DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / dustmite / dustmite.1.en
dustmite(1) User Commands dustmite(1)

dustmite - a tool for minimizing D source code.

dustmite [OPTION]... PATH TESTER

DustMite is a tool for minimizing D source code. Reducing C++ code also works quite well via --split *.{c,cpp,h,hpp}:d.

A file path can also be specified. NAME.EXT will be treated like NAME/NAME.EXT. TESTER should be a shell command which returns 0 for a correct reduction, and anything else otherwise.

Force reduction of unusual files
(may be used multiple times)
(may be used multiple times)
Attempt to remove comments from source code.
Load .lst files corresponding to source files from DIR
Instead of reducing, obfuscate the input by replacing words with random substitutions
Preserve word length when obfuscating
Parse and reduce files specified by MASK using the given splitter. Can be repeated. MODE must be one of: files, lines, words, d
Don't redirect stdout/stderr streams of test command.
Use N look-ahead processes (8 by default)
Show this message

Set strategy (careful/lookback/pingpong/indepth/inbreadth)
Dump parsed tree to DIR.dump file
Dump parsed tree to DIR.html file
Display verbose spent time breakdown
Use DIR as persistent disk cache (in addition to memory cache)
Save all attempted reductions to DIR.trace
Disable saving in-progress results
Disable tree optimization step (may be useful with --dump)

The full documentation for dustmite can be found on the GitHub wiki:

December 2016 Dustmite