DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / gazebo9 / gz.1.en
GZ(1) GZ(1)

gz - Gazebo command line tool for control and analysis.

gz command [option]... [argument]...

gz camera [options]

Change properties of a camera. If a name for the world, option -w, is not specified, the first world found on the Gazebo master will be used. A camera name is required.


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World name.
Camera name. Use gz camera -l to get a list of camera names.
List all cameras
Model to follow.

gz debug [options]

Used primarily for bash completion, this tool return the completion list for a given command.


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Show the command options.

gz help [options]

Output information about a gz command.


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gz joint [options]

Change properties of a joint. If a name for the world, option -w, is not specified, the first world found on the Gazebo master will be used. A model name and joint name are required.

It is recommended to use only one type of command: force, position PID, or velocity PID.

Force: Use --force to apply a force.

Position PID: Use --pos-t to specify a target position with --pos-p, --pos-i, --pos-d to specify the PID parameters.

Velocity PID: Use --vel-t to specify a target velocity with --vel-p, --vel-i, --vel-d to specify the PID parameters.


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World name.
Model name.
Joint name.
Delete a model.
Force to apply to a joint (N).
Target angle(rad) for rotation joints or position (m) for linear joints.
Position proportional gain.
Position integral gain.
Position differential gain.
Target speed (rad/s for rotational joints or m/s for linear joints).
Velocity proportional gain.
Velocity integral gain.
Velocity differential gain.

gz log [options]

Introspect and manipulate Gazebo log files. The log command can also start and stop data log recording from an active Gazebo server.


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Output information about a log file. Log filename should be specified using the --file option
Output the contents of a log file to screen.
Step through the contents of a log file.
Start/stop recording a log file from an active Gazebo server.O=stop record, 1=start recording.
World name, used when starting or stopping recording.
Output the data from echo and step without XML formatting.Used in conjuction with --echo or --step.
Add a timestamp to each line of output. Valid values are (sim,real,wall)
Filter output to the specified Hz rate.Only valid for echo and step commands.
Path to a log file.
Output file, valid in conjunction with the filter, raw, hz, and encoding commands. By default, the output file will have the same encoding as the source file. Override with the --encoding option
Specify the encoding (txt, zlib, or bz2) for an output file. Valid in conjunction with the output command. See also the --output argument.
Filter output. Valid only with the echo, step, and output commands

gz marker [options]

Add, modify, or delete visual markers.

Option Details

-a, --add: No argument

This option indicates that a marker should be added or modified. Use this in conjunction with -t to specify a marker type, -i to specify a marker id, -p to specify a parent, -f to specify a lifetime for the marker, or -n to specify a namespace.

-n, --namespace: string argument

Namespaces allow markers to be grouped. This option can be used the -a and -x command. The default namespace is empty string.

-i, --id: integer argument

Each marker has a unique id. Use this option with the -a command to assign an id to a marker. If -i is not specified, a value of zero will be used.

-t, --type: string argument

Use this command with -a to specify a marker type. The string argument must be one of: sphere, box, cylinder, line_list, line_strip, points, sphere, text, triangle_fan, triangle_list, triangle_strip.

-p, --parent: string argument

A marker can be attached to an existing visual. Use this command with -a to specify a parent visual. By default a marker is not attached to a parent visual.

-f, --lifetime: double argument

A marker's lifetime is the number of seconds that it will exist. Time starts counting when the marker is created. By default a marker has an infite lifetime.

-d, --delete: integer argument

This option will delete a single marker, if a marker exists with the specified id. The integer argument is the id of the marker to delete.

-x, --delete-all: no argument

Delete all markers.

-l, --list: no argument

List all markers.

-y, --layer: integer argument

Add or move a marker to the specified layer. Use this argument with the -a argument.

-m, --msg: string argument

Use this option to send a custom marker message. This option will override all other command line options. Details about the marker message can be found using:

$ ign msg -i ign_msgs.Marker


$ gz marker -m 'action: ADD_MODIFY, type: SPHERE, id: 2, scale: {x:0.2, y:0.4, z:1.2}'


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Add or modify a visual marker
Specify and send a marker message.
Namespace for the visual marker
Positive integer value of a visual marker
Type of geometry: box, cylinder, sphere, line_list, line_strip, points, text, triangle_fan, triangle_list, triangle_strip
Name of a visual to which this marker should be attached.
Simulation time the marker should last before deletion.
Delete an existing visual marker.
Delete all markers, or all markers in a namespace.
Get a list of the visual markers.
Add or move a marker to the specified layer.

gz model [options]

Change properties of a model, delete a model, or spawn a new model. If a name for the world, option -w, is not pecified, the first world found on the Gazebo master will be used.


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Model name.
World name.
Delete a model.
Spawn model from SDF file.
Spawn model from SDF string, pass by a pipe.
Output model state information to the terminal.
Output model pose as a space separated 6-tuple: x y z roll pitch yaw.

gz physics [options]

Change properties of the physics engine on a specific world. If a name for the world, option -w, is not specified, the first world found on the Gazebo master will be used.


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World name.
Gravity vector. Comma separated 3-tuple without whitespace, eg: -g 0,0,-9.8
Maximum step size (seconds).
Number of iterations.
Target real-time update rate.
Preset physics profile.

gz sdf [options]

Introspect, convert, and output SDF files. Use the -v option to specify the version of SDF for use with other options.


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Print SDF format for given version(-v).
In place conversion of arg to the latest SDF version.
Print HTML SDF. Use -v to specify version.
Validate arg.
Version of SDF to use with other options.
Print arg, useful for debugging and as a conversion tool.

gz stats [options]

Print gzserver statics to standard out. If a name for the world, option -w, is not specified, the first world found on the Gazebo master will be used.


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World name.
Duration (seconds) to run.
Output comma-separated values, useful for processing and plotting.

gz topic [options]

Print topic information to standard out. If a name for the world, option -w, is not specified, the first world found on the Gazebo master will be used.


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World name.
List all topics.
Get information about a topic.
Output topic data to screen.
View topic data using a QT widget.
Get publish frequency.
Get topic bandwidth.
Output data from echo without formatting.
Duration (seconds) to run. Applicable with echo, hz, and bw

gz world [options]

Change properties of a Gazebo world on a running server. If a name for the world, option -w, is not specified the first world found on the Gazebo master will be used.


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World name.
Pause/unpause simulation. 0=unpause, 1=pause.
Step simulation one iteration.
Step simulation mulitple iteration.
Reset time and model poses
Reset time
Reset models
September 2014