DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / deepin-gettext-tools / deepin-generate-mo.1.en

deepin-generate-mo - generate mo file from po file using deepin ini config file

deepin-generate-mo [-h --copy] inifile

This manual page documents briefly the deepin-generate-mo command as provided by deepin-gettext-tools package.

deepin-generate-mo is a utility that generate gettext MO files from gettext PO files using instructions from certain ini config file.

Such workflow is adopted by most Deepin software.

These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below. For latest descriptions as provided by the tool, invoke the tool with -h option.

Show help messages and exit.
Also execute commands similar to "sudo cp *.mo /usr/share/locale".

deepin-update-pot(1), deepin-desktop-ts-convert(1), deepin-policy-ts-convert(1).

The programs are further documented in the as provided with this debian package under /usr/share/doc/deepin-gettext-tools/ directory.

deepin-gettext-tools is written by Deepin Technology Co., Ltd.

This manual page was written by Boyuan Yang for the Debian Project (but may be used by others).

2017-08-11 Deepin Gettext Tools