IP2HOSTNAME(1) | General Commands Manual | IP2HOSTNAME(1) |
ip2hostname - converts IP addresses to their respective hostnames
ip2hostname [-h] [ -p printf_format ] [ [-i extension] file [...] ]
-h | help (shows this usage information) (mnemonic: 'h'elp) |
-p printf_format | use this printf format for IP address and hostname, respectively. The default format is '%.0s%s', which supresses the printing of the IP address (i.e. "%.0s" specifies printing a string with a maximum width of zero). To maintain column widths (since both the IP address and hostname vary in lenght), a format like this may be useful: '%-16.16s %-20s' (mnemonic: 'p'rintf format) |
-i extension | edit the files in place (rather than sending to standard output) This option requires file name(s) argument(s). The extension is added to the name of the old file to make a backup copy. If you don't wish to make a backup, use "-I". (mnemonic: edit 'i'n place) |
-I | like "-i" but no backup is made. (mnemonic: edit 'I'n place, trusting this script 'I'mplicitly. ;^) |
add_ds.pl(1), add_txrx(1), event2vrule(1), flowscan(1), locker(1)
This manual page was written by Anibal Monsalve Salazar, for the Debian Project.