DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / grass-doc / d.profile.1grass.en
d.profile(1grass) Grass User's Manual d.profile(1grass)

d.profile - Plots profile of a transect.

display, profile, raster

d.profile --help
d.profile [-r] map=name coordinates=east,north[,east,north,...] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]

Use map’s range recorded range

Print usage summary

Verbose module output

Quiet module output

Force launching GUI dialog

Raster map to be profiled

Profile coordinate pairs

This command displays the profile for a specified transect.

d.where, r.profile, r.transect, wxGUI profile tool

Glynn Clements This program has been completely re-written for 7.0. It bears no relation to the interactive d.profile module in previous versions.

Last changed: $Date: 2014-09-27 23:56:16 +0200 (Sat, 27 Sep 2014) $

Available at: d.profile source code (history)

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