DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / colorize / colorize.1.en
COLORIZE(1) User Commands COLORIZE(1)

colorize - colorize text on terminal with ANSI escape sequences

colorize [option]... (foreground) [file]

colorize [option]... (foreground)/(background) [file]

colorize --clean[-all] [file]

colorize -hV

Colorizes text read from standard input stream or file by using ANSI escape sequences (and also vice versa, i.e. cleaning text from sequences) and prints resulting output to the terminal.

When colorizing text, (foreground) and eventually (background) may be either one of following color values: none, black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, default or random. First character of color name in upper case denotes increased intensity, whereas for lower case colors will be of normal intensity. If "none" is chosen, no escape sequences will be emitted.

Color escape sequences are added per each line, hence colored lines can be safely extracted.

When de-colorizing text, --clean omits color escape sequences which were emitted by colorize (see NOTES for list), whereas --clean-all omits all valid ones. If in doubt, consider using --clean-all.

set attributes by name
Attributes: bold, underscore, blink, reverse and concealed.
clean text from color escape sequences emitted by colorize
clean text from all valid color escape sequences
text color to be excluded when selecting a random foreground color
omit printing color escape sequences for empty lines
show help screen and exit
display version data and exit

The list of color escape sequence codes being emitted and omitted is as follows:

  • 30-37,39 (foreground colors)
  • 1-9;30-37,39 (foreground colors with attributes)
  • 40-47,49 (background colors)
  • 0 (reset)

Steven Schubiger <>

2018-01-31 colorize v0.64