DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / dvblast / dvblast.1.en
DVBLAST(1) User Commands DVBLAST(1)

DVBlast - Simple and powerful dvb streaming application

dvblast [-q] [-c <config_file>] [-r <remote_socket>] [-t <ttl>] [-o <SSRC_IP>] [-i <RT_priority>] [-a <adapter>] [-n <frontend_number>] [-y <ca_number>] [-S <diseqc>] [-k <uncommitted port>] [-f <frequency>] [-D <src_host>[:<src_port>][[@<src_mcast>][:<port>]][/<opts>]] [-A <ASI_adapter>] [-s <symbol_rate>] [-v <0|13|18>] [-p] [-b <bandwidth>] [-I <inversion>] [-F <fec_inner>] [-m <modulation>] [-R <rolloff>] [-P <pilot>] [-K <fec_lp>] [-G <guard_interval>] [-H <hierarchy>] [-X <transmission>] [-O <lock_timeout>] [-u] [-w] [-U] [-L <latency>] [-E <retention>] [-d <dest_IP>[<:port>][/<opts>]] [-z] [-C] [-e] [-M <network_name>] [-N <network_ID>] [-T] [-j <system_charset>] [-W] [-Y] [-l] [-g <logger ident>] [-Z <mrtg_file>] [-V] [-h] [-0 pid_mapping] [-1 <mis_id>] [-2 <size>] [-5 <DVBS|DVBS2|DVBC_ANNEX_A|DVBT|ATSC>] [-J <DVB_charset>] [-B <provider_name>] [-Q <quit_timeout>] [-x <text|xml>]

DVBlast is a simple and powerful streaming application based on the linux-dvb API. It opens a DVB device, tunes it, places PID filters, configures a CAM module, and demultiplexes the packets to several RTP outputs.

DVBlast is designed to be the core of a custom IRD or CID, based on a PC with Linux-supported DVB cards.

DVBlast does not do any kind of processing on the elementary streams, such as transcoding or remultiplexing. it does not stream from plain files, only DVB devices. If you were looking for these features, switch to VLC.

Address of the adapter
Read packets from an ASI adapter (0-n). If support for Deltacast ASI cards is compiled in, prefix the adapter number with "deltacast:" to select a Deltacast input. Deltacast inputs are numbered as (100 * card number) + channel number.
Frontend bandwidth
Service provider name to declare in the SDT. If you want to change provider name per output use /srvprovider= output option in the config file.
Use the given configuration file
Pass through or build the mandatory DVB tables
Duplicate all received packets to a given destination
Read packets from a multicast address instead of a DVB card
Enable EMM pass through (CA system data)
Enable ECM pass through (CA program data)
Enable EPG pass through (EIT data)
Maximum retention allowed between input and output (default: 40 ms)
Frontend frequency. If '-' is specified instead of a numeric value, the frontend will be not be tuned by dvblast and you should use external tuning tool (szap) to tune it.
-8, --lnb-type universalold-sky
Choose LNB type. Default: 'universal' - Universal LNB ("Astra" LNB)
Forward Error Correction used by satellite (FEC Inner)
DVB-S2 0|12|23|34|35|56|78|89|910|999 (default auto: 999)
DVB-T guard interval
DVB-T 32 (1/32)|16 (1/16)|8 (1/8)|4 (1/4)|-1 (auto, default)
Print the help message
DVB-T hierarchy (0, 1, 2, 4 or -1 auto, default)
Real time priority
Inversion (-1 auto, 0 off, 1 on)
Character set used for printing messages (default UTF-8)
Character set used in output DVB tables (default ISO-8859-1)
Port number for uncommitted DiSEqC switch (0: no uncommitted DiSEqC swtich, 1-16)
DVB-T low priority FEC (default auto)
-5, --delsys <delivery_system>
Select delivery system. Possible values: DVBS|DVBS2|DVBC_ANNEX_A|DVBT|ATSC (default guessed)
-1, --multistream-id <stream_id>
Set stream ID for multistream capable transponders. Value: 0-2147483648 (default: 0)
Set PLS mode used in multistream-id calculation. Possible values are: ROOT GOLD and COMBO (default: ROOT). If this option is set multistream-id option is overwritten.
Set PLS code used in multistream-id calculation. Possible values are in range 0..262143 (default: 0). If this option is set multistream-id option is overwritten.
Set IS id used in multistream-id calculation. Possible values are in range 0..255 (default: 0). If this option is set multistream-id option is overwritten.
Send messages to syslog instead of stderr
Set the program name that will appear in syslog (default: dvblast /the executable name/).
Maximum latency allowed between input and output (default: 100 ms)
DVB-C qpsk|qam_16|qam_32|qam_64|qam_128|qam_256 (default qam_auto)
DVB-T qam_16|qam_32|qam_64|qam_128|qam_256 (default qam_auto)
DVB-S2 qpsk|psk_8|apsk_16|apsk_32 (default legacy DVB-S)
DVB network name to declare in the NIT
The frontend number
CA device number. Default: 0
-2, --dvr-buf-size <size>
Sets the size of the DVR TS buffer in bytes.
DVB network ID to declare in the NIT
RTP output IP
Timeout for the lock operation (in ms)
Force 22kHz pulses for high-band selection (DVB-S)
DVB-S2 Pilot (-1 auto, 0 off, 1 on)
Be quiet (less verbosity, repeat or use number for even quieter)
When locked, quit after this delay (in ms), or after the first lock timeout
Remote socket to use
Rolloff value to use
DVB-S2 35=0.35|25=0.25|20=0.20|0=AUTO (default: 35)
Symbole rate
Satellite number for diseqc (0: no diseqc, 1-4, A or B)
Time-To-Live of the multicast stream
Generate unique TS ID for each program
Turn on budget mode (no hardware PID filtering)
Use raw UDP rather than RTP (required by some IPTV set top boxes)
Voltage to apply to the LNB (QPSK)
Only display the version
Set a PID filter on all PMTs. This option is automatically enabled when config file is used. To disable setting PMT filters in case of config file is used, add --select-pmts after --config-file <file> parameter.
Print interesting events on stdout in a given format
DVB-T transmission (2, 4, 8 or -1 auto, default
pass through all ESs from the PMT, of any type
Every 10 seconds log statistics in <mrtg_file>. The file has 4 numbers in it and the format is: <passed_bytes> <error_packets> <packets_with_seq_errors> <scrambled_packets>
-0, --pidmap <pmtpid,audiopid,videopid,spupid>
Map the elementary stream pids to the values given for all elementary streams. Where there are multiple audio pids, then these will be mapped to audiopid, auiopid+1, audiopid +2 and so on.

Read the README file for more information about the configuration of dvblast.

Writen by Marian Ďurkovič, Andy Gatward, Christophe Massiot and Jean-Paul Saman

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

April 2012 DVBlast 2.2