DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / cargo / cargo.1.en

cargo - The Rust package manager

cargo [OPTIONS] --version
cargo [OPTIONS] --list
cargo [OPTIONS] --help
cargo [OPTIONS] --explain CODE

This program is a package manager and build tool for the Rust language, available at <>.


Execute benchmarks of a package.


Compile a package.


Check a local package and all of its dependencies for errors.


Remove artifacts that Cargo has generated in the past.


Build a package’s documentation.


Fetch dependencies of a package from the network.


Automatically fix lint warnings reported by rustc.


Run a binary or example of the local package.


Compile a package, and pass extra options to the compiler.


Build a package’s documentation, using specified custom flags.


Execute unit and integration tests of a package.


Generate Cargo.lock for a project.


Print a JSON representation of a Cargo.toml file’s location.


Output the resolved dependencies of a package, the concrete used versions including overrides, in machine-readable format.


Print a fully qualified package specification.


Update dependencies as recorded in the local lock file.


Vendor all dependencies locally.


Check correctness of crate manifest.


Create a new Cargo package in an existing directory.


Build and install a Rust binary.


Create a new Cargo package.


Search packages in


Remove a Rust binary.


Save an API token from the registry locally.


Manage the owners of a crate on the registry.


Assemble the local package into a distributable tarball.


Upload a package to the registry.


Remove a pushed crate from the index.


Display help information about Cargo.


Show version information.

-V, --version

Print version info and exit. If used with --verbose, prints extra information.


List all installed Cargo subcommands. If used with --verbose, prints extra information.

--explain CODE

Run rustc --explain CODE which will print out a detailed explanation of an error message (for example, E0004).

-v, --verbose

Use verbose output. May be specified twice for "very verbose" output which includes extra output such as dependency warnings and build script output. May also be specified with the term.verbose config value <>.

-q, --quiet

No output printed to stdout.

--color WHEN

Control when colored output is used. Valid values:

auto (default): Automatically detect if color support is available on the terminal.

always: Always display colors.

never: Never display colors.

May also be specified with the term.color config value <>.

--frozen, --locked

Either of these flags requires that the Cargo.lock file is up-to-date. If the lock file is missing, or it needs to be updated, Cargo will exit with an error. The --frozen flag also prevents Cargo from attempting to access the network to determine if it is out-of-date.

These may be used in environments where you want to assert that the Cargo.lock file is up-to-date (such as a CI build) or want to avoid network access.


Prevents Cargo from accessing the network for any reason. Without this flag, Cargo will stop with an error if it needs to access the network and the network is not available. With this flag, Cargo will attempt to proceed without the network if possible.

Beware that this may result in different dependency resolution than online mode. Cargo will restrict itself to crates that are downloaded locally, even if there might be a newer version as indicated in the local copy of the index. See the cargo-fetch(1) command to download dependencies before going offline.

May also be specified with the net.offline config value <>.

-h, --help

Prints help information.

-Z FLAG...

Unstable (nightly-only) flags to Cargo. Run cargo -Z help for details.

See the reference <> for details on environment variables that Cargo reads.


Cargo succeeded.


Cargo failed to complete.


Default location for Cargo’s "home" directory where it stores various files. The location can be changed with the CARGO_HOME environment variable.


Binaries installed by cargo-install(1) will be located here. If using rustup, executables distributed with Rust are also located here.


The global configuration file. See the reference <> for more information about configuration files.


Cargo automatically searches for a file named .cargo/config in the current directory, and all parent directories. These configuration files will be merged with the global configuration file.


Private authentication information for logging in to a registry.


This directory contains cached downloads of the registry index and any downloaded dependencies.


This directory contains cached downloads of git dependencies.

Please note that the internal structure of the $CARGO_HOME directory is not stable yet and may be subject to change.

1.Build a local package and all of its dependencies:

cargo build

2.Build a package with optimizations:

cargo build --release

3.Run tests for a cross-compiled target:

cargo test --target i686-unknown-linux-gnu

4.Create a new package that builds an executable:

cargo new foobar

5.Create a package in the current directory:

mkdir foo && cd foo
cargo init .

6.Learn about a command’s options and usage:

cargo help clean

See <> for issues.

rustc(1), rustdoc(1)
