DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / cod-tools / cif_p1.1.en
cif_p1() cif_p1()

cif_p1 - Expand atoms in CIF to the P1 space group, preserving molecules (i.e. outputting atoms that are bonded at bond distances from each other).

cif_p1 --options input1.cif input*.cif

Expand atoms in CIF to the P1 space group, preserving molecules (i.e. outputting atoms that are bonded at bond distances from each other).

Continue processing and return successful return status
even if errors are diagnosed.

-c-, --always-die
Stop and return error status if errors are diagnosed.

-1, --one-datablock-output
Output all molecules and all alternative conformations
to a single output data block.

-1-, --multiple-datablocks-output
Separate each molecule and each example of an alternative
conformation into a separate data block.

-c, --covalent-sensitivity
Set a new covalent sensitivity value (default 0.35).

Simplify chemical formula and output not the whole
P1 cell but only a minimal stoichiometric set of
molecules. Should have the same result as
'cif_molecule --preserve-stoichiometry'.

--dont-simplify-formula, --no-simplify-formula
Do not simplify formula, output the whole P1 cell (default).

Do not use atoms with 0 occupancies in calculations

Dump atoms (including symmetry-equivalent) in CIF
format, for inspection with some graphics program.

--dont-dump-atoms, --no-dump-atoms
Do not dump atoms (default).

-i, --ignore-bumps
Detect and warn about close atom "bumps" but do not
stop processing.

--dont-ignore-bumps, --no-ignore-bumps
Stop processing immediately if bumps are detected (default).

--bump-distance-factor 0.75
A fraction of covalent bond radii sum used to determine
when atoms are too close and are considered a bump.

--max-polymer-span 4
A span, in +/- unit cells, in which polymeric molecules
(repeating units) will be constructed.

--max-polymer-atoms 100
A maximum allowed count of polymer example atoms: more
than this amount of symmetry (translational) equivalent
atoms, for each AU atom, will not be written to the output

Using --max-polymer-span=0 --max-polymer-atoms=1
essentially switches off the polymer detection.

--split-disorder-groups, --dont-merge-disorder-groups
Put examples of disorder group conformations into
separate data blocks (default).

--merge-disorder-groups, --dont-split-disorder-groups
Put all disorder groups into one data block.

Use development CIF parser written in Perl.

Use faster C/Yacc CIF parser (default).

Print some human-readable debug output.

Suppress any debug output (default).

--format "%8.6f"
Use the specified format for output coordinate printout.

Print audit information to the generated CIF file (default).

Do not print audit information to the generated CIF file.

Do not terminate script if errors such as unrecognised
atoms are encountered; the output may be incorrect and
missing some atoms if this option is used!

--die-on-errors, --dont-continue-on-errors,

Terminate script immediately if errors are raised (default).

Do not terminate script if warnings are raised (default).

Terminate script immediately if warnings are raised.

Do not terminate script if notes are raised (default).

Terminate script immediately if notes are raised.

Print warning messages in long format.

Print warning messages in concise format (default).

--help, --usage
Output a short usage message (this message) and exit.

Output version information and exit.

Report cif_p1 bugs using e-mail: