DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / colord / colormgr.1.en

colormgr - Color Manager Testing Tool

colormgr [ --verbose ] [ --version ]

This manual page documents briefly the colormgr command.

colormgr allows an administrator to view and change color profile to device mappings.

This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below.

Show summary of options.

This program takes commands with a variable number of arguments.

Create a device
Create a profile
Deletes a device
Deletes a profile
Add a profile to a device that already exists
Gets the default profile for a device
Returns all the profiles that match a qualifier
Inhibits colour profiles for this device
Makes a profile default for a device
Enables or disables the device
Sets the device kind
Sets the device model
Sets the device serial
Sets the device vendor
Find a device from the device ID
Find a device with a given property value
Find a profile from the profile ID
Find a profile by filename
Gets all the color managed devices
Gets all the color managed devices of a specific kind
Gets all the available color profiles
Gets a reading from a sensor
Gets all the available colour sensors
Get a standard colourspace
Copies an .icc file into the correct per-user directory and shows information about the imported profile.
Sets extra properties on the profile
Locks the colour sensor
Sets one or more sensor options

This manual page was written by Richard Hughes <>.

18 June,2013