DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / cod-tools / cif_distances.1.en
cif_distances() cif_distances()

cif_distances - Calculates minimal distance between atoms read from a CIF file.

cif_distances --options input1.cif input*.cif

Calculates minimal distance between atoms read from a CIF file.

-M, --distance-matrix
Set distance matrix output format.

-P, --pairwise-distance
Set pairwise distance output format (default).

-l, --matrix-line-length "80"
Maximum length of an output line in distance
matrix format (default 80).

--format "%8.6f"
Use the specified format for distance matrix
and pairwise printout format (default "%-11.3f"
for matrix, "%-6.3f" for pairwise).

-F, --add-filename
Add a filename field at the end of pairwise
distance format lines.

--no-add-filename, --do-not-add-filename
Do not add a filename field at the end of
pairwise distance format lines (default).


Force processing of disordered structures (default).



Skip disordered structures.


Force processing of structures, that are flagged
as duplicates with '_cod_duplicate_entry' or
'_[local]_cod_duplicate_entry' tags.



Skip duplicate structures (default).

Include entries of null distance relationship between
atoms from different disorder groups of the same
disorder assembly in pairwise distances output format.

--no-null-distances, --exclude-null-distances
Exclude entries of null distance relationship between
atoms from different disorder groups of the same
disorder assembly in pairwise distances output format

Include entries of distances between symmetry-related
instances of the same atom (default).

--no-self-distances, --exclude-self-distances
Exclude entries of distances between symmetry-related
instances of the same atom.

-U, --include-unknown-types
Include entries containing atoms of undetermined
chemical type. Atom type will be marked as 'UN'.

--no-unknown-types, --exclude-unknown-types
Exclude entries containing atoms of undetermined
chemical type (default).

Makes unique the labels of atoms (default).

Does not make unique labels for atoms.

Use Perl parser to parse CIF files.

Use C parser to parse CIF files (default).

--help, --usage
Output a short usage message (this message) and exit.

Output version information and exit.

Report cif_distances bugs using e-mail: