DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / cod-tools / cif_reduce_cell.1.en
cif_reduce_cell() cif_reduce_cell()

cif_reduce_cell - Performs reductions of the unit cell using different algorithms.

cif_reduce_cell --options input1.cif input*.cif

Performs reductions of the unit cell using different algorithms.

Use Perl parser for CIF parsing.

Use Perl & C parser for CIF parsing (default).

-F, --float-format "%15.12f"
Specify format to print out floating point numbers.

-C, --cell-format "%15.12f"
Specify format to print out floating point numbers for
atomic coordinates.

-e, --epsilon 1E-6
Tolerance to compare cell parameter equality in cell

--debug, --no-debug
Turn on/off the debug prints of reduction algorithm.
Default off.

--help, --usage
Output a short usage message (this message) and exit.

Output version information and exit.

Report cif_reduce_cell bugs using e-mail: