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calibredb - calibredb

calibredb orde [opcións] [argumentos]

calibredb is the command line interface to the calibre database. It has several sub-commands, documented below.

calibredb can be used to manipulate either a calibre database specified by path or a calibre Content server running either on the local machine or over the internet. You can start a calibre Content server using either the calibre-server program or in the main calibre program click Connect/share  →  Start Content server. Since calibredb can make changes to your calibre libraries, you must setup authentication on the server first. There are two ways to do that:

  • If you plan to connect only to a server running on the same computer, you can simply use the --enable-local-write option of the content server, to allow any program, including calibredb, running on the local computer to make changes to your calibre data. When running the server from the main calibre program, this option is in Preferences → Sharing over the net → Advanced.
  • If you want to enable access over the internet, then you should setup user accounts on the server and use the --username and --password options to calibredb to give it access. You can setup user authentication for calibre-server by using the --enable-auth option and using --manage-users to create the user accounts. If you are running the server from the main calibre program, use Preferences → Sharing over the net → Require username/password.

To connect to a running Content server, pass the URL of the server to the --with-library option, see the documentation of that option for details and examples.

  • list
  • add

  • remove
  • add_format
  • remove_format
  • show_metadata
  • set_metadata
  • export
  • catalog

  • saved_searches
  • add_custom_column
  • custom_columns
  • remove_custom_column
  • set_custom
  • restore_database
  • check_library
  • list_categories
  • backup_metadata
  • clone
  • embed_metadata
  • search

show this help message and exit

Path to the calibre library. Default is to use the path stored in the settings. You can also connect to a calibre Content server to perform actions on remote libraries. To do so use a URL of the form: http://hostname:port/#library_id for example, http://localhost:8080/#mylibrary. library_id is the library id of the library you want to connect to on the Content server. You can use the special library_id value of - to get a list of library ids available on the server. For details on how to setup access via a Content server, see

Password for connecting to a calibre Content server. To read the password from standard input, use the special value: <stdin>. To read the password from a file, use: <f:/path/to/file> (i.e. <f: followed by the full path to the file and a trailing >). The angle brackets in the above are required, remember to escape them or use quotes for your shell.

Username for connecting to a calibre Content server

show program's version number and exit

calibredb list [opcións]

Lista dos libros dispoñíbeis na base de datos do Calibre.

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

Ordenar resultados en orde ascendente

The fields to display when listing books in the database. Should be a comma separated list of fields. Available fields: author_sort, authors, comments, cover, formats, identifiers, isbn, languages, last_modified, pubdate, publisher, rating, series, series_index, size, tags, timestamp, title, uuid Default: title,authors. The special field "all" can be used to select all fields. In addition to the builtin fields above, custom fields are also available as *field_name, for example, for a custom field #rating, use the name: *rating

Generate output in JSON format, which is more suitable for machine parsing. Causes the line width and separator options to be ignored.

The maximum number of results to display. Default: all

A lonxitude máxima das liñas na saída. De modo predeterminado tómase a largura da pantalla.

O prefixo para todas as rutas de ficheiros. Por omisión é a ruta absoluta do cartafol da biblioteca.

Filtrar os resultados pola consulta de busca. Para o formato da consulta de busca, véxase a documentación relacionada no Manual de Usuario. O predeterminado e non filtrar.

O texto usado para separar campos. Por omisión é un espazo.

The field by which to sort the results. Available fields: author_sort, authors, comments, cover, formats, identifiers, isbn, languages, last_modified, pubdate, publisher, rating, series, series_index, size, tags, timestamp, title, uuid Default: id

calibredb engade [opcións] ficheiro1 ficheiro2 ficheiro3 ...

Engadir os ficheiros especificados como libros na base de datos. Tamén pode especificar cartafoles, vexa as opcións relacionadas con cartafoles a seguir.

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

Set the authors of the added book(s)

Path to the cover to use for the added book

Engadir os libros á base de datos aínda que xa existan. A comparación realizase sobre o título dos libros.

