DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / gpsbabel / gpsbabel.1.en
GPSBABEL(1) gpsbabel documentation GPSBABEL(1)

gpsbabel - GPS route and waypoint data converter

GPSBabel Version 1.5.4.

./gpsbabel [options] -i INTYPE -f INFILE [filter] -o OUTTYPE -F OUTFILE ./gpsbabel [options] -i INTYPE -o OUTTYPE INFILE [filter] OUTFILE
Converts GPS route and waypoint data from one format type to another. The input type and filename are specified with the -i INTYPE and -f INFILE options. The output type and filename are specified with the -o OUTTYPE and -F OUTFILE options. If '-' is used for INFILE or OUTFILE, stdin or stdout will be used.
In the second form of the command, INFILE and OUTFILE are the first and second positional (non-option) arguments.
INTYPE and OUTTYPE must be one of the supported file types and may include options valid for that file type. For example:
'gpx', 'gpx,snlen=10' and 'ozi,snlen=10,snwhite=1'
(without the quotes) are all valid file type specifications.

Preferences file (gpsbabel.ini)
Synthesize shortnames
Process route information
Process track information
Process realtime tracking information
Process waypoint information [default]
Process command file (batch mode)
No smart icons on output
Invoke filter (placed between inputs and output)
Set debug level [0]
Print detailed help and exit
Print GPSBabel version and exit

Alan Map500 tracklogs (.trl)
Alan Map500 waypoints and routes (.wpr)
Brauniger IQ Series Barograph Download
Bushnell GPS Trail file
Bushnell GPS Waypoint file
Cambridge/Winpilot glider software
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
CarteSurTable data file
Columbus/Visiontac V900 files (.csv)
Comma separated values
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
CompeGPS data files (.wpt/.trk/.rte)
Default icon name
Index of route/track to write (if more than one in
Give points (waypoints/route points) a default rad
Length of generated shortnames (default 16)
Data Logger iBlue747 csv
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
Data Logger iBlue757 csv
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
DeLorme .an1 (drawing) file
Type of .an1 file
Road type changes
(0/1) Do not add geocache data to description
(0/1) Do not add URLs to description
Symbol to use for point data
Color for lines or mapnotes
Zoom level to reduce points
Waypoint type
Radius for circles
DeLorme GPL
DeLorme Street Atlas Plus
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
DeLorme Street Atlas Route
(0/1) Keep turns if simplify filter is used
(0/1) Only read turns; skip all other points
(0/1) Split into multiple routes at turns
Read control points as waypoint/route/none
(0/1) Synthesize track times
DeLorme XMap HH Native .WPT
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
DeLorme XMap/SAHH 2006 Native .TXT
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
DeLorme XMat HH Street Atlas USA .WPT (PPC)
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
Destinator Itineraries (.dat)
Destinator Points of Interest (.dat)
Destinator TrackLogs (.dat)
EasyGPS binary format
Embedded Exif-GPS data (.jpg)
(0/1) Set waypoint name to source filename
Time-frame (in seconds)
Locate waypoint for tagging by this name
(0/1) !OVERWRITE! the original file. Default=N
Energympro GPS training watch
Enigma binary waypoint file (.ert)
F90G Automobile DVR GPS log file
FAI/IGC Flight Recorder Data Format
(integer sec or 'auto') Barograph to GPS time diff
Flexible and Interoperable Data Transfer (FIT) Act
(0/1) Read all points even if latitude or longitude is m
FlySight GPS File
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
Franson GPSGate Simulation
Default speed for waypoints (knots/hr)
(0/1) Split input into separate files
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
G7ToWin data files (.g7t)
Garmin 301 Custom position and heartrate
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
Garmin G1000 datalog input filter file
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
Garmin Logbook XML
Garmin MapSource - gdb
Default category on output (1..16)
Bitmap of categories
Version of gdb file to generate (1..3)
(0/1) Drop route points that do not have an equivalent w
(0/1) Include major turn points (with description) from
Garmin MapSource - mps
Length of generated shortnames
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
Version of mapsource file to generate (3,4,5)
(0/1) Merge output with existing file
(0/1) Use depth values on output (default is ignore)
(0/1) Use proximity values on output (default is ignore)
Garmin MapSource - txt (tab delimited)
Read/Write date format (i.e. yyyy/mm/dd)
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
Distance unit [m=metric, s=statute]
Write position using this grid.
