DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / germinate / dh_germinate_clean.1.en

dh_germinate_clean - clean up files left by germinate-update-metapackage

dh_germinate_clean [debhelper options]

dh_germinate_clean is a debhelper program that cleans up some files created by "germinate-update-metapackage" that are useful for debugging but that should not appear in source packages. It removes any "*.old" files that match defined seeds (as listed in the "metapackage-map" file by a previous run of "germinate-update-metapackage"), and the "debootstrap-dir" file.

dh_germinate_clean is usually called indirectly in a rules file via the dh command.

                dh $@ --with germinate

You must build-depend on at least debhelper (>= 7.0.8) to use this form, and in any case you must build-depend on at least germinate (>= 1.18) to use this program at all.

It can also be called directly in the clean target at any time before dh_clean.


debhelper(7), germinate-update-metapackage(1)

This program is a part of germinate.

Colin Watson <>

Copyright (C) 2009 Canonical Ltd., licensed under the GNU GPL v2 or later.

2019-02-27 2.31