CD-HIT-PARA.PL(1) | User Commands | CD-HIT-PARA.PL(1) | - divide a big clustering job into pieces to run cd-hit or cd-hit-est jobs options
-i input filename in fasta format, required
-o output filename, required
--P program, "cd-hit" or "cd-hit-est", default "cd-hit"
--B filename of list of hosts,
--L number of cpus on local computer, default 0
--S Number of segments to split input DB into, default 64
--Q number of jobs to submit to queue queuing system, default 0
--T type of queuing system, "PBS", "SGE" are supported, default PBS
--R restart file, used after a crash of run
-h print this help
More cd-hit/cd-hit-est options can be speicified in command line
September 2018 | 4.6.8 |