DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / gettext-lint / POFileConsistency.1.en

POFileConsistency - checks consistency in a collection of PO files

POFileConsistency [OPTION] [...] [FILE] [...]

POFileConsistency checks consistency in a collection of PO files.

show usage instructions
interactive mode, iterate though the inconsistencies using a text mode interface; see the Interactive Mode section
load a file with a list of equivalent msgstr for a given msgid; can be used multiple times
only report inconsistencies with at least one of the translations empty
only report inconsistencies if at least one of the files involved contain the given string
remove each of the chars from both msgid and msgstr before checking inconsistencies

In interactive mode you iterate through each of the inconsistencies found. In each prompt you can press Enter to ignore this inconsistency, a number of a possible translation (1, 2, ...) to change all the translations to that text, 0 to input a text to use in all the translations, l to add the exception to each of the PO files, or, if you are using at least one equivalents file, a to add the exception to the first of those files.

POFileConsistency recognizes several PO file header directives. As with all gettext lint tools, these directives are all prefixed with X-POFile.

remove the given msgid from the list of messages to check
replace all ocorrences of string1 with string2 before checking consistency

This files consists of a series of empty line separated blocks. For example:

msgid 1
possible translation 1
possible translation 2
possible translation n
msgid 2
possible translation 1
possible translation 2
possible translation n

gettext-lint web page:

Pedro Morais.
