ascii2grdAutoMinMaxHDR - transforms the 3 column ascii file to GMT
grd file
ascii2grdAutoMinMaxHDR v1.0 doris script utilities, nicolas
doreye, (c)2006
- ascii2grdAutoMinMaxHDR
- ascii3column
- This program transforms the 3 column ascii file of Doris (created with
LonLat???2ascii) to GMT grd file then remove the header in order to be
opened by ENVI for instance, then create the appropriate header
- First run the program lonlat???2ascii to create the 3 column ascii input
- ascii2grdAutoMinMaxHDR lonlatSomething.dat
- See also:
- ascii2grdAutoMinMaxHDR
- ascii3column
- This program transforms the 3 column ascii file of Doris (created with
LonLat???2ascii) to GMT grd file then remove the header in order to be
opened by ENVI for instance, then create the appropriate header
- First run the program lonlat???2ascii to create the 3 column ascii input
- ascii2grdAutoMinMaxHDR lonlatSomething.dat
- See also:
The full documentation for ascii2grdAutoMinMaxHDR is
maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and
ascii2grdAutoMinMaxHDR programs are properly installed at your site,
the command
- info ascii2grdAutoMinMaxHDR
should give you access to the complete manual.