DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / deluge-console / deluge-console.1.en
DELUGE-CONSOLE(1) General Commands Manual DELUGE-CONSOLE(1)

deluge-console - a bittorrent client curses interface

deluge-console [options]

Deluge utilizes a client/server model, with 'deluged' being the daemon process and 'deluge-console' being used to launch a console user-interface.

You can pass console commands directly from the command line and run multiple commands by separating them with a semi-colon (;).

info quit pause help resume del plugin cache add exit connect debug rm config recheck halt

Set the config directory location.

Output to designated logfile instead of stdout
Set the log level (default is error): none, info, warning, error, critical, debug
Sets the log level to 'none', same as `-L none`

Show program's version number and exit.
Show help message and exit.

deluge(1), deluged(1), deluge-web(1)

Deluge Team:

May 2017 1.3.15