DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / cod-tools / cif_select.1.en
cif_select() cif_select()

cif_select - Read CIFs and print out selected tags with their values.

cif_select --options input1.cif input*.cif

Read CIFs and print out selected tags with their values.

-t, --tags _tag1,_tag2,_tag3

--tags "_tag1 _tag2 _tag3"
Print out values of tags _tag1, _tag2, and _tag3;
the specified tag list becomes a new list of printed tags.

-a, --add-tag _tag4
Add tag _tag4 to the list of printed tags.

-f, --file-with-tags tag.lst
Read tags to be extracted from the file 'tag.lst'.
Comments (lines starting with '#') in 'tag.lst' are

-c, --clear-tags
Clear the list of printed tags accumulated so far.

Invert the sense of selection. Exclude values of
the tags from the supplied list.

Convert all dots in tag names into underscores.

--dont-treat-dots-as-underscores, --no-treat-dots-as-underscores
Leave original tags as they are (default).

--tabular, --output-tabular
Output selected tags and their values in tabular format:
<data block name> <tag name> <value> <value> ... <value>

--cif, --output-cif
Output selected tags and their values in CIF format (default).

Output tags in the canonical form.

--dont-canonicalize-tag-names, --no-canonicalize-tag-names
Output tags as they are given in original file(s) (default).

Use Perl parser for CIF parsing.

Use Perl & C parser for CIF parsing.

--help, --usage
Output a short usage message (this message) and exit.

Output version information and exit.

Report cif_select bugs using e-mail: