DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / gnunet / gnunet-ecc.1.en
GNUNET-ECC(1) General Commands Manual GNUNET-ECC(1)

gnunet-ecc - manipulate GNUnet ECC key files

gnunet-ecc [options]FILENAME

gnunet-ecc can be used to create an ECC private key and to print the corresponding public key. You must specify a filename containing an ECC private key in GNUnet format as an argument. If the file does not exist, gnunet-ecc will create a key. This may then take a while. If the option -p is given, the corresponding public key will be printed to the console.

Create COUNT public-private key pairs and write them to FILENAME. Used for creating a file for testing.
Print the corresponding public key to stdout. This is the value used for PKEY records in GNS.
Print the corresponding peer identity (hash of the public key) to stdout. This hash is used for the name of peers.
Use the configuration file FILENAME.
Print short help on options.
Use LOGLEVEL for logging. Valid values are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING and ERROR.
Print GNUnet version number.

Report bugs by using Mantis <> or by sending electronic mail to <>

March 15, 2012 GNUnet