gpx2shp - Convert GPX files to ESRI Shape file
gpx2shp [options] [-o output file] gpxfile
gpx2shp is a converter from GPX file to ESRI/Shape file. This is a
output of Metro Manila Transit Map Project by JOCV (Japan Overseas
Cooperation Volunteers) program of JICA (Japan International Cooperation
Agency) in 2004. It is provided you on GPL2.
- -o, --output
- Sets output basename. The default is (source file name) - (extension
- -w, --waypoints
- Converts only waypoints data from a gpx file.
- -t, --trackpoints
- Converts only trackpoints data from a gpx file.
- -r, --routes
- Converts only routes data from a gpx file.
- -a, --all
- Converts all types of data from a gpx file.(default)
- -e, --as-edge
- Makes a separated output by each edges.
- -p, --as-point
- Makes a separated output by each points.
- -s, --stats
- Shows simple statistics of the outputs.
- -b,
- Stores only basic data as attribures to reduce memory and storage usage.
(ele, name, cmt, type, time, fix, sym and number).
- -L, --no-length
- Removes length column from a waypoint or trackpoint attribute table.
- -S, --no-speed
- Removes speed column from a waypoint or trackpoint attribute table.
- -T, --no-time
- Removes time column from an attribute table.
- -g, --gpxline
- Adds line number of GPX file as attribures.
- -f, --fast
- Make it faster without any checks.
- -3, --3d
- Converts data using 3d format. (It's not compatible for Arcview 3.x.)
- --min-points
- Sets path minimum points to convert for noise reduction. Default is
- --min-length
- Sets path minimum length to convert for noise reduction. Default is
- --min-time
- Sets path minimum time period to convert for noise reduction. Default is
- --length-unit
- Sets length unit from m,km,feet,mi and etc. The default is m. You can see
the unit list from "geod -lu" command.
- --time-unit
- Sets time unit. The default is sec. You can set from day, hour, min and
- --speed-length-unit
- Sets length unit for speed. The default is km. You can see the unit list
from "geod -lu" command.
- --speed-time-unit
- Sets time unit for speed calculation. Default is hour. You can set from
day, hour, min and sec.
- --length-ellipsoid
- Sets length ellipsoid like UGS84, clrk66. The default is UGS84. You can
see the unit list from "geod -le" command.
- -v, --verbose
- Gives many messages.
- --version
- Shows version.
- -h, --help
- Shows this list.
Toshihiro Hiraoka
Petter Reinholdtsen
Please e-mail your bugs or opinions to
hiraoka [@at@]
gpx2shp / gps2shp homepage