DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / cdist / cdist-type__dot_file.7.en

cdist-type__dot_file - install file under user's home directory

This type installs a file (=__object_id) under user's home directory, providing a way to install per-user configuration files. File owner and group is deduced from user, for who file is installed.

Unlike regular __file type, you do not need make any assumptions, where user's home directory is.

User, for who file is installed

forwarded to __file type
forwarded to __file type
forwarded to __file type

This type inherits all messages from file type, and do not add any new.

# Install .forward file for user 'alice'. Since state is 'present',
# user is not meant to edit this file, all changes will be overridden.
# It is good idea to put warning about it in file itself.
__dot_file .forward --user alice --source "$__files/forward"
# Install .muttrc for user 'bob', if not already present. User can safely
# edit it, his changes will not be overwritten.
__dot_file .muttrc --user bob --source "$__files/recommended_mutt_config" --state exists
# Install default xmonad config for user 'eve'. Parent directory is created automatically.
__dot_file .xmonad/xmonad.hs --user eve --state exists --source "$__files/xmonad.hs"


Copyright (C) 2015 Dmitry Bogatov. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or later (GPLv3+).

February 16, 2019 4.10.6