-client [ options ] [host[:port]]

This is the bub-n-bros client that connects to bub-n-bros servers started with bubbros-server(6) or bubbros(6). It supports many different audio and video drivers and is very multi-platform.

Search for a game on the given machine, and connect to one if found. If this is not defined, search for servers on the local network.

Connect to server running on given port on given host. If this is not defined, search for servers on the local network.

This option concerns only the windows audio driver. Set bits per sample. Valid values are 8 and 16 (default).

Use video driver DRIVER. Valid drivers are:

X Window driver for Linux and Unix systems with an X server running. See the --shm option.
MS Windows driver.
PyGame gaming library for python (if installed) has video output. Use it if this is specified. See and the --transparency option.
Use the PyGTK library (if installed). See and the --zoom option.

Display help.

This option concerns only the linux audio driver. Set the sound data format. Defaults to S16_NE. You can get a list of supported formats with --fmt=list.

This option concerns only the linux and windows audio drivers. Set mixing frequency to N (in Hz). Defaults to 44100.

Connect with the help of the Metaserver (see bubbros-server(1) for more info). Run bubbros-client -m to print a table of currently running servers, pick the the exact IP address and port of the server of your choice from the table, and run again bubbros-client -m host:port.

In conjunction with the -m option, force a specific port on which to listen for an incoming TCP connexion from the remote server. This is only used if a direct connexion to the server fails. A random port number is picked by default. This option is useful if you are behind a firewall but can let TCP connexions on specific ports reach you.

Force a specific port on which to listen for incoming UDP traffic (animation data). Useful if you are behind a firewall but can let UDP traffic on a given port pass through. This is optional: animation data is routed over the TCP link if it does not appear to reach the client. A random port number is picked by default.

Use driver DRIVER for audio. Valid drivers are:

Use the audio capabilities of the PyGame library (

Use the linux audio mixer. See the --freq and --fmt options.

Use the Windows audio mixer. See the --freq and --bitsoptions.

No sounds.

This option concerns only the X display driver. Disable or enable the shm (Shared Memory) extension. It is enabled by default and should only be disabled for remote X connections and old X servers.

Use the TCP protocol. The default is to autodetect the protocol. See the -u option.

This option concerns only the pygame display driver. Disable or enable transparent bubbles. Enabled by default. Disabling makes game a bit faster.

Use the UDP protocol. The default is to autodetect the protocol. See the -t option.

This option concerns only the gtk display driver. Scale output by N%.

bubbros(6) bubbros-server(6)

December 7, 2007