DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / ftpsync / ftpsync.conf.5.en

ftpsync.conf - Configuration for ftpsync

ftpsync is part of the ftpsync suite for mirroring Debian and Debian-like repositories of packages. As there are way too many mirrors of Debian to populate them all from the machine that generates the archive ("ftp-master"), mirrors are organized in a tree-shaped hierarchy. Thus, every mirror has exactly one upstream from which it syncs, and each mirror can have any number of downstreams which in turn sync from it.

Mirrorname. This is used for things like the trace file name and should always be the full hostname of the mirror.

Default: $(hostname -f)

Destination of the mirrored files. Should be an empty directory. CAREFUL, this directory will contain the mirror. Everything else that might have happened to be in there WILL BE GONE after the mirror sync!

Default: /srv/mirrors/debian/

The script can send logs (or error messages) to a mail address. If this is unset it will default to the current user.

Default: $LOGNAME

Do we have leaf mirror to signal we are done and they should sync? If so set it to true and make sure you configure runmirrors.mirrors and runmirrors.conf for your need.

Default: false

The host we mirror from.
The upstream name of the rsync share.

You can find out what share names your upstream mirror supports by running rsync YOURUPSTREAMSERVER:: (You might have to export RSYNC_USER/RSYNC_PASSWORD for this to work)

Default: debian

In case we need a user to access the rsync share at our upstream host
If we need a user we also need a password
Set to select the transport used for rsync.
Use rsync daemon over SSH. This requires a rsyncd.conf on the server. Additional options for the ssh client should be configured in ssh_config.
Use rsync daemon over SSL. This requires a SSL wrapper (e.g. stunnel) for the rsync daemon on the server. See the other RSYNC_SSL options below.
Default: 1873
Default: /etc/ssl/certs
ftpsync can use either stunnel, stunnel-old, or socat to set up the encrypted tunnel.
requires at least stunnel version 5.15 built aginst openssl 1.0.2 or later such that the stunnel build supports the checkHost service-level option. This will cause stunnel to verify both the peer certificate's validity and that it's actually for the host we wish to connect to.
will skip the checkHost check. As such it will connect to any peer that is able to present a valid certificate, regardless of which name it is made out to.
will verify the peer certificate name only starting with version 1.7.3 (Debian 9.0).

To test if things work, you can run:

rsync -e 'bin/rsync-ssl-tunnel -m socat -p 1873 -C /etc/ssl/certs' SERVER::

Default: stunnel

You may establish the connection via a web proxy by setting the environment variable RSYNC_PROXY to a hostname:port pair pointing to your web proxy. Note that your web proxy's configuration must support proxy connections to port 873.

These options add informations about the mirror to a publicly accessible file.

Groups and people responsible for this mirror. These contacts are used to report irregularities and problems with the mirror. They must actually accept mail.

Example: INFO_MAINTAINER="Admins <>, Person <>"

Organizations sponsoring this mirror.

Example: INFO_SPONSOR="Example <>"

The ISO 3361-1 code of the country hosting this mirror.


The location this mirror is hosted in.

Example: INFO_LOCATION="Example"

Available throughput for this mirror per second.


These options can be used to include or exclude specified architectures or other files from the mirror.

Notice: the source architecture needs to be included on an official/public mirror!

If you want to include only a subset of architectures, this is for you. Use as space seperated list of architectures in the archive you are mirroring from, "source" counts as architecture.

Architecture "all" will be included automatically if one binary architecture is included.

Mutually exclusive with ARCH_EXCLUDE.

Example: ARCH_INCLUDE="amd64 i386 source"

If you want to exclude an architecture, this is for you. Use as space seperated list of architectures in the archive you are mirroring from, "source" counts as architecture.

Mutually exclusive with ARCH_INCLUDE.

Example: ARCH_EXCLUDE="alpha arm arm64 armel mipsel mips s390 sparc"

If you do want to exclude files from the mirror run, put --exclude statements here. See rsync(1) for the exact syntax, these are passed to rsync as written here. DO NOT TRY TO EXCLUDE ARCHITECTURES OR SUITES WITH THIS, IT WILL NOT WORK!

In which directory should logfiles end up.

Default: ~/.local/log/ftpsync in the package, ${BASEDIR}/log otherwise

Name of our own logfile.

Note that ${NAME} is set by the ftpsync script depending on the way it is called. See README for a description of the multi-archive capability and better always include ${NAME} in this path.

Default: LOGDIR/{NAME}.log

If you do want a mail about every single sync, set this to false Everything else will only send mails if a mirror sync fails.

Default: true

If you want the logs to also include output of rsync, set this to true. Careful, the logs can get pretty big, especially if it is the first mirror run.

Default: false

We do create three logfiles for every run. To save space we rotate them, this defines how many we keep

Default: 14

Timeout for the lockfile, in case we have bash older than v4 (and no /proc)

Default: 3600

Number of seconds to sleep before retrying to sync whenever upstream is found to be updating while our update is running

Default: 1200

Number of times the update operation will be retried when upstream is found to be updating while our update is running. Note that these are retries, so: 1st attempt + retries = total attempts

Default: 3

The local hostname to be written to the trace file.

Default: $(hostname -f)

The rsync program
Extra rsync options as defined by the local admin. There is no default by ftpsync.

Please note that these options are added to EVERY rsync call. Also note that these are added at the beginning of the rsync call, as the very first set of options. Please ensure you do not add a conflict with the usual rsync options as shown below.

limit I/O bandwidth. Value is KBytes per second, unset or 0 means unlimited
Default rsync options every rsync invocation sees.


Default: See ftpsync script

Options the first pass gets. We do not want the Packages/Source indices here, and we also do not want to delete any files yet.


Default: See ftpsync script

Options the second pass gets. Now we want the Packages/Source indices too and we also want to delete files. We also want to delete files that are excluded.


Default: See ftpsync script

The following three options are used in case we want to "callback" the host we got pushed from.

Hook scripts can be run at various places during the sync.

After lock is acquired, before first rsync.
After first rsync, if successful.
After second rsync, if successful.
Right before leaf mirror triggering.

Note that Hook3 and Hook4 are likely to be called directly after each other. Difference is: Hook3 is called every time the second rsync was successful, but even if the mirroring needs to re-run thanks to a second push. Hook4 is only effective if we are done with mirroring.

After leaf mirror trigger, only if we have slave mirrors (HUB=true).


Debian mirror team.

ftpsync Manual