DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / cod-tools / cif_validate.1.en
cif_validate() cif_validate()

cif_validate - Parse CIF file(s) and CIF dictionary(ies). Check CIF file against CIF dictionaries.

cif_validate --dictionaries 'cif_core.dic,cif_cod.dic' --options input1.cif input*.cif

Parse CIF file(s) and CIF dictionary(ies). Check CIF file against CIF dictionaries.

-d, --dictionaries 'cif_core.dic,cif_cod.dic'
A list of CIF dictionary files (according to DDL2)
to be used in CIF file validation. List elements
are separated either by ',' or by ' '. To include
dictionaries with filenames containing these symbols,
the --add-dictionary option is used.

-D, --add-dictionary 'cif new dictionary.dic'
Add additional CIF dictionary to the list.

Remove all CIF dictionaries from the list.

--treat-as-set _atom_site_refinement_flags
Treat values of given data items as a set. For example,
more than one enumeration value could be defined
for a single element. Any number of data item tags can
be provided in the following way:
cif_validate --treat-as-set _tag_1 --treat-as-set _tag_2
Default is the '_atom_site_refinement_flags' data item.

Do not treat values of any data items as sets.
(see --treat-as-set).

Validate data items having tags prefixed with
the '_[local]' prefix. The prefix was used in the COD
to denote locally used data items prior to the creation
of cif_cod.dic. The default is to ignore these data items.

--no-report-local-tags, --ignore-local-tags
Ignore data items having tags prefixed with '_[local]'
prefix. Default.

Ignore letter case while validating enumeration values.
For example, even though '_atom_site_adp_type' is
restricted to values ('Uani', 'Uiso', 'Uovl', ...),
value 'UANI' would still be treated as valid.

--respect-case, --case-sensitive, --dont-ignore-case
Respect letter case while validating enumeration
values. Default.

Report data items that are marked as deprecated in the
dictionaries. Data item deprecation usually means that
it has been replaced with an another data item(s).

Do not report data items that are marked as deprecated
in the dictionaries (default).

Use Perl parser to parse CIF files.

Use C parser to parse CIF files (default)

-c, --always-continue
Continue processing and return successful return status
even if errors are diagnosed.

-c-, --always-die
Stop and return error status if errors are diagnosed.

Do not terminate script if errors are raised (default).

Terminate script immediately if errors are raised.

Do not terminate script if warnings are raised (default).

Terminate script immediately if warnings are raised.

Do not terminate script if notes are raised (default).

Terminate script immediately if notes are raised.

Output extra information for debugging purposes.

--help, --usage
Output a short usage message (this message) and exit.

-v, --version
Output version information and exit.

Report cif_validate bugs using e-mail: