DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / claws-mail-mailmbox-plugin / claws-mail-mailmbox-plugin.1.en

claws-mail-mailmbox-plugin - mbox handling plugin for Claws Mail mailer

This manual page documents briefly the claws-mail-mailmbox-plugin.

This manual page was written for the Debian distribution because the original program does not have a manual page.

claws-mail-mailmbox-plugin is a plugin (loadable module) for the Claws Mail mailer.

Provides the ability of handling mbox format files (used by some other popular mailers) as if they were native mailer's folders. Just add them and play.

Before using a plugin you must instruct Claws Mail to load it on startup.

For this you must go “Configuration” menu on main window toolbar, open “Plugins...” dialog, click on the “Load plugin...” button and select the plugin file, named, and press the “Open” button.

Mailboxes can be added in the “File” menu, opening the “Add mailbox” item and selecting the “mbox (etPan!)...” option.

claws-mail(1), claws-mail-extra-plugins(1), mbox(5),

DINH Viêt Hoà <>

Wrote the claws-mail-mailmbox-plugin plugin.

Ricardo Mones <>

Wrote this manpage for the Debian system.

Copyright © 2006-2013 Ricardo Mones

This manual page was written for the Debian system (but may be used by others).

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3 or (at your option) any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.

On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.

February 25, 2013 claws-mail-mailmbox-plugin