Engadir libro en branco (sen formato)

Set the identifiers for this book, for e.g. -I asin:XXX -I isbn:YYY

Set the ISBN of the added book(s)

A comma separated list of languages (best to use ISO639 language codes, though some language names may also be recognized)

Set the series of the added book(s)

Set the series number of the added book(s)

Set the tags of the added book(s)

Set the title of the added book(s)

Options to control the adding of books from directories. By default only files that have extensions of known e-book file types are added.

A filename (glob) pattern, files matching this pattern will be added when scanning directories for files, even if they are not of a known e-book file type. Can be specified multiple times for multiple patterns.

A filename (glob) pattern, files matching this pattern will be ignored when scanning directories for files. Can be specified multiple times for multiple patterns. For e.g.: *.pdf will ignore all pdf files

Asumir que cada cartafol ten un só libro e que todos os ficheiros do cartafol son diferentes formatos do mesmo libro

Procesar os cartafoles recursivamente

calibredb remove ids

Remove the books identified by ids from the database. ids should be a comma separated list of id numbers (you can get id numbers by using the search command). For example, 23,34,57-85 (when specifying a range, the last number in the range is not included).

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

Do not use the recycle bin

calibredb add_format [options] id ebook_file

Add the e-book in ebook_file to the available formats for the logical book identified by id. You can get id by using the search command. If the format already exists, it is replaced, unless the do not replace option is specified.

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

Do not replace the format if it already exists

calibredb remove_format [options] id fmt

Remove the format fmt from the logical book identified by id. You can get id by using the search command. fmt should be a file extension like LRF or TXT or EPUB. If the logical book does not have fmt available, do nothing.

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

calibredb show_metadata [options] id

Show the metadata stored in the calibre database for the book identified by id. id is an id number from the search command.

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

Imprimir os metadatos en formato OPF (XML)

calibredb set_metadata [options] id [/path/to/metadata.opf]

Set the metadata stored in the calibre database for the book identified by id from the OPF file metadata.opf. id is an id number from the search command. You can get a quick feel for the OPF format by using the --as-opf switch to the show_metadata command. You can also set the metadata of individual fields with the --field option. If you use the --field option, there is no need to specify an OPF file.

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

The field to set. Format is field_name:value, for example: --field tags:tag1,tag2. Use --list-fields to get a list of all field names. You can specify this option multiple times to set multiple fields. Note: For languages you must use the ISO639 language codes (e.g. en for English, fr for French and so on). For identifiers, the syntax is --field identifiers:isbn:XXXX,doi:YYYYY. For boolean (yes/no) fields use true and false or yes and no.

List the metadata field names that can be used with the --field option

calibredb export [options] ids

Export the books specified by ids (a comma separated list) to the filesystem. The export operation saves all formats of the book, its cover and metadata (in an opf file). You can get id numbers from the search command.

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

Exportar todos os libros da base de datos, facendo caso omiso da lista de identificacións.

Normalmente Calibre converterá todos os caracteres non ASCII dos nomes de ficheiro nos equivalentes ASCII. AVISO: Se desactiva esta opción, poden producirse erros ao gardar, dependendo da compatibilidade para Unicode do sistema de ficheiros onde se garden os libros. Se se especifica esta opción desactivase este comportamento

Normally, calibre will save the cover in a separate file along with the actual e-book files. Se se especifica esta opción desactivase este comportamento

Normalmente Calibre actualizará os metadatos dos ficheiros gardados segundo os datos da biblioteca de Calibre. Fai que o gardado en disco sexa máis lento. Se se especifica esta opción desactivase este comportamento

Normalmente Calibre escribirá os metadatos nun fichero OPF separado, xunto cos ficheiros de libro electrónico. Se se especifica esta opción desactivase este comportamento

Lista de formatos, separados por comas, para gardar cada libro. Por omisión gárdanse todos os formatos dispoñíbeis.

Report progress

Substituír os espazos por suliñados.

Exportar todos os libros nun só cartafol

The template to control the filename and directory structure of the saved files. Default is "{author_sort}/{title}/{title} - {authors}" which will save books into a per-author subdirectory with filenames containing title and author. Available controls are: {author_sort, authors, id, isbn, languages, last_modified, pubdate, publisher, rating, series, series_index, tags, timestamp, title}

The format in which to display dates. %d - day, %b - month, %m - month number, %Y - year. Default is: %b, %Y

Exportar os libros ao cartafol especificado. O valor predeterminado é .

