DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / funkload / fl-run-bench.1.en
FL-RUN-BENCH(1) Debian manual FL-RUN-BENCH(1)

fl-record - runs a funkload test

fl-record [ options ] file class.method

A funkload test can be turned into a load test, just by invoking the bench runner fl-run-bench.

show program's version number and exit
show this help message and exit
Base URL to bench.
Cycles to bench, this is a list of number of virtual concurrent users, to run a bench with 3 cycles with 5, 10 and 20 users use: -c 2:10:20
Duration of a cycle in seconds.
Minimum sleep time between request.
Maximum sleep time between request.
Startup delay between thread.
Monochrome output.
Do not fail if css/image links are not reachable.
Don't load additional links like css or images when fetching an html page.
Add a label to this bench run for easier identification (it will be appended to the directory name for reports generated from it).

fl-build-report(1), fl-credential-ctl(1), fl-install-demo(1), fl-monitor-ctl(1), fl-record(1), fl-run-test(1).

Funkload was written by Benoit Delbosc.

This manual page was written by Jose Parrella <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others).

26 March 2009 Debian Project