DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / fetchyahoo / fetchyahoo.1.en
FETCHYAHOO(1) General Commands Manual FETCHYAHOO(1)

fetchyahoo - retrieve mail from Yahoo!'s webmail service

fetchyahoo [options]

FetchYahoo is a Perl script that downloads mail from a Yahoo! account to a local mail spool. It is meant to replace fetchmail for people using Yahoo! mail since Yahoo!'s POP service no longer free. It downloads messages to a local mail spool, including all parts and attachments. It then deletes messages unless requested not to. It can also optionally forward messages to a specified e-mail address and repeat with a given interval.

This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below. For additional information, see the HTML documentation.

Show summary of options.
Show version of program.
Suppress (or do not suppress) non-error messages.
Suppress (or do not suppress) error messages.
Use CONFIG-FILE as the configuration file.
Use USERNAME as the Yahoo! login.
Use PASSWORD as your Yahoo! password.
Specify SPOOL as the file to spool messages to; if --pipe is also specified, SPOOL is a program that accepts messages from standard input (such as procmail).
Use insecure plaintext or secure HTTPS to login (default is to use HTTPS).
Append messages to the SPOOL (the default behavior).
Pipe messages to the program SPOOL, instead of appending to SPOOL.
Overwrite SPOOL, instead of appending to it.
Specify the folder on Yahoo! to download messages from. (Default is Inbox.)
Only download new messages. (The default is to download all messages.)
Download all messages.
Do not (or do) delete messages after they are downloaded.
Do not download messages; however, they will be deleted unless --nodelete is also specified. (--download is the default.)
List messages in mail folder. (--nolistmessages is the default.)
Only list messages in mail folder. This combines --listmessages, --nodownload and --nodelete
Empty Bulk folder before downloading messages.
Empty trash before downloading messages.
Empty trash after downloading messages.
Do not empty trash or bulk. (Default)
Leave the messages marked as unread on the server.
Mark the messages downloaded as read. (Default)
Check for mail every N minutes.
Just get the number of messages. (--nostatusonly is the default.)
Retrieve messages from external mailboxes also. (--nogetexternal is the default.)
retrieve messages from only this comma-separated list of external mailboxes
Maximum number of messages to download (default is 100). Setting this to over 100 may cause problems.
Warn if more than N% of storage quota is used. Never warn if N=0 (default is 0).
Omit (or include) the leading "From " in messages appended or piped. (--includefromline is the default.)
Log out (or do not log out) of Yahoo! on exit. (--nologout is the default.)
Hostname to use for proxy (default is off).
Port to use for proxy (default is 80).
Username to use for proxy authentication (default is no authentication)
Password to use for proxy authentication (default is no authentication)
Hostname to use for IMAP (default is off).
Port to use for IMAP (default is 143).
Username to use for IMAP authentication (no default)
Password to use for IMAP authentication (no default)
IMAP mailbox to use (default is INBOX)
Check for mail every N minutes (daemon mode).
Print the MD5 hex hash value of a password entered interactively

Configuration files for FetchYahoo. An example configuration file is located in /usr/share/doc/fetchyahoo/examples/

procmail(1) /usr/share/doc/fetchyahoo/index.html

FetchYahoo was written by Ravi Ramkissoon <>. This manual page was written by Chris Lawrence <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).

September 20, 2002