Converter as traxectorias a minúsculas.

calibredb catalog /path/to/destination.(csv|epub|mobi|xml...) [options]

Export a catalog in format specified by path/to/destination extension. Options control how entries are displayed in the generated catalog output. Note that different catalog formats support different sets of options.

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

Lista de identificadores da base de datos, separadas por vírgulas, para o catálogo. Cando se declare, ignorarase --search. Valor predeterminado: todas

Filtrar los resultados segundo a busca. Para o formato da busca, vexa a documentación relativa a buscas no Manual de usuario. Valor predeterminado: sen filtrado

Mostrar información de saída detallada. Útil para a depuración

Title of generated catalog used as title in metadata. Default: 'My Books' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

Create cross-references in Authors section for books with multiple authors. Default: 'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

Save the output from different stages of the conversion pipeline to the specified directory. Useful if you are unsure at which stage of the conversion process a bug is occurring. Default: 'None' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

Regex describing tags to exclude as genres. Default: '[.+]|^+$' excludes bracketed tags, e.g. '[Project Gutenberg]', and '+', the default tag for read books. Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

Specifies the rules used to exclude books from the generated catalog. The model for an exclusion rule is either ('<rule name>','Tags','<comma-separated list of tags>') or ('<rule name>','<custom column>','<pattern>'). For example: (('Archived books','#status','Archived'),) will exclude a book with a value of 'Archived' in the custom column 'status'. When multiple rules are defined, all rules will be applied. Default: "(('Catalogs','Tags','Catalog'),)" Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

Include 'Authors' section in catalog. Default: 'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

Include 'Descriptions' section in catalog. Default: 'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

Include 'Genres' section in catalog. Default: 'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

Include 'Recently Added' section in catalog. Default: 'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

Include 'Series' section in catalog. Default: 'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

Include 'Titles' section in catalog. Default: 'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

Source field for 'Genres' section. Default: 'Etiquetas' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

Custom field containing note text to insert in Description header. Default: '' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

#<custom field>:[before|after]:[True|False] specifying: <custom field> Custom field containing notes to merge with Comments [before|after] Placement of notes with respect to Comments [True|False] - A horizontal rule is inserted between notes and Comments Default: '::' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

Specifies the output profile. In some cases, an output profile is required to optimize the catalog for the device. For example, 'kindle' or 'kindle_dx' creates a structured Table of Contents with Sections and Articles. Default: 'None' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

Specifies the rules used to include prefixes indicating read books, wishlist items and other user-specified prefixes. The model for a prefix rule is ('<rule name>','<source field>','<pattern>','<prefix>'). When multiple rules are defined, the first matching rule will be used. Default: "(('Read books','tags','+',''),('Wishlist item','tags','Wishlist','×'))" Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

Use a named preset created with the GUI catalog builder. A preset specifies all settings for building a catalog. Default: 'None' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

Size hint (in inches) for book covers in catalog. Range: 1.0 - 2.0 Default: '1.0' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

Replace existing cover when generating the catalog. Default: 'False' Applies to: AZW3, EPUB, MOBI output formats

calibredb saved_searches [options] (list|add|remove)

Manage the saved searches stored in this database. If you try to add a query with a name that already exists, it will be replaced.

Syntax for adding:

calibredb saved_searches add search_name search_expression

Syntax for removing:

calibredb saved_searches remove search_name

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

calibredb add_custom_column [opcións] etiqueta nome tipo-de-dato

Crea un campo personalizado. A 'etiqueta' é o nome amigábel da columna. Non debería conter espazos nin vírgulas. O 'nome' é o nome do campo que se amosará. O 'tipo-de-dato' pode ser un dos seguintes: bool, comments, composite, datetime, enumeration, float, int, rating, series, text

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

A dictionary of options to customize how the data in this column will be interpreted. This is a JSON string. For enumeration columns, use --display"{\ "enum_values\ ":[\ "val1\ ", \ "val2\ "]}" There are many options that can go into the display variable.The options by column type are: composite: composite_template, composite_sort, make_category,contains_html, use_decorations datetime: date_format enumeration: enum_values, enum_colors, use_decorations int, float: number_format text: is_names, use_decorations The best way to find legal combinations is to create a custom column of the appropriate type in the GUI then look at the backup OPF for a book (ensure that a new OPF has been created since the column was added). You will see the JSON for the "display" for the new column in the OPF.

Esta columna almacena datos de etiquetas (valores separados por comas). Só se aplica se el tipo de dato é texto.

calibredb custom_columns [options]

List available custom columns. Shows column labels and ids.

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

Mostrar detalles das columnas

calibredb remove_custom_column [options] label

Remove the custom column identified by label. You can see available columns with the custom_columns command.

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

Non pedir confirmación

calibredb set_custom [options] column id value

Set the value of a custom column for the book identified by id. You can get a list of ids using the search command. You can get a list of custom column names using the custom_columns command.

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

Se a columna almacena valores múltiplos, engadir os valores especificados aos existentes no canto de substituílos.

calibredb restore_database [opcións]

Restaura a base de datos a partir dos metadatos almacenados nos ficheiros OPF en cada cartafol da biblioteca do Calibre. Isto resulta útil se o seu ficheiro de metadata.db está danado.

ATENCIÓN: Esta orde rexenera completamente a base de datos. Perderanse todas as buscas gardadas, categorías de usuario, paneis de control, axustes de conversión gardados por libro e receitas personalizadas. Os metadatos recuperados serán tan precisos como o sexan os ficheiros OPF.

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

Facer a recuperación. Esta orde no se executará a menos que se especifique esta opción.

calibredb check_library [opcións]

Realiza algunhas comprobacións no sistema de ficheiros que contén a biblioteca. O resultado é invalid_titles, extra_titles, invalid_authors, extra_authors, missing_formats, extra_formats, extra_files, missing_covers, extra_covers, failed_folders

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

Saída en CSV

Lista de extensións para ignorar separadas por vírgulas. Valor predeterminado: todas

Lista de nomes para ignorar separados por vírgulas. Valor predeterminado: todas

Lista de resultados separados por comas Valor predeterminado: all

calibredb list_categories [opcións]

Xera un informe da información da categoría na base de datos. A información é o equivalente ao que se amosa no panel de etiquetas.

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

Comma-separated list of category lookup names. Default: all

Saída en CSV

The type of CSV file to produce. Choices: excel, excel-tab

Xerar na saída só o número de elementos nunha categoría en vez de cantas veces aparece por elemento na categoría

A lonxitude máxima das liñas na saída. De modo predeterminado tómase a largura da pantalla.

calibredb backup_metadata [options]

Backup the metadata stored in the database into individual OPF files in each books directory. This normally happens automatically, but you can run this command to force re-generation of the OPF files, with the --all option.

Note that there is normally no need to do this, as the OPF files are backed up automatically, every time metadata is changed.

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

Normally, this command only operates on books that have out of date OPF files. This option makes it operate on all books.

calibredb clone path/to/new/library

Create a clone of the current library. This creates a new, empty library that has all the same custom columns, virtual libraries and other settings as the current library.

The cloned library will contain no books. If you want to create a full duplicate, including all books, then simply use your filesystem tools to copy the library folder.

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

calibredb embed_metadata [options] book_id

Update the metadata in the actual book files stored in the calibre library from the metadata in the calibre database. Normally, metadata is updated only when exporting files from calibre, this command is useful if you want the files to be updated in place. Note that different file formats support different amounts of metadata. You can use the special value 'all' for book_id to update metadata in all books. You can also specify many book ids separated by spaces and id ranges separated by hyphens. For example: calibredb embed_metadata 1 2 10-15 23

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

Only update metadata in files of the specified format. Specify it multiple times for multiple formats. By default, all formats are updated.

calibredb search [options] search expression

Search the library for the specified search term, returning a comma separated list of book ids matching the search expression. The output format is useful to feed into other commands that accept a list of ids as input.

The search expression can be anything from calibre's powerful search query language, for example: author:asimov title:robot

Whenever you pass arguments to calibredb that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"

The maximum number of results to return. Default is all results.

Kovid Goyal

Kovid Goyal

febreiro 01, 2019 3.39.1