DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / cdist / cdist-type__letsencrypt_cert.7.en

cdist-type__letsencrypt_cert - Get an SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt

Automatically obtain a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate using Certbot.

A cert name. If domain parameter is not specified then it is used as a domain to be included in the certificate.
Where to send Let's Encrypt emails like "certificate needs renewal".

'present' or 'absent', defaults to 'present' where:
if the certificate does not exist, it will be obtained
the certificate will be removed

The path to your webroot, as set up in your webserver config. If this parameter is not present, Certbot will be run in standalone mode.

Renew hook command directly passed to Certbot in cron job.
Domains to be included in the certificate. When specified then object id is not used as a domain.

Install a cron job, which attempts to renew certificates daily.
Obtain a test certificate from a staging server.

Certificte was changed.
Certificte was created.
Certificte was removed.

# use object id as domain
__letsencrypt_cert \

--admin-email \
--automatic-renewal \
--renew-hook "service nginx reload" \
--webroot /data/letsencrypt/root

# domain parameter is specified so object id is not used as domain
# and needs to be included again with domain parameter
__letsencrypt_cert \

--admin-email \
--automatic-renewal \
--domain \
--domain \
--domain \
--renew-hook "service nginx reload" \
--webroot /data/letsencrypt/root

Nico Schottelius <>
Kamila Součková <>
Darko Poljak <>
Ľubomír Kučera <lubomir.kucera.jr at>

Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Nico Schottelius, Kamila Součková, Darko Poljak and Ľubomír Kučera. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

February 16, 2019 4.10.6