DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / cod-tools / cif_cod_deposit.1.en
cif_cod_deposit() cif_cod_deposit()

cif_cod_deposit - Deposit CIFs into COD database using CGI deposition interface.

cif_cod_deposit --options structure1.cif structure*.cif

Deposit CIFs into COD database using CGI deposition interface.

-c, --config config-file-with-password.cfg
Specify which file holds depositor user name and
password (default: ~/.cod_deposit.cfg).

-h, --host
Specify host to commit structures to.

-p, --path cgi-bin/
Specify script path within the host to use for structure

-u, --url
Specify the full URL to use for structure uploading
(default: combine --host and --path values using
http:// protocol and /).

-d, --deposition-type published
Specify the deposition type under which the structure
is to be deposited (default 'published').

-s, --separate-outputs folder-to-put-deposition-outputs/
Specify a folder to put deposition output for each
deposited file.

-r, --read-stdin
Read list of CIF and Fobs file names from the standard
input in format
<CIF file> [<Fobs file> ]*
for example:
bi5014sup1.cif all.hkl
bi5005sup1.cif bi50051sup2.hkl bi50052sup3.hkl

--cif "input1.cif input*.cif"
Specify a list of CIF files to be deposited.

--add-cif "input1.cif input*.cif"
Specify additional CIF files to be deposited.

Clear the list of CIF files to be deposited.

--hkl, --fobs
Specify a list of Fobs files to be deposited.

--add-hkl, --add-fobs
Specify additional Fobs files to be deposited.

--clear-hkl, --clear-fobs
Clear the list of Fobs files to be deposited.

Specify that given files are replacements for previously
deposited data.

Specify that given files were previously deposited as
prepublication material and should be now released into
the public domain.

--log-message, --log-msg
Specify log message for redeposited structures.

Do not deposit, print the commands to be executed
on deposition instead.

Enable the execution of deposition commands instead
of simply printing them (default).


--no-ignore-unpaired-datablocks, --dont-ignore-unpaired-datablocks
Stop the deposition if any CIF data block can not be
paired to any Fobs data blocks (provided that any
unpaired data blocks exist) (default).

--silent, --ignore-unpaired-datablocks
Ignore unpaired CIF and Fobs data blocks.

Do not require any other bibliographic information to be
present if CIF data block contains resolvable DOI.

Require all bibliographic information to be present in
submitted CIF file (default).

--use-wipe, --dont-use-wipe, --use-rm
Specifies whether to use 'wipe' command (if present)
or 'rm' command to remove temporary password files.

--common-cif-header Use a standard COD CIF header (default).

--iucr-cif-header Use a COD CIF header agreed with IUCr.

--amcsd-cif-header Use a COD CIF header agreed with R.D.

--crystaleye-cif-header Use a COD CIF header agreed with P.M.-R.

Print timestamps to STDOUT at the start and end of
each CIF file deposition.

--no-print-timestamps, --dont-print-timestamps
Do not print timestamps to STDOUT at the start and end
of each CIF file deposition.

-P, --progress
Ask to report progress of the deposition.

-P-, --no-progress
Silence deposition progress report messages.

--output-mode html
Specify the output mode (from "html" and "stdout").

-D, --debug
Request output of the progress information from to the HTTP server log.

-D-, --no-debug
Disable the output of the progress information from to the HTTP server log (default)

--help, --usage
Output a short help message (this message) and exit.

Output version information and exit.

Report cif_cod_deposit bugs using e-mail: