DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / deepnano / deepnano_basecall.1.en

deepnano_basecall - basecaller for Oxford Nanopore MinION reads based on deep recurrent neural networks

usage: deepnano_basecall [ARGS] [reads [reads ...]]


show this help message and exit
path to network which basecalls template (has reasonable default)
path to network which basecalls complement (has reasonable default)
path to network which basecalls 2D (has reasonable default)
if set, display timing information for each read
One of: template, complement, 2d, all, use comma to separate multiple options, eg.: template,complement type of basecalling output (defaults to all)
output filename
if set, outputs also Metrichor basecalls
Directory where read files are stored

OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 deepnano_basecall <list of fast5 files>


OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 deepnano_basecall --directory <directory with reads>

It outputs basecalls for template, complement and 2D into file named output.fasta.

OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 deepnano_basecall --template_net nets_data/map5temp.npz --complement_net nets_data/map5comp.npz --big_net nets_data/map5-2d.npz <list of fast5 files>


This manpage was written by Çağrı ULAŞ for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.

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February 2017 deepnano_basecall 0.0+20110617