DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / cod-tools / cif_diff.1.en
cif_diff() cif_diff()

cif_diff - Parse two CIF files and compare their content

cif_diff --options input1.cif input2.cif

Parse two CIF files and compare their content

-t, --tags
Whitespace- or comma-separated list of tags to compare.
When present, only tags enumerated with this option are

-a, --add-tag
Add a tag to the list of compared tags.

-c, --clear-tags
Clear the list of compared tags.

-f, --file-with-tags
Specify a file with tags to be compared.

Compare all tags present in the compared files (default).

--no-compare, --exclude
Whitespace- or comma-separated list of tags not to compare.
When present, enumerated tags will be excluded from the


Also compare the names of CIF data blocks. Default: on.

--compare-numeric _cell_length_a
Force numeric comparison for given tag.

--compare-string _cell_length_a
Force string comparison for given tag.

Ignore tags with empty values.


Take tags with empty values into comparison (default).

Do not print tags present in the left file only.
Similar to 'comm -1'.

Do not print tags present in the right file only.
Similar to 'comm -2'.

Do not print tags with the same values in both files.

--folding-width 72
Specify the length of the longest unfolded line.


Fold fields, longer than folding width. Default: on.

-L, -u
Ignored options. Used to make this script usable
as --diff-cmd for 'svn diff'.

Use Perl parser to parse CIF files.

Use C parser to parse CIF files (default).

--help, --usage
Output a short usage message (this message) and exit.

Output version information and exit.

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