Precision of coordinates
Temperature unit [c=Celsius, f=Fahrenheit]
Read/Write time format (i.e. HH:mm:ss xx)
Write timestamps with offset x to UTC time
Garmin PCX5
Default icon name
(0/1) Write tracks compatible with Carto Exploreur
Garmin POI database
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
Garmin Points of Interest (.gpi)
(0/1) Enable alerts on speed or proximity distance
Use specified bitmap on output
Default category on output
(0/1) Don't show gpi bitmap on device
(0/1) Write description to address field
(0/1) Write notes to address field
(0/1) Write position to address field
Default proximity
After output job done sleep n second(s)
Default speed
(0/1) Create unique waypoint names (default = yes)
Units used for names with @speed ('s'tatute or 'm'
codec to use for writing strings
Garmin serial/USB protocol
Length of generated shortnames
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
Default icon name
(0/1) Return current position as a waypoint
(0/1) Command unit to power itself down
(0/1) Erase existing courses when writing new ones
(0/1) Sync GPS time to computer time
Category number to use for written waypoints
Bitmap of categories
Speed in bits per second of serial port (baud=9600
Garmin Training Center (.tcx)
(0/1) Write course rather than history, default yes
Sport: Biking (deflt), Running, MultiSport, Other
Garmin Training Center (.xml)
(0/1) Write course rather than history, default yes
Sport: Biking (deflt), Running, MultiSport, Other .loc
Default icon name
(0/1) Omit Placer name
Geogrid-Viewer ascii overlay file (.ovl)
Geogrid-Viewer binary overlay file (.ovl)
Geogrid-Viewer tracklogs (.log)
(0/1) Compact Output. Default is off.
GEOnet Names Server (GNS)
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
GlobalSat DG-100/BT-335 Download
(0/1) Erase device data after download
(0/1) Only erase device data, do not download anything
GlobalSat DG-200 Download
(0/1) Erase device data after download
(0/1) Only erase device data, do not download anything
GlobalSat GH625XT GPS training watch
(0/1) list tracks
get track
Dump raw data to this file
(0/1) Dump raw data to this file
Google Directions XML
Google Earth (Keyhole) Markup Language
Default icon name
(0/1) Export linestrings for tracks and routes
(0/1) Export placemarks for tracks and routes
Width of lines, in pixels
Line color, specified in hex AABBGGRR
(0/1) Altitudes are absolute and not clamped to ground
(0/1) Draw extrusion line from trackpoint to ground
(0/1) Write KML track (default = 0)
(0/1) Include extended data for trackpoints (default = 1
(0/1) Indicate direction of travel in track icons (defau
Units used when writing comments ('s'tatute, 'm'et
(0/1) Display labels on track and routepoints (default
Retain at most this number of position points (0
Rotate colors for tracks and routes (default autom
Precision of coordinates, number of decimals
Google Navigator Tracklines (.trl)
GoPal GPS track log (.trk)
Complete date-free tracks with given date (YYYYMMD
The maximum speed (km/h) traveling from waypoint t
The minimum speed (km/h) traveling from waypoint t
(0/1) Cleanup common errors in trackdata
GPS Tracking Key Pro text
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
GPS TrackMaker
GPSBabel arc filter file
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
GpsDrive Format
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
GpsDrive Format for Tracks
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
Length of generated shortnames
(0/1) No whitespace in generated shortnames
(0/1) Create waypoints from geocache log entries
Base URL for link tag in output
Target GPX version for output
(0/1) Add info (depth) as Humminbird extension
(0/1) Add info (depth) as Garmin extension
Holux (gm-100) .wpo Format
Holux M-241 (MTK based) Binary File Format
MTK compatible CSV output file
Holux M-241 (MTK based) download
(0/1) Erase device data after download
(0/1) Only erase device data, do not download anything
(0/1) Enable logging after download
MTK compatible CSV output file
Size of blocks in KB to request from device
Honda/Acura Navigation System VP Log File Format
HTML Output
Path to HTML style sheet
(0/1) Encrypt hints using ROT13
(0/1) Include groundspeak logs if present
Degrees output as 'ddd', 'dmm'(default) or 'dms'
Units for altitude (f)eet or (m)etres
Humminbird tracks (.ht)
Humminbird waypoints and routes (.hwr)
IGN Rando track files
Index of track to write (if more than one in sourc
iGo Primo points of interest (.upoi)
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
iGO2008 points of interest (.upoi)
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
IGO8 .trk
Track identification number
Track title
Track description
Jelbert GeoTagger data file XML format
Kompass (DAV) Track (.tk)
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
Kompass (DAV) Waypoints (.wp)
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
KuDaTa PsiTrex text
Lowrance USR
(0/1) Ignore event marker icons on read
(0/1) Treat waypoints as icons on write
(0/1) (USR output) Merge into one segmented track
(0/1) (USR input) Break segments into separate tracks
(USR output) Write version
Lowrance USR version 4
(output) Output title string
(output) Device serial number
(output) Content description
Magellan Explorist Geocaching
Magellan Mapsend
MapSend version TRK file to generate (3,4)
Magellan SD files (as for eXplorist)
Default icon name
Max number of comments to write (maxcmts=200)
Magellan SD files (as for Meridian)
Default icon name
Max number of comments to write (maxcmts=200)
Magellan serial protocol
Default icon name
Max number of comments to write (maxcmts=200)
Numeric value of bitrate (baud=4800)
(0/1) Suppress use of handshaking in name of speed
(0/1) Delete all waypoints
MagicMaps IK3D project file (.ikt)
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
Map&Guide 'TourExchangeFormat' XML
(0/1) Include only via stations in route
MapAsia track file (.tr7)
Mapbar (China) navigation track for Sonim Xp3300
Mapfactor Navigator Mapconverter CSV
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
MapTech Exchange Format
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
MediaTek Locus
Speed in bits per second of serial port (autodetec
(0/1) Download logged fixes
(0/1) Erase device data after download
(0/1) Show device status
(0/1) Enable logging after download
Memory-Map Navigator overlay files (.mmo)
(0/1) Write items 'locked' [default no]
(0/1) Write items 'visible' [default yes]
Write files with internal version [n]
Microsoft Streets and Trips 2002-2007
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
MiniHomer, a skyTraq Venus 6 based logger (downloa
Baud rate used for download
Dump raw data to this file
(0/1) Erase device data after download
First sector to be read from the device
Baud rate used to init device (0=autodetect)
Last sector to be read from the device (-1: smart
(0/1) Disable output (useful with erase)
Number of sectors to read at once (0=use single se
POI for Home Symbol as lat:lng[:alt]
POI for Car Symbol as lat:lng[:alt]
POI for Boat Symbol as lat:lng[:alt]
POI for Heart Symbol as lat:lng[:alt]
POI for Bar Symbol as lat:lng[:alt]
Mobile Garmin XT Track files
Garmin Mobile XT ([ATRK]/STRK) (required)
Track name processing option ([0]-nrm/1-ign)
Motoactiv CSV
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
Motorrad Routenplaner (Map&Guide) .bcr files
Index of route to write (if more than one in sourc
New name for the route
Radius of our big earth (default 6371000 meters)
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
MTK Logger (iBlue 747,...) Binary File Format
MTK compatible CSV output file
MTK Logger (iBlue 747,Qstarz BT-1000,...) download
(0/1) Erase device data after download
(0/1) Only erase device data, do not download anything
(0/1) Enable logging after download
MTK compatible CSV output file
Size of blocks in KB to request from device
MyNav TRC format
National Geographic Topo .tpg (waypoints)
Datum (default=NAD27)
National Geographic Topo 2.x .tpo
National Geographic Topo 3.x/4.x .tpo XML
(0/1) Suppress retired geocaches
Navigon Mobile Navigator .rte files
Index of route to write (if more than one in sourc
Navigon Waypoints
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
NaviGPS GT-11/BGT-11 Download
(0/1) Delete all track points
(0/1) Delete all routes
(0/1) Delete all waypoints
(0/1) Clear the datalog
(0/1) Read from datalogger buffer
(0/1) Command unit to power itself down
NaviGPS GT-31/BGT-31 datalogger (.sbp)
NaviGPS GT-31/BGT-31 SiRF binary logfile (.sbn)
Naviguide binary route file (.twl)
'wp' - Create waypoint file , 'rte' - Create route
'n' - Keep the existing wp name, 'y' - rename wayp
Navitel binary track (.bin)
Navitrak DNA marker format
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
NetStumbler Summary File (text)
Non-stealth encrypted icon name
Non-stealth non-encrypted icon name
Stealth encrypted icon name
Stealth non-encrypted icon name
(0/1) Shortname is MAC address
NIMA/GNIS Geographic Names File
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
NMEA 0183 sentences
Max length of waypoint name to write
(0/1) Read/write GPRMC sentences
(0/1) Read/write GPGGA sentences
(0/1) Read/write GPVTG sentences
(0/1) Read/write GPGSA sentences
Complete date-free tracks with given date (YYYYMMD
(0/1) Return current position as a waypoint
Decimal seconds to pause between groups of strings
(0/1) Append realtime positioning data to the output fil
Speed in bits per second of serial port (baud=4800
(0/1) Write tracks for Gisteq Phototracker
(0/1) Accept position fixes in gpgga marked invalid
Nokia Landmark Exchange
(0/1) Compact binary representation
OpenStreetMap data files
Write additional way tag key/value pairs
Write additional node tag key/value pairs
Use this value as custom created_by value
(0/1) Write all tracks into one file
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Waypoint foreground color
Waypoint background color
Proximity distance
Unit used in altitude values
Unit used in proximity values
PocketFMS breadcrumbs
PocketFMS flightplan (.xml)
PocketFMS waypoints (.txt)
Raymarine Waypoint File (.rwf)
Default location
Ricoh GPS Log File
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
See You flight analysis data
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
Skymap / KMD150 ascii files
SkyTraq Venus based loggers (download)
(0/1) Erase device data after download
Set location finder target location as lat,lng
Configure logging parameter as tmin:tmax:dmin:dmax
Baud rate used for download
Baud rate used to init device (0=autodetect)
Number of sectors to read at once (0=use single se
First sector to be read from the device
Last sector to be read from the device (-1: smart
Dump raw data to this file
(0/1) Disable output (useful with erase)
SkyTraq Venus based loggers Binary File Format
First sector to be read from the file
Last sector to be read from the file (-1: read til
SubRip subtitles for video mapping (.srt)
Video position for which exact GPS time is known (
GPS time at position video_time (hhmmss, default i
GPS date at position video_time (hhmmss, default i
Format for subtitles
Suunto Trek Manager (STM) .sdf files
Index of route (if more than one in source)
Suunto Trek Manager (STM) WaypointPlus files
Index of route/track to write (if more than one in
Swiss Map 25/50/100 (.xol)
Tab delimited fields useful for OpenOffice, Plotic
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
Teletype [ Get Jonathon Johnson to describe
Textual Output
(0/1) Suppress separator lines between waypoints
(0/1) Encrypt hints using ROT13
(0/1) Include groundspeak logs if present
Degrees output as 'ddd', 'dmm'(default) or 'dms'
Units for altitude (f)eet or (m)etres
(0/1) Write each waypoint in a separate file
TomTom Itineraries (.itn)
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
TomTom Places Itineraries (.itn)
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
TomTom POI file (.asc)
Max synthesized shortname length
(0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
(0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
(0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
Basename prepended to URL on output
(0/1) Use shortname instead of description
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
TomTom POI file (.ov2)
TopoMapPro Places File
TrackLogs digital mapping (.trl)
Index of track (if more than one in source)
U.S. Census Bureau Tiger Mapping Service
(0/1) Suppress labels on generated pins
Generate file with lat/lon for centering map
Margin for map. Degrees or percentage
Max shortname length when used with -s
Days after which points are considered old
Marker type for old points
Marker type for new points
(0/1) Suppress whitespace in generated shortnames
Marker type for unfound points
Width in pixels of map
Height in pixels of map
(0/1) The icon description is already the marker
Universal csv with field structure in first line
GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
Write position using this grid.
