DOKK / manpages / debian 10 / grass-doc / g.remove.1grass.en
g.remove(1grass) Grass User's Manual g.remove(1grass)

g.remove - Removes data base element files from the user’s current mapset using the search pattern.

general, map management, remove

g.remove --help
g.remove [-irefb] type=datatype[,datatype,...] [name=string[,string,...]] [ignore=string[,string,...]] [pattern=string] [exclude=string] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]

Ignore case

Use basic regular expressions instead of wildcards

Use extended regular expressions instead of wildcards

Force removal (required for actual deletion of files)

Remove base raster maps

Print usage summary

Verbose module output

Quiet module output

Force launching GUI dialog

Data type(s)
Options: raster, raster_3d, vector, label, region, group, all
raster: raster map(s)
raster_3d: 3D raster map(s)
vector: vector map(s)
label: paint label file(s)
region: region definition(s)
group: imagery group(s)
all: all types

Name of file(s) to remove

Name of file(s) to ignore (default: none)

File name search pattern

File name exclusion pattern (default: none)

g.remove removes data files matching a pattern given by wildcards or POSIX Extended Regular Expressions. If the -f force flag is not given then nothing is removed, instead the list of selected file names is printed to stdout as a preview of the files to be deleted.

Delete map1 and map2 raster maps in the current mapset:

g.remove -f type=raster name=tmp1,tmp2

Delete all raster and vector maps starting with "tmp_" in the current mapset:

# show matching raster and vector maps but do not delete yet (as verification)
g.remove type=raster,vector pattern="tmp_*"
# actually delete the matching raster and vector maps
g.remove -f type=raster,vector pattern="tmp_*"

Delete all vector maps starting with "stream_" in the current mapset, but exclude those ending with "_final":

g.remove -f type=vector pattern="stream_*" exclude="*_final"

Huidae Cho

Last changed: $Date: 2014-12-19 21:06:05 +0100 (Fri, 19 Dec 2014) $

Available at: g.remove source code (history)

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