DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / csb / csb-hhfrag.1.en
CSB-HHFRAG(1) User Commands CSB-HHFRAG(1)

csb-hhfrag - build a dynamic variable-length fragment library for protein structure

usage: csb-hhfrag [-h] [-H HHSEARCH] -d DATABASE [-m MIN] [-M MAX] [-s STEP]


HHfrag: build a dynamic variable-length fragment library for protein structure prediction with Rosetta AbInitio.

query profile HMM (e.g. created with csb.apps.buildhmm)

show this help message and exit
path to the HHsearch executable (default=hhsearch)
database directory (containing PDBS25.hhm)
minimum query segment length (default=6)
maximum query segment length (default=21)
query segmentation step (default=3)
maximum degree of parallelism (default=4)
path to a fragment file (e.g. CSfrag or Rosetta NNmake), which will be used to complement lowconfidence regions (when specified, a hybrid fragment library be produced)
path to a filtered fragment file (e.g. filtered CSfrag-ments), which will be mixed with the HHfrag-set and then filtered, resulting in a double-filtered library
make an additional filtered fragment map of centroids and predict torsion angles (default=False)
include also C-alpha vectors in the output (default=False)
confidence threshold for gap filling (default=0.7)
verbosity level (default=2)
output directory (default=.)

This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.

November 2017 csb-hhfrag 1.2.5