Statistics - calculate statistics of a dataset
aststatistics [OPTION...] ASTRdata
Statistics is part of GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.8. Statistics will
do statistical analysis on the input dataset (table column or image). All
blank pixels or pixels outside of the given range are ignored. You can
either directly ask for certain statistics in one line/row as shown below
with the same order as requested, or get tables of different statistical
measures like the histogram, cumulative frequency style and etc. If no
particular statistic is requested, some basic information about the dataset
is printed on the command-line.
For more information, please run any of the following commands. In
particular the second contains a very comprehensive explanation of
Statistics's invocation: expected input(s), output(s), and a full
description of all the options.
- All options and their
- $ aststatistics -P
- Inputs/Outputs
and options:
- $ info aststatistics
- Full section in
- $ info Statistics
- Full Gnuastro
- $ info gnuastro
If you couldn't find your answer in the manual, you can get direct
help from experienced Gnuastro users and developers. For more information,
please run:
- $ info help-gnuastro
Statistics options:
- Input:
- -c,
- Column name or number if input is a table.
- -g,
- Only use values greater-equal than this.
- -h,
- Extension name or number of input data.
- -I,
- Ignore case in matching/searching columns.
- -l,
- Only use values less than this.
- -Q,
- Quantile range: one (from Q to 1-Q) or two.
- -r,
- Reference column name or number.
- --searchin=STR
- Select column(s): `name', `unit', `comment'.
- --stdintimeout=INT
- Micro-seconds to wait for standard input.
- Tessellation (tile grid):
- --checktiles
- Tile IDs in an image, the size of input.
- -F,
- Fraction of remainder to split last tile.
- -i,
- Interpolate over blank tiles to fill them.
- --interpnumngb=INT
- No. of neighbors to use for interpolation.
- --interponlyblank
- Only interpolate over the blank tiles.
-M, --numchannels=INT[,..] No. of channels
in dim.s (FITS order).
- --oneelempertile
- Display 1 element/tile, not full input res.
- --workoverch
- Work (not tile) over channel edges.
- -Z,
- Regular tile size on dim.s (FITS order).
- Output:
- -D,
- Don't delete output if it exists.
- -K,
- Keep input directory for automatic output.
- -o,
- Output file name.
- --tableformat=STR
- Table format: `fits-ascii', `fits-binary'.
- Single value measurements
- -d, --std
- Standad deviation.
- -E, --median
- Median.
- --maximum
- Maximum.
- --minimum
- Minimum.
- -m, --mean
- Mean.
- --modequant
- Mode quantile (see --mode)
- --modesym
- Mode symmetricity (see --mode).
- --modesymvalue
- Value at mode symmetricity (see --mode).
- --number
- Number (non-blank).
- -O, --mode
- Mode (Appendix C of arXiv:1505.01664).
- --quantfunc=FLT[,...]
- Quantile function (multiple values acceptable).
- --sum
- Sum.
- -u,
- Quantile (multiple values acceptable).
- Particular calculation
- --asciicfp
- Print an ASCII cumulative frequency plot.
- -A,
- Print an ASCII histogram.
- -C,
- Save the cumulative frequency plot in output.
- -H,
- Save the histogram in output.
- --mirror=FLT
- Save the histogram and CFP of the mirror dist.
- -s,
- Overall sigma-clipping (see `--sclipparams')
- -t, --ontile
- Single values on separate tiles, not full input.
- -y, --sky
- Find the Sky and its STD over the tessellation.
- Sky and Sky STD settings
- --checksky
- Store steps in `_sky_steps.fits' file.
- --ignoreblankinsky
- Don't write input's blanks in the Sky output.
- -k,
- File name of kernel to convolve input.
- --khdu=STR
- HDU/extension name or number of kernel.
- --meanmedqdiff=FLT
- Max. mode and median quantile diff. per tile.
- --mirrordist=FLT
- Max. distance (error multip.) to find mode.
--outliersclip=FLT,FLT Sigma-clip params for
qthresh outliers.
- --outliersigma=FLT
- Multiple of sigma to define outliers.
- --sclipparams=FLT,FLT
- Sigma clip: Multiple, and tolerance/number.
- --smoothwidth=INT
- Sky: flat kernel width to smooth interpolated.
- Histogram and CFP settings
- --asciiheight=INT
- Height of ASCII histogram or CFP plots.
- --manualbinrange
- Set min/max of bins manually, not from data.
- --maxbinone
- Scale such that the maximum bin has value of one.
- --numasciibins=INT
- No. of bins in ASCII histogram or CFP plots.
- --numbins=INT
- No. of bins in histogram or CFP tables.
- -n,
- Set sum of all bins to 1.
- --onebinstart=FLT
- Shift bins so one bin starts on this value.
- Operating modes:
- -?, --help
- give this help list
- --cite
- BibTeX citation for this program.
- --config=STR
- Read configuration file STR immediately.
- --lastconfig
- Do not parse any more configuration files.
- --minmapsize=INT
- Minimum bytes in array to not use ram RAM.
- -N,
- Number of CPU threads to use.
- --onlyversion=STR
- Only run if the program version is STR.
- -P,
- Print parameter values to be used and abort.
- -q, --quiet
- Only report errors, remain quiet about steps.
- -S,
- Set default values for this directory and abort.
- --usage
- give a short usage message
- -U,
- Set default values for this user and abort.
- -V, --version
- print program version
Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory
or optional for any corresponding short options.
GNU Astronomy Utilities home page:
Report bugs to
Copyright © 2015-2018, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU General public license version 3 or later.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO
WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Written/developed by Mohammad Akhlaghi
The full documentation for Statistics is maintained as a
Texinfo manual. If the info and Statistics programs are
properly installed at your site, the command
- info Statistics
should give you access to the complete manual.