DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / classified-ads / classified-ads.1.en
CLASSIFIED_ADS(1) General Commands Manual CLASSIFIED_ADS(1)

classified-ads - Program for posting ads online for others to see


Classified ads is a program for online communications. Main features include server-less design, public announcements, private messages, user data and comments. For longer explanation of the program, please see "About" dialog inside the program.

For each individual user a file $HOME/.classified_ads/sqlite_db is created. This is a normal sqlite database that contains state of the program. For backup purpose a copy may be made and later restored while the program is not running. Restoring an old file fully resets the programs state to moment when backup was taken.

Upon uninstall of the program, the datafile is left lingering around. Users who are sure they'll never use the program again should delete the file by hand. Note that users' encryption keys are inside this file among other data so deleting the file will affect users' ability to access private messages later.

Classified ads is copyright Antti Jarvinen 2015.

Mar 01 2015