cqsearch - create codequery database
cqsearch [-s <sqdbfile> [-p <n>]
[-t <term>] -[e|f] ] [-d] [-v]
CodeQuery sqlite3 db file path
-p <n>
parameter is a number denoted by n
•1: Symbol (default)
•2: Function or macro definition
•3: Class or struct
•4: Files including this file
•5: Full file path
•6: Functions calling this function
•7: Functions called by this function
•8: Calls of this function or macro
•9: Members and methods of this class
•10: Class which owns this member or method
•11: Children of this class (inheritance)
•12: Parent of this class (inheritance)
•13: Functions or macros inside this file
search term without spaces if Exact Match is switched
off, wild card searches are possible. Use * and ?
Exact Match switched ON Case-sensitive
Exact Match switched OFF (fuzzy search) Case-insensitive
with wild card search (default)
The combinations possible are -s -t -e,
-s -t -f. The additional optional arguments are
Copyright 2013-2015 ruben2020
Website: https://github.com/ruben2020/codequery
This manual page was written by ChangZhuo Chen
<czchen@debian.org> for the Debian GNU/Linux
system (but may be used by others).