DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / cdist / cdist-type__consul_template.7.en

cdist-type__consul_template - Manage the consul-template service

Downloads and installs the consul-template binary from Generates a global config file and creates directory for per template config files. Note that the consul-template binary is downloaded on the server (the machine running cdist) and then deployed to the target host using the __file type.


specify a username for basic authentication.
specify a password for basic authentication.
the size of the batch when polling multiple dependencies.
the location of the Consul instance to query (may be an IP address or FQDN) with port. Defaults to 'localhost:8500'.
The log level for output. This applies to the stdout/stderr logging as well as syslog logging (if enabled). Valid values are "debug", "info", "warn", and "err". The default value is "warn".
the maximum staleness of a query. If specified, Consul will distribute work among all servers instead of just the leader.
the amount of time to wait if Consul returns an error when communicating with the API.
either 'present' or 'absent'. Defaults to 'present'
Path to an SSL client certificate to use to authenticate to the consul server. Useful if the consul server "verify_incoming" option is set.
Path to a CA certificate file, containing one or more CA certificates to use to validate the certificate sent by the consul server to us. This is a handy alternative to setting --ssl-no-verify if you are using your own CA.
The facility to use when sending to syslog. This requires the use of --syslog. The default value is LOCAL0.
the Consul API token.
the location of the Vault instance to query (may be an IP address or FQDN) with port.
the Vault API token.
Path to an SSL client certificate to use to authenticate to the vault server.
Path to a CA certificate file, containing one or more CA certificates to use to validate the certificate sent by the vault server to us.
which version of consul-template to install. See ./files/versions for a list of supported versions. Defaults to the latest known version.
the minimum(:maximum) to wait before rendering a new template to disk and triggering a command, separated by a colon (:). If the optional maximum value is omitted, it is assumed to be 4x the required minimum value.

use HTTPS while talking to Consul. Requires the Consul server to be configured to serve secure connections.
ignore certificate warnings. Only used if ssl is enabled.
Send log output to syslog (in addition to stdout and stderr).
use HTTPS while talking to Vault. Requires the Vault server to be configured to serve secure connections.
ignore certificate warnings. Only used if vault is enabled.

__consul_template \

--consul consul.service.consul:8500 \
--retry 30s # specific version __consul_template \
--version 0.6.5 \
--retry 30s

consul documentation at: <>.

Steven Armstrong <>

Copyright (C) 2015 Steven Armstrong. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

February 16, 2019 4.10.6