DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / chm2pdf / chm2pdf.1.en
chm2pdf(1) General Commands Manual chm2pdf(1)

chm2pdf - A tool convert chm to pdf format

chm2pdf [action] [options] [packages] ...

chm2pdf is a package supports batch conversion, command line, PDF security options, password protection and compression modes. The program has Explorer-like interface

Actions of chm2pdf: (Usage: /usr/bin/chm2pdf [options] input_filename [output_filename])

Specifies the background color for all pages.



Specifies that the HTML sources are structured (headings, chapters, etc.).

Specifies the bottom margin in points (no suffix or ##pt), inches (##in), centimeters (##cm), or millimeters (##mm).


Specifies the ISO character set to use for the output.

Specifies that PDF output should be in color.

Specifies that the HTML sources are unstructured (plain web pages). No page breaks are inserted between each file or URL in the output.


Specifies the location of the HTMLDOC data files, usually /usr/share/htmldoc

Specifies that the output should be formatted for double-sided printing.

Specifies the duration in seconds of PDF page transition effects.

Specifies that fonts should be embedded in PDF output.

Enables encryption of PDF files.

Extract the HTML files from the CHM file and stop. The extracted files will be found in CHM2PDF_WORK_DIR/input_filename_without_extension.


Specifies the default font size for body text.

Sets the size of the font to use on headers and footers.

Sets the typeface to use for headings.

Displays a summary of command-line options.

Sets the JPEG compression level to use for large images. A value of 0 disables JPEG compression.


Specifies the left margin in points

Sets the color of links. You can use well-known color names like blue, or the usual #RRGGBB notation.

Enables generation of links in PDF files (default).

Sets the style of links.

Specifies an image to be used as a logo in the header or footer in a PDF document.

Note that you need to use the header and/or footer options with the l parameter.

Disables compression of PDF file.

Disables double-sided printing.

Specifies that fonts should not be embedded in PDF and PostScript output.

Disables document encryption.

Disables generation of links in a PDF document.


Disables automatic heading numbering.


Disables strict HTML input checking.

Disables generation of a title page.

Disables generation of a table of contents.

Numbers all headings in a document.

Sets the number of pages that are placed on each output page. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, and 16.

Specifies that PDF output should be in color.

Sets the owner password for encrypted PDF files.

Sets the view duration of a page in a PDF document.

Specifies the page transition effect for all pages; this attribute is ignored by all Adobe PDF viewers.

Specifies the initial layout of pages for a PDF file.

Specifies the initial viewing mode for a PDF file.

Specifies a search path for files in a document.

no-print,none} Specifies document permissions for encrypted PDF files. Separate multiple permissions with commas.


Suppresses all messages, even error messages.

Specifies the right margin in points

Specifies the page size using a standard name or in points (no suffix or ##x##pt), inches (##x##in), centimeters (##x##cm), or millimeters (##x##mm). The standard sizes that are currently recognized are "letter" (8.5x11in), "legal" (8.5x14in), "a4" (210x297mm), and "universal" (8.27x11in).

Enables strict HTML input checking.

Specifies the default color of all text.


Enables the generation of a title page.

Specifies the file to use for the title page. If the file is an image then the title page is automatically generated using the document meta data and image title.

Sets the page header to use on table-of-contents pages. See below for the format of fff.

Sets the page footer to use on table-of-contents pages. See below for the format of fff.

Sets the number of levels in the table-of-contents.

Sets the title for the table-of-contents.

Specifies the top margin in points (no suffix or ##pt), inches (##in), centimeters (##cm), or millimeters (##mm).

Specifies the user password for encryption of PDF files.

Displays the current version number.

Specifies that the HTML sources are unstructured (plain web pages). A page break is inserted between each file or URL in the output.

Specifies that PDF output should be in color.

Specifies that PDF output should be in color.

Please report chm2pdf bugs to


Massimo Sandal <>
Chris Karakas <>

This manual page was written by Steve Stalcup <> for the Ubuntu GNU/Linux system.