DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / git-annex / git-annex-copy.1.en
git-annex-copy(1) General Commands Manual git-annex-copy(1)

git-annex-copy - copy content of files to/from another repository

git annex copy [path ...] [--from=remote|--to=remote]

Copies the content of files from or to another remote.

Copy the content of files from the specified remote to the local repository.
Any files that are not available on the remote will be silently skipped.
Copy the content of files from the local repository to the specified remote.
Copy the content of files from all reachable remotes to the local repository.
Enables parallel transfers with up to the specified number of jobs running at once. For example: -J10
Rather than copying all files, only copy files that don't yet have the desired number of copies, or that are preferred content of the destination repository. See git-annex-preferred-content(1)
When copying content to a remote, avoid a round trip to check if the remote already has content. This can be faster, but might skip copying content to the remote in some cases.
Rather than specifying a filename or path to copy, this option can be used to copy all available versions of all files.
This is the default behavior when running git-annex in a bare repository.
Operate on files in the specified branch or treeish.
Operate on files found by last run of git-annex unused.
Operate on files that have recently failed to be transferred.
Use this option to move a specified key.
The git-annex-matching-options(1) can be used to specify files to copy.
Enables batch mode, in which lines containing names of files to copy are read from stdin.
As each specified file is processed, the usual progress output is displayed. If a file's content does not need to be copied, or it does not match specified matching options, or it is not an annexed file, a blank line is output in response instead.
Since the usual output while copying a file is verbose and not machine-parseable, you may want to use --json in combination with --batch.
Makes the --batch input be delimited by nulls instead of the usual newlines.
Enable JSON output. This is intended to be parsed by programs that use git-annex. Each line of output is a JSON object.
Include progress objects in JSON output.
Messages that would normally be output to standard error are included in the json instead.





Joey Hess <>