Write timestamps with offset x to UTC time
(0/1) Write name(s) of format(s) from input session(s)
(0/1) Write filename(s) from input session(s)
Name and order of input fields, separated by '+'
Vcard Output (for iPod)
(0/1) Encrypt hints using ROT13
VidaOne GPS for Pocket PC (.gpb)
Version of VidaOne file to read or write (1 or 2)
Vito Navigator II tracks
Vito SmartMap tracks (.vtt)
WiFiFoFum 2.0 for PocketPC XML
Infrastructure closed icon name
Infrastructure open icon name
Ad-hoc closed icon name
Ad-hoc open icon name
(0/1) Shortname is MAC address
Wintec TES file
Wintec WBT-100/200 Binary File Format
Wintec WBT-100/200 GPS Download
(0/1) Erase device data after download
Wintec WBT-201/G-Rays 2 Binary File Format
XAiOX iTrackU Logger
Appends the input to a backup file
Only waypoints that are not the backup file
XAiOX iTrackU Logger Binary File Format
Appends the input to a backup file
Only waypoints that are not the backup file
Yahoo Geocode API data
String to separate concatenated address fields (de

Include Only Points Within Distance of Arc
File containing vertices of arc
Route(s) are vertices of arc
Track(s) are vertices of arc
Maximum distance from arc (required)
Exclude points close to the arc
Use distance from vertices not lines
Move waypoints to its projection on lines or verti
Add points before and after bends in routes
Distance to the bend in meters where the new point
Minimum bend angle in degrees
Remove unreliable points with high hdop or vdop
Suppress points with higher hdop
Suppress points with higher vdop
Link hdop and vdop supression with AND
Minimium sats to keep points
Suppress points without fix
Suppress points with unknown fix
Suppress points below given elevation in meters
Suppress points above given elevation in meters
Suppress points where name matches given name
Suppress points where description matches given na
Suppress points where comment matches given name
Suppress points where type matches given name
Remove Duplicates
Suppress duplicate waypoints based on name
Suppress duplicate waypoint based on coords
Suppress all instances of duplicates
Use coords from duplicate points
Interpolate between trackpoints
Time interval in seconds
Distance interval in miles or kilometers
Interpolate routes instead
Remove all waypoints, tracks, or routes
Remove all waypoints from data stream
Remove all tracks from data stream
Remove all routes from data stream
Include Only Points Inside Polygon
File containing vertices of polygon (required)
Exclude points inside the polygon
Remove Points Within Distance
Maximum positional distance (required)
Suppress all points close to other points
Maximum time in seconds beetween two points (required)
Include Only Points Within Radius
Latitude for center point (D.DDDDD) (required)
Longitude for center point (D.DDDDD) (required)
Maximum distance from center (required)
Exclude points close to center
Inhibit sort by distance to center
Output no more than this number of points
Put resulting waypoints in route of this name
Simplify routes
Maximum number of points in route
Maximum error
Use cross-track error (default)
Use arclength error
Use relative error
Rearrange waypoints by resorting
Sort by numeric geocache ID
Sort by waypoint short name
Sort by waypoint description
Sort by time
Save and restore waypoint lists
Push waypoint list onto stack
Pop waypoint list from stack
Swap waypoint list with <depth> item on stack
(push) Copy waypoint list
(pop) Append list
(pop) Discard top of stack
(pop) Replace list (default)
(swap) Item to use (default=1)
Reverse stops within routes
Manipulate track lists
Correct trackpoint timestamps by a delta
Pack all tracks into one
Split by date or time interval (see README)
Split by distance
Merge multiple tracks for the same way
Use only track(s) where title matches given name
Use only track points after this timestamp
Use only track points before this timestamp
Basic title for new track(s)
Synthesize GPS fixes (PPS, DGPS, 3D, 2D, NONE)
Synthesize course
Synthesize speed
Split track at segment boundaries into multiple tr
Merge tracks inserting segment separators at bound
segment tracks with abnormally long gaps
Add specified timestamp to each trackpoint
Discard track points without timestamps during mer
Discard tracks with fewer than these points
Transform waypoints into a route, tracks into rout
Transform track(s) or route(s) into waypoint(s) [R
Transform waypoint(s) or track(s) into route(s) [W
Transform waypoint(s) or route(s) into tracks(s) [
Number of digits in generated names
Use source name for route point names
Delete source data after transformation
Manipulate altitudes
Adds a constant value to every altitude (meter, ap
Converts WGS84 ellipsoidal height to orthometric h
Swap latitude and longitude of all loaded points
Validate internal data structures
Check for empty input
Output debug messages instead of possibly issuing

Detailed lists of filters and formats are given in the doc at /usr/share/doc/gpsbabel/htmldoc/.

October 2017