DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / clang-tools-6.0 / clang-rename-6.0.1.en

clang-rename - manual page for clang-rename 6.0

USAGE: clang-rename [options] <source0> [... <sourceN>]


Generic Options:

-help - Display available options (-help-hidden for more)

-help-list - Display list of available options (-help-list-hidden for more)

-version - Display the version of this program

clang-rename common options:

-export-fixes=<filename> - YAML file to store suggested fixes in.

-extra-arg=<string> - Additional argument to append to the compiler command line

-extra-arg-before=<string> - Additional argument to prepend to the compiler command line

-force - Ignore nonexistent qualified names.

-i - Overwrite edited <file>s.

-input=<string> - YAML file to load oldname-newname pairs from.

-new-name=<string> - The new name to change the symbol to.

-offset=<uint> - Locates the symbol by offset as opposed to <line>:<column>.

-p=<string> - Build path

-pl - Print the locations affected by renaming to stderr.

-pn - Print the found symbol's name prior to renaming to stderr.

-qualified-name=<string> - The fully qualified name of the symbol.

January 2019 clang-rename 6.0