DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / gbsplay / gbsplayrc.5.en
gbsplayrc(5) Gameboy sound player gbsplayrc(5)

gbsplayrc - Gameboy sound player configuration file

/etc/gbsplayrc and ~/.gbsplayrc are used by gbsplay(1).

Comments are introduced by hash marks. A comment continues to the end of the line. Whitespace, including empty lines, is ignored. Option values follow the option name and an equal sign. Valid option value types are:

An integer number in decimal. 0 is considered false, everything else is true.
A single character denoting the endianness. n == native endian, l == little endian and b == big endian.
An integer number in decimal.
The name of an output plugin. Run gbsplay -o list to get a list of all available output plugins.

The output endianness.
The fadeout time in seconds. Instead of cutting of the subsong hard, do a soft fadeout.
In loop mode the playback will restart from the beginning after the last subsong.
The sound output plugin to be used.
The samplerate to be used.
Set the refresh delay in milliseconds. Larger values will lower CPU usage, but things as subsong changes, fadeouts, reactions to keypresses and the on-screen display will be delayed.
The silence timeout in seconds. When a subsong contains silence for the given time, the player will skip to the next subsong.
The subsong gap in seconds. Before playing the next subsong after the subsong timeout, play subsong_gap seconds of silence.
The subsong timeout in seconds. When a subsong has been played for the given time, the player will skip to the next subsong. A timeout of 0 seconds disables automatic subsong changes.
Sets the verbosity level (default: 3). A value of 0 means no messages on stdout.

Default location of the global configuration file.
User configuration file.

gbsplay(1), gbsinfo(1)

If you encounter bugs, please report them via or write to <>.

gbsplay was written by Tobias Diedrich <> (with contributions from others, see README).

gbsplay is licensed under GNU GPL.

0.0.93 Tobias Diedrich