DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / ecaccess / ecaccess-job-submit.1p.en
ECACCESS-JOB-SUBMIT(1p) User Contributed Perl Documentation ECACCESS-JOB-SUBMIT(1p)

ecaccess-job-submit - Submit a new ECaccess Job

ecaccess-job-submit -version|-help|-manual

ecaccess-job-submit [-debug] [-distant] [-encrypt] [-bufsize length] [-scheduledDate date] [-noDirectives] [-gateway name] [-remote location] [-transferOutput] [-transferError] [-transferInput] [-keep] [-eventIds list] [-sterr2Stdout] [-noRenew] [-mailTo email] [-onStart] [-onSuccess] [-onFailure] [-onRetry] [-jobName name] [-manPage content] [-lifeTime days] [-retryCount number] [-retryFrequency frequency] [-queueName name] source

Allow submitting the source script on either the default ECaccess batch queue or the ECaccess batch queue specified with the -queueName option. ECaccess batch queue name can be obtained with the ecaccess-queue-list command (the default queue is the first in the list).

A special service (see option -eventIds) allows to automatically submit jobs to be run when certain points in the daily ECMWF operational forecast suite have been reached. The main purpose is to ensure that certain data is available before e.g. submitting a MARS request. These events correspond to the different stages when the ECMWF operational activity has produced certain data or products. The list of events can be retrieved with the ecaccess-event-list command.

In order to facilitate the migration from the old ECtools (ecjreq/ecjput commands) the equivalents options can be set using their old names (e.g. -at for -scheduledDate). This should limit the scripts modifications for job submissions.

The name of the file which contains the job input script (depending of the -distant option this file is either at ECMWF or local to your workstation).

By default the source is specifying a file which is local to your workstation. Using this option allow submitting a script which is already at ECMWF.
By default the source file is uploaded through the plain text channel (http). Using this option will force the upload to occurs through the SSL secure channel (https). This option only apply for local scripts (no -distant).
Specify the length of the buffer (in bytes) which is used to upload the file. The larger the buffer the smaller the number of http/s requests. By default a buffer of 524288 bytes (512KB) is used. This option only apply for local scripts (no -distant).
Allow specifying the start date for the Job. By default the job will start as soon as possible. The format for the date is 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'.
Allow submitting a job with no scheduler directives. Some default directives will be added to your input script to allow processing the job.
This is the name of the target ECaccess Gateway for the transfers. It is by default the Gateway you are connected to. In order to get the name of your current Gateway you can use the ecaccess-gateway-name command. When using the commands at ECMWF the default Gateway is always "".
Defines the target ECtrans location in the format association-name[@protocol].
Request the transfer of the job standard output to the gateway and remote location defined in the -gateway and -remote options.
Request the transfer of the job error output to the gateway and remote location defined in the -gateway and -remote options.
Request the transfer of the job input to the gateway and remote location defined in the -gateway and -remote options.
Allow keeping the transfers requests in the spool.
Allow giving a list of event-identifiers to subscribe to with the Job. The list should be separated by ';' or ','.
Force redirection of the job standard error output (stderr) to the job standard output (stdout).
The job subscriptions to events will not be renewed.
Defines the target email address (default: current ECMWF user identifier).
Allow sending a mail when the execution/transfer begins.
Allow sending a mail when the execution/transfer ends.
Allow sending a mail when the execution/transfer fails.
Allow sending a mail when the execution/transfer retries.
The name of the ECaccess batch queue to submit the job to.
Allow specifying a name for the new Job (other than the Job Identifier). If no name is specified then the name of the input script is used.
Allow giving the man page content which will be displayed to the ECMWF operators in case of problems with your Job (e.g. what to do or who to contact).
Allow specifying the job input/output life time in days. The default is 7 days.
Defines the number of retries. The default is 0.
Defines the frequency of retries in seconds. The default is 600 seconds.
Display version number and exits.
Print a brief help message and exits.
Prints the manual page and exits.
Number of SSL connection retries per 5s to ECMWF. This parameter only apply to the initial SSL connection initiated by the command to the ECMWF server. It does not apply to all the subsequent requests made afteward as it is mainly targeting errors that can happen from time to time during the SSL handshake. Default is no retry.
Display the SOAP and SSL messages exchanged.

ecaccess-job-submit -noDirectives ./test.txt

Transfer the local file test.txt to your ECMWF spool and submit the job to the default ECaccess batch queue. The source does not have any directives.

ecaccess-queue-list, ecaccess-event-list, ecaccess-job-delete, ecaccess-job-get, ecaccess-job-list ecaccess-job-restart and ecaccess.

2013-12-11 perl v5.18.1