DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / garli-mpi / garli-mpi.1.en
GARLI(1) User Commands GARLI(1)

garli - phylogenetic analysis of molecular sequence data using maximum-likelihood (MPI version)

mpirun [MPI OPTIONS] garli-mpi -[# of times to execute config file] [config filename]

GARLI, Genetic Algorithm for Rapid Likelihood Inference is a program for inferring phylogenetic trees. Using an approach similar to a classical genetic algorithm, it rapidly searches the space of evolutionary trees and model parameters to find the solution maximizing the likelihood score. It implements nucleotide, amino acid and codon-based models of sequence evolution, and runs on all platforms. The latest version adds support for partitioned models and morphology-like datatypes. This is the MPI version of Garli.

interactive mode (allow and/or expect user feedback)
batch mode (do not expect user input) (batch is the default for the version you are running)
print version information and exit
print this help and exit
run internal tests (requires dataset and config file)
validate: load config file and data, validate config file, data, starting trees and constraint files, print required memory and selected model, then exit

NOTE: If no config filename is passed on the command line the program will look in the current directory for a file named "garli.conf"

This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.

June 2016 garli